
Lv 7
回覆: 18
2019-10-22 11:55 pm
It won’t heal. It keeps getting infected: what do I do?
回覆: 2
2019-09-13 10:37 am
Loss of balance, lower back pain, neck pain, and brain fog?
回覆: 6
2019-07-26 1:59 am
Got a tetanus shot 24 hours after injury?
回覆: 111
2019-07-08 6:19 am
Do all men masturbate?
回覆: 5
2019-07-05 8:26 am
Can someone in the medical field explain this rash by testes?
回覆: 19
2018-12-05 1:16 pm
Can anyone give me advice on depression?
回覆: 5
2018-09-09 6:32 pm
Heart and upper shoulder pain all last night, the pain has stopped now, i do suffer with anxiety but i feel this may be a heart disease?
回覆: 124
2018-04-15 3:27 pm
Do you wish you could relive your past?
回覆: 93
2018-02-22 1:05 pm
Should guns be banned ? Yes or No?
回覆: 4
2016-12-25 5:27 am
do steroids actually make your penis shrink?
回覆: 126
2016-11-23 4:43 pm
Is animal life equal to human life?
回覆: 724
2016-10-04 2:50 pm
If you were to die what would your last words be?
回覆: 4
2016-05-25 12:33 pm
I'm dangerous?
回覆: 10
2016-05-02 8:19 am
Can anyone please help me out ? Any answer will be GREATLY appreciated.?
回覆: 5
2016-04-29 3:06 am
Could this be cancer?
回覆: 185
2015-12-30 7:13 pm
Do you think Bill Cosby had un-consensual sex with Andrea Constand?
回覆: 6
2015-12-16 11:52 am
Do I have a heart problem?
回覆: 7
2015-11-01 5:26 pm
Is my anxiety causing me aches and pains? I don't know what's wrong.?
回覆: 2
2015-09-07 11:34 am
Lump under skin after being shot with a powerful BB gun?
回覆: 1
2015-08-01 2:32 am
Mark on skin , worried may be cancerous HELP !?
回覆: 3
2015-07-30 11:59 am
Do vitamin tablets actually work?
回覆: 16
2015-07-28 1:11 am
How do you fit a sock on your head? ( So people cant read your mind )?
回覆: 1716
2015-07-16 12:37 pm
Poll: What is something you do to feel good?
回覆: 2
2015-07-15 2:56 am
Volunteering at animal shelter?
回覆: 1
2015-07-04 12:18 pm
I don't understand why I'm depressed?
回覆: 1
2015-06-19 12:46 am
For 7 months I have felt horrible,ill and depressed.?
回覆: 1
2015-06-04 12:53 pm
I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out in 3 months. Help?
回覆: 4
2015-04-08 3:51 am
Why am I so scared of smoking weed ?
回覆: 5
2015-03-22 11:46 pm
This is a SERIOUS QUESTION! COULD I be arrested?!?
回覆: 3
2015-03-22 8:23 pm
I told my bf that he makes me horny?
回覆: 3
2013-11-22 10:44 pm
after masturbation headache?
回覆: 8
2013-04-14 1:40 pm
If all the new proposed gun laws had been in place would they have prevented Newtown?
回覆: 9
2012-01-22 5:08 am
I poked a qtip in my ear and it hurts. Help!!!!!?
回覆: 2
2010-05-22 5:25 am
What are the long term consequences to overdosing on pills?
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