Do vitamin tablets actually work?

2015-07-30 11:59 am

I've been told by a friend who studies Biology at University that all vitamins and supplements are pointless, as they simply disintegrate when they enter the body and don't actually release any vitamins/supplements. Obviously I know there is no magic pill and fresh veg etc is always healthier, but I have an iron and zinc deficiency so I've been trying to take A-Z vitamins daily as coming by oysters and other high iron/zinc foods is proving challenging! But is there any point if they don't work?

回答 (3)

2015-07-30 1:41 pm
Yes but it depends on the product as some are cheap and aren't going to absorb well. There is a simple vinegar test you can try out (see video below) to see if your supplement breaks down.

I've corrected a very long list of deficiency states, many of them severe deficiencies, taking vitamin and mineral supplements. I have autoimmune pernicious anaemia (unable to absorb vitamin B12 in the gut) and take 2000 mcg daily of sublingual (under the tongue) B12 spray for that.

Vitamin Test??:
2015-07-30 12:54 pm
They provide vitamins but unless you have a deficiency I cannot say they do anything.
2015-07-30 12:28 pm
They do work once you have a deficiency or an illness example if you have anemia you would need extra Vitamin b12 and persons who consume more Vitamin c is less likely to get a cold than those who don't .

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