Do you think Bill Cosby had un-consensual sex with Andrea Constand?

2015-12-30 7:13 pm
She went to his home for dinner more than once, she drank wine and knowingly took pills Cosby gave her.

回答 (185)

2015-12-30 9:49 pm
So the victim is victimized again......and while I had a hard time with this one as well, just because she went to dinner and joined him in some recreational drugs, that doesn't mean she agreed to sex. And if she was virtually unconscious during the act, then she didn't give consent. She can still feel violated and she was. The unfortunate thing is that I'm sure there have been more women, and to come up against a mega-star takes a great deal of courage. What I wonder, however, is why Mr. Cosby needed to have these women unconscious in order to have sex with them? Power? Absolute control? Something fishy there.
2015-12-30 9:30 pm
The only thing Bill Cosby is guilty of is cheating on his wife. Back in the day, quaaludes was the mollies of that day. Nearly all of those stars did that drug, women and men knowingly took that drug at parties and had all kinds of get togethers. That is why they called that drug the love drug. They took it then got their f**k on. Those females knowingly had sex with Bill Cosby after they took those pills and now they want money. It's easy to pin a crime on a black man because it will be believed automatically. Sh*t, if that's the case, I can say that I had sex with Bill Cosby and he drugged me and it would be believed.
2015-12-30 9:29 pm
I will see humanity when this is no longer a question.

I have not gone after the men who sexually assaulted me, I may never. What most people who have not been through it don t understand is that it is a very emotional and scary thing to deal with. Years after it happened, I still think about it and get really depressed. And yes, this is after years of therapy. I can t even imagine adding the legal system and trying to prove what he did to strangers. I could never even see him again. It would be too much.

So why, I ask, do you feel the need to point out what SHE did?
"SHE went to his house."
"SHE drank wine."
"SHE took pills."

SHE did not consent to sex. HE raped her.

Placing any ounce of blame on her, or any victim of rape is not only contributing to the rape culture of America, it is also making women even more afraid to tell their story. So good for her for finally having the courage and strength to make her experience known. Instead of trying to blame the victim, we should be supporting them in their struggles, and applauding their bravery.
2015-12-30 9:15 pm
I have no idea as I was not there. I do think a lot of women who did have consensual sex with him now see him as good way to make money. How many actors have had sex with numerous women without being accused? How come he gets accused of drugging every woman when I doubt he would have had too. Too long a time has passed between the so called rapes and the accusations. He is now older and probably has forgotten most of the events.
2015-12-30 11:15 pm
He has a history of un consensual sex and reports about these by women all over the country.
I worked with men as a musician for many years. My friends and I sometimes slept in the same motel rooms because you know bands are usually not flush with money. None of my friends ever forced me into sex and it is ridiculous to slut shame women for assuming they have the same rights and privileges as males. We had a professional relationship but we were also friends. I think about my male friends and some of them liked me in this way but they were never inappropriate with me. Another friend of mine offered me some peyote and I had never done peyote. We were friends . It can happen and we never had anything close to sex. I think yes, I drank some peyote in a tea but we never had sex and he didn't even make the effort and he isn't gay. He had integrity. You understand some men have integrity and are trustworthy. In the music business it is common to sleep where you can sleep I never thought I was taking my life into my hands or virtue or whatever. I think it is unreasonable to assume that if someone gives you a pill, you intend to have hot sex. You may just be curious. I never did peyote again or any hallucinogens. Men are able to control their sexual impulses. It is ridiculous to assume they just can't and Andrea was asking for it. You do see the common thread is the business of entertaining. He could impart information and provide contacts and he hid under the guise of being a family man with a wife at home. That is the problem with Mr. Cosby.
2015-12-30 9:35 pm
I don't wanna take a guess on this one. Growing up I was a huge bill Cosby fan but at the same time I'm against sexual assault. I hope there's a good ending to this
2015-12-31 7:22 am
I think a court should decide. Right now, I'm glad that someone got him into court, period. The rest of the women may never have a say, but at least one will.

She could have been his mistress for 50 years, having sex every hour, and still said no once and it's rape. And, depending on what he did, it may not matter. Anal sex, digital penetration, and a number of other things are all still illegal. Everyone complains about gays having sex, but this is more about sodomy. It applies equally to male and female. But, only the gays get harassed over it. In this case, Cosby may have broken the law even if she agreed.

Personally, I'm sick of these terms. Let's call it what it is. Rape. If she did NOT give her consent, it was RAPE. Stop sugar coating it and making it sound better for the rapist. We blame the victim over and over again and then protect the attacker by making it sound more polite. Even "date rape" isn't acceptable. Using drugs is no less harmful than using a gun or beating her. She said no, he did anyway, so fry him.
2015-12-31 3:43 am
I think this is a hit by a liberal media, because he was asking black men to take responsible for their own lives. Funny how when a black man stands up and changes the narrative mysterious sex charges come up. Michael Jackson. Bill Cosby. Clarence Thomas. Kobe Bryant. Hermain Cain.

Bill Cosby was one man who worked hard to show respectible black people living well and prosperous.

Most of these "victims" lack credibility.
And what they describe in their story isnt even date rape. They were given a choice to take em or leave.
And then most repeated the process.
2015-12-31 2:28 am
To ,be honest no-one really knows this answer except the two people that were there together. I think we can assume this or that about what happened and did she say yes or no to consensual sex. They both were drinking and apparently enjoying each other's company or if not why were they together to start with. I think the courts will have to decide the outcome on this and say guilty or not guilty. Sorry but i honestly can't say and i don't think anyone else can either. Like they say everybody has an opinion.... but not everybody has the right answer.
2015-12-31 7:12 am
I really doubt that Miss Constand cared about Mrs. Cosby and would willingly break up her marriage for a chance to use Mr. Cosby. The really strange thing about all these stories of sex that you hear is the one sided way the story is told and how that then determines the public perception of who/what was right and who/what was wrong. In this case, the story is bad Mr. Cosby and innocent girls who where victims. That is pure BS. All of these women that went to Cosby's room for whatever excuse knew that they were going there to f+++ his socks off and expected to benefit from it. Now, the story is being shifted to a new political correctness concept that it is illegal for a man to seduce a woman. That means that every man out there could be in jail, and the idea of sex never enters a woman's mind.
2015-12-30 10:16 pm
Based on the information, probably the sex was consensual. However, there is the question whether he used positional power to "persuade" her to consent. After all, he was in a power position over her at the time, being a "major" star and possibly making promises he had no intention of keeping.

The trouble is, it becomes a matter of his word against her's. And no actual witnesses to give more complete information. It's going to be a matter of whether he was habitually using his power position or not. But even that is more circumstantial than provable.
2015-12-30 7:16 pm
It's Bill Cosby, any hole is a goal.
2015-12-31 3:56 am
Nope it was consensual. All this bill cosby raped 50 women is bullshit.
They are being payed to take him down,I'm will not make a decision until
the unbiased and full story is out. E.g. If i shot someone and was being trialed and said i didn't shoot the guy do you think the judge would believe me? Nope . Then why are they doing this with bill cosby they are just believing what the women say and have no irrefutable proof. Its all bullshit
2015-12-31 4:53 am
Why are all these women talking some 20 or so years later? Why didn't they say anything when it happened?
I'm not a Bill Cosby fan but something is fishy.
2015-12-31 12:42 am
Bill Clinton is probably wondering why he didn t think of this.
Bill Cosby would be fine if he hadn t given that speech at the 50th anniversary of Brown criticizing black culture.
Within a month the first charges came out.
2015-12-30 10:41 pm
Why is this garbage in the politics & government section?
2015-12-30 9:14 pm
I been out with many women (before marriage of course) there in the past has been a problem with woman that say yes, but in the morning they get a guilt trip and meant to say No and then accuse me of forcing it. It takes 2 to tangle.
2015-12-30 9:20 pm
I agree with the aforementioned. A woman is just as in control of her decisions as a man is. (or so they would like us to believe.) Having sex with Cosby was a choice. Period. End of story. Prove otherwise
2015-12-31 12:43 am
Nobody knows except them.
2015-12-30 10:36 pm
Probably not. It was most likely Fat Albert.
2015-12-30 10:17 pm
Is Andrea so destitute that she'd agree to have 'paid sex' with that ugly monster?
If it were YOU and not Andrea, would YOU consider it 'non-consensual'?
2015-12-30 9:25 pm
What I think is irrelevant, I will wait for the court evidence and ruling because I do believe in the rule of law. It may not be perfect but it's better than a kangaroo court.
2015-12-30 10:03 pm
Of course he did! You really answered your own question. If she could not say NO to anything he did to the lady, whatever it was, it was without her consent. That is un-consensual..
2015-12-30 9:46 pm
Base on the details, yes. Such details are virtually impossible to fabricate.
2015-12-30 9:45 pm
Bill Clinton is coaching Cosby on how to get away with rape...EXPERIENCE is the best teacher
2015-12-30 10:47 pm
Yes, I think Bill Cosby drugged all these women and had sex with them. He has a mental problem and he needs help!
2015-12-31 10:07 am
No, I don't think so. Uncoordinated, maybe. Unconventional, unconditional, unconverted sex, certainly. Unrequited, undercover, under-reported, unpaid-for-until-now, untold--well, that's what this is all about--unrepentant. but un-consensual? Unlikely.
2015-12-31 3:00 am
2015-12-31 1:53 am
What's the difference what I think. I don't know what happened.
2015-12-30 9:59 pm
2015-12-30 9:40 pm
2015-12-31 1:32 am
just look at him - he's so unappealing a woman has to be stoned to go home with him.
2015-12-31 1:17 am
2015-12-31 12:21 am
maybe he did and maybe They took the pill themselves.. Maybe he did not force the women to eat a pill? who knows? they all want money.
2015-12-30 11:48 pm
No. He is innocent.
2015-12-30 11:19 pm
it is difficult to say for sure
2015-12-30 11:09 pm
2015-12-30 11:03 pm
I don't know
2015-12-30 10:30 pm
2015-12-30 10:28 pm
I do not know. That's why tings are investigated and legal cases are made, and the trials are held.

The idea that any person is somehow 'guilty' for having ingested drugged materials, when only the one who tampered with them knew about the drug content, is both absurd and quite despicable.
2015-12-30 10:20 pm
Just because someone accepts drugs from someone doesn't give a rapist the right to sexually violate them. So glad he was finally charged. What a horrible legacy to leave.
2015-12-30 7:17 pm
If she didn't give consent then he raped her. Going to a man's home, having dinner, and in those days doing drugs, didn't ever mean she gave him consent for anything else.
It turns out he told her they were herbal pills. Not illegal or recreational drugs.
2015-12-31 4:29 am
One of my friends is a extremely beautiful brunette. I've been to her house. I've had maybe 500 drinks with her. We've even slept together in the same room. She completely trusts me, and for good reason. We havent had sex and we wont. Knowing someone and trusting someone leaves you open to being a victim. I don't know if anything will ever be proven, but 50 people dont make amazingly similar accusations for no reason.
2015-12-31 3:05 am
Yes. He had a clear pattern of behavior that is backed up by over 40 women's accounts now. He ADMITTED in a legal deposition to giving women drugs in order to have sex with them. He said he never took the drugs himself, so it wasn't a mutually recreational thing. He was asked if he ever gave drugs to women without their knowledge, at which point his attorney interrupted and told him not to answer the question. Is it smart to take a pill from someone when you don't know the effect? No, it's not. But them being gullible or even dumb, doesn't excuse him. He drugged them to make them passive and pliable and make it easy for him to do what he wanted.
People will point out that the women did not come forward until years later. That is not unusual for victims of sexual abuse, especially when they are victimized at the hands of a powerful or famous person.
2015-12-30 10:16 pm
He's a serial rapist.
2015-12-30 9:33 pm
CONSENSUAL - relating to or involving consent, especially mutual consent. MUTUAL consent. Being in any state in which you cannot say yes does not make ANYTHING that happens consensual regardless of intent or demeanor.
2015-12-30 9:22 pm
2015-12-30 9:21 pm
yes i do
2015-12-30 10:07 pm
Cosby was a sexual pig and the women he was surrounded with were sluts.
2015-12-30 7:20 pm
Probably, yes.
2015-12-30 8:05 pm
don't care. never thought he was funny
2015-12-30 9:07 pm
I think his money afforded him to be a sexual deviant until some one was smart enough to finally step up and tell. Way too bad time limits have expired on so many more. So yes too much same stories don't just happen these women did not get together and say lets go after this guy just because.
2015-12-30 9:02 pm
Of course he did. He's a serial rapist. Regardless of his talents and other contributions at the end of the day he belongs in prison for life.
2015-12-30 9:11 pm
Cosby is innocent
2016-01-06 5:57 pm
God Andrea Constand is so ugly, she looks like Howard Stern, and she is a mannish lesbian.
So hard to believe that Bill Cosby would mess with something like this. Just disgusting.
2016-01-02 11:35 pm
"Do you """think""" Bill Cosby had un-consensual sex"


But I don't know, either.
2016-01-02 12:05 am
I can imagine her going

"Bill, I still Con stand after all that sex, lets go again!

But more seriously, why do you even care enough to bring this up? You jealous of her probably being butt blasted by a celebrity and not you?
2016-01-01 4:51 pm
Of course this monster he should be in jail a long time, but he will pay soon or later , We will see! The justice will prevail , so help God!!

2015-12-31 10:38 pm
yes I do
2015-12-31 1:54 pm
eating and pills automatically equate to consent? dont quit your day job bro
2015-12-31 1:47 pm
Of course, he did
2015-12-31 12:14 pm
Yes. He should be ashamed of himself.
2015-12-31 12:05 pm
I think he should rot in prison if he did what he did.
2015-12-31 9:19 am
Whatever happened to the 'presumption of innocence'?

What I'm seeing is trial by media and not 'trial by jury'

In other words, America, a total disgrace to both Magna Carta and it's own Constitution and English Common Law.

Until found guilty by a 'jury' an accused person is presumed to be 'innocent'.

I rest my case.
2015-12-31 7:08 am
Duh,he drugged her.
2015-12-31 5:06 am
Those women wait so long to sue him I think they lie because if those were rape they wouldn't wait so long to sue him they just his money
2015-12-31 3:12 am
I don't know enough about this as I actually only heard about it a few weeks ago and have yet to research up on it so I don't feel confident enough to state my opinion.

However, 'un-consensual sex' doesn't exist, it's called rape. Sex is always consensual, fun, happy and pleasurable. Rape is not. Rape is a horrible, threatening, violent crime. Sex and rape are two totally different things.
2015-12-31 2:37 am
2015-12-31 1:33 am
I think one man can exhibit patterned behavior to different women.
Suggest reader consider the elements in all reported events in-lieu-
of nit picking.
2015-12-31 12:56 am
aint 20 people gonna say the same thing about you and its not gone a lie, i dont know if he did all those women and his wife knows whats going on.
2015-12-30 11:50 pm
Same issue as with kobe bryant
2015-12-31 11:08 am
She was uncertain of the pills; if she had KNOWN, then why did Billy-Boy feel the need to hide them in her drink? He could have just handed them to her.

Anyway, whether she had KNOWN about the pills or not, they still had the effect of making her unable to legally consent to sex. No, you don't have to sign a contract before doing the deed, but you're SUPPOSED to be aware enough to participate.

If a guy gets a girl plastered enough to be almost unconscious (no other drugs) before sex, it's still rape, even if he claims that, "She didn't say 'no'." She COULDN'T. She didn't say 'yes', either.
2015-12-31 8:49 am
He said she said no evidence...
2015-12-31 6:46 am
Bill Cosby was one man who worked hard to show respectible black people living well and prosperous.
2015-12-31 4:45 am
All of the woman are idiots~!
2015-12-31 4:32 am
2015-12-31 3:59 am
He Black, born and automatically guilty
2015-12-31 3:47 am
2015-12-31 3:41 am
I loved his show, but yes.
2015-12-31 3:29 am
No, I do not
2015-12-31 2:48 am
2015-12-31 2:24 am
No doubt..
2015-12-31 2:12 am
horny probably
2015-12-31 2:07 am
let's wait a few weeks
2015-12-31 1:29 am
If he was not super rich and a public figure..we would have never heard all this..
2015-12-31 1:24 am
Yes of course he did
2015-12-31 1:00 am
**** charter
2015-12-31 12:47 am
Probably, he does what he wants.
2015-12-31 12:39 am
dont waste your life with such dribble. who cares ???????????
2015-12-30 11:47 pm
Yes .
2015-12-30 11:31 pm
It's possible; that seemed to be his MO.
2015-12-30 11:30 pm
If you are not fully present, you can t give consent. Drunk/high/underage, etc. So ya she was raped.
2015-12-30 11:02 pm
2015-12-30 10:18 pm
In his mind yes, in hers, he's a rapist.
2015-12-30 9:57 pm
Bill Cosby is not politics , it's trollers getting trolling answers tho !
2015-12-30 9:57 pm
No. The evidence in support of that is tenuous at best. What we have here is a left-wing activist prosecutor just like in the Duke lacrosse case.
2015-12-30 9:42 pm
No hell no
2015-12-30 7:14 pm
Perhaps. But if he did, he could've done much better. She's not all that attractive.
2015-12-31 4:44 am
Maybe..Maybe not..Maybe go **** yourself.
2015-12-31 4:32 am
un-consensual isn't a word. call it rape.
2015-12-31 4:15 am
One word: RAPIST!!!!!!
2015-12-31 1:54 am
yes he even look s like a creeper
2015-12-31 1:13 am
Who knows?
2015-12-31 12:50 am
Who cares??
It's not like it affects us or we take the consequences for his actions.
2015-12-31 12:14 am
I don't care
2015-12-30 11:51 pm
Why not? He did it with 40 other women ( alledgedly)
2015-12-30 10:57 pm
I have no idea
2015-12-30 10:47 pm
is "un-consensual sex" the new "undocument worker" PC for rapists now?
2015-12-30 9:30 pm
It would seem so.
2015-12-30 9:23 pm
2015-12-30 9:19 pm
2015-12-30 7:16 pm
I didn't see anything in your comments that indicated consent. Be careful that you don't end up 'consenting' to something you don't want. It can happen to guys too.
2015-12-30 9:43 pm
He finally gets it at his age. Now he gets out of car needing help walking. It makes me sick to look at his ugly face. Finally he gets at least one, for now. Happy, happy
2015-12-30 9:29 pm
I don't really care, I just remember him as a funny actor!
2015-12-30 9:12 pm
Yes, because he raped at least two other women he had consensual sex with, including the woman who had his out-of-wedlock daughter.
2015-12-30 7:18 pm
It was just a communication problem...
2016-01-05 8:58 am
2016-01-04 4:41 pm
no,she just wants fame and money
2016-01-03 10:45 am
Why does your question have to be put the LBGT YA? What has it got to to with this catagory? surely relationships or some other herosexual section is more correct!! Such as celebrities.
2016-01-02 11:25 pm
2016-01-02 10:35 pm
I think people should not jump to conclusions just because someone makes and accusation. I remember a case in my state where a manager was accused of forcing 2 16y/o girls to have sex then fired them. The papers wrote up the story dragging the guys name through the gutter and costing him all his friends. He got a 10 year sentence even though he pleaded innocent but the jury wouldn't believe him especially as it was teenage girls who made the accusations and believed no girl would make up a story like that. After 4 and a half years one of the girls was feeling remorseful and admitted she had lied and after some pressure the 2nd girl admitted it was all a lie to get back at him for dismissing them. He had been severely bashed in prison leaving him with painful back injuries but was released . No one apologised or offered compensation and the paper did not even mention he had been innocent or that he had been released.
I personally have known of 2 cases where women have made false allegations of being raped that luckily were able to be shown as silly women who get off on doing stuff like that. Bill Cosby may be innocent and people should not take sides as it may just be a stupid woman looking for fame and money.
2016-01-02 8:59 pm
I really dont know. And how can I know when my only source of information is the press.

I say let the law judge his actions . Not the press.
2016-01-02 11:37 am
Unless I had been present at the alleged assault, or could see clear video evidence from CCTV cameras etc, it is impossible to say what happened in private between two individuals.

There is really not much point in speculation such as you and many others are hoping for.
2016-01-02 6:34 am
Too many women have come forward with the same story so it sure makes him look guilty. And it is strange because back in the day he was an attractive black man with all sorts of things going for him and Im sure women just fell over him. That doesn't appear to be what he was interested in or how he liked his sex. Bad judgement on a woman's part does not give anyone the right to rape them. They may have expected sex at some point but not like they got it and I'm sure that wasn't what they expected out of him. Many people took pills and somehow many that I knew just seems to trust in what they were. I don't care what the women did...if you aren't conscious, you can't consent. I just wonder why he felt he had to knock them out for sex? What's the problem?
2016-01-02 3:14 am
I think that any and every man or woman who thinks it is fun to have sex with an incapacitated person is sick & in need or counseling AND incarceration.

No way could I see this as consensual sex. I have had it done to me & men like Cosby are habitual abusers as well as habitual liars, thieves & con artists.

So happy to hear the past is coming back to haunt him. I have many others on my personal list & only time will tell if the universe will balance the scales on the creeps who abused me when I was a young girl growing up in the Hollywood area of the 60 s & 70 s.

Adults should never use children for sexual gratification. They also should not use drugs on their victims & pretend it s acceptable normal behavior.

Women who party should not be used or seen as sex objects. Many of us made poor choices based on ignorance or naivete & we must live with it for the rest of our lives. Fess us guys & admit your past wrong-doings. That s really all most abused women are looking for.

If Cosby could just admit he was once THAT type of a guy, I doubt things would have gotten so out of hand in the media nor with the victims. Denial is something that goes to the grave with many abusers. It's a sick game of always having control over others & the women who are speaking out are doing the younger generation a service.

We don't want to watch the cycle of abuse repeat itself. We see the same patterns emerging in our old age. No one warned us because it was never talked about. We are talking to everyone who will listen this time around. We carry the scars of abuse. We see it happening again & need the help of the public to get the word out in order to save lives & lessen the amount of future victims..
2016-01-01 10:09 pm
2016-01-01 7:23 pm
well a jury will decide i bet, but bill crosby should not be named due to it going against a fair trial.
but yes if someone told me to take a pill i would say get lost, and where did these events take place such has in his bedroom or in the living area , and who goes to his house if so many women were drugged and assaulted if true?
i am sure bill crosby could have got on the phone and had women coming to his house for sex.
2016-01-01 5:39 pm
He has been set up by a mighty network of race baiters that did not abide Crosby lecturing them about their sunken culture in competition with society!
2016-01-01 4:44 pm
2016-01-01 2:39 pm
Girls just hang around guys like Cosby to sleep with them and sue them 20 years later, when the money they got dries up they sue. You never see men doing this. Wonder why? Bill Cosby is innocent. Black Lives Matter People!
2016-01-01 9:16 am
I wouldn't know because I wasn't there to witness the alleged incident.
2016-01-01 9:02 am
Yes. It is believable. Rape is a terrible thing. He took other people's lives and rights into his own hands, to do what he pleased. He obviously has serious boundary, psychological and integrity problems. He is not the only one though. Many people go unreported! We can all learn from this. There's are the type of role models we have? Drug addicts/womanizers/criminals/abusers who pretend to be good decent citizens?
2016-01-01 2:00 am
No it not.
2016-01-01 1:45 am
Only her hairdresser knows.
2016-01-01 12:38 am
Most likely
2015-12-31 9:30 pm
her affidavit is absurd

she repeatedly goes to his home even though she is aware there will only be the 2 of them present, and even after she alleges he made advances the 1st time she went, and on each other occasion

THEN on the 4th time she alleges he gave her some pills to take, and later some alcohol
She takes/drinks all these willingly with no coercion from him

sounds to me like she was a willing partner in all events but looking for a law suite to make later (which she did)

A rich older man with younger girt is looking for trouble

Was it "non- consensual? - possibly but only cos she was too stoned/drunk by her own actions to give legal consent

Was she actually too stoned/drunk to give consent - we have only her word for that.
(if she was so concerned it would have been easy for her to have blood tests done to prove either was the case, But apparently she didnt cos the criminal case was dropped for lack of evidence

ALL the rest of his supposed liaisons got from the ciivil case are not partucular relevent to the criminal case , cos they dont "prove" a damned thing as to what happened but are only character references, Thing is that proof would have been easily available the day after they supposedly why aiint there any?
2015-12-31 8:46 pm
2015-12-31 2:53 pm
The woman knowingly wined and dined with him, took drugs of her own free will, perhaps even knowing what the outcome would be. She may have a fetish of this type of behavior, as may he. Having sex with unconscious women. Strange, but there are a lot of fetishes in the world. Now just perhaps, this woman sees a way of making a few $ ? There are always 2 sides to a story.
2015-12-31 2:47 pm
Bill Cosby is just another high profile man being crucified because a lot of women that had consensual sex with a famous man have jumped on the "I was violated" bandwagon. There's a lot of compensation being handedd out and they want a piece of it.
2015-12-31 2:43 pm
2015-12-31 1:36 pm
Prosecutors in Pennsylvania's Montgomery County charge Cosby with three counts of sexual assault in the Andrea Constand case, the first criminal charges Cosby has faced since the allegations surfaced. The statute of limitations in the alleged 2004 assault, which Constand says took place at Cosby's house in the Philadelphia suburbs, reportedly runs out in January 2016.
2015-12-31 1:19 pm
Yes He admitted so in a court of law under oath. A person can not consent to having sex under the influence of drugs , alcohol or both per statutory law.This was written in since date rape drugs have been used to have a person under their control to have sex.
2015-12-31 1:17 pm
2015-12-31 1:17 pm
He has been accused by more than one women about this crime, I'm sure some of them joined the bandwagon looking for fame or fortune but I'm sure some of them have valid cases that weren't brought to celebrity media and followers attention because they were actual victims not media hungry shanks
2015-12-31 1:06 pm
No, I think ol' willy was quite up for it. If anyone it would be Andrea having second thoughts.
2015-12-31 12:39 pm
They did not accuse him of rape but unconsensual sex? These useless women that have no respect for their ugly selves should leave this man alone. They had a good party, enjoyed sex and when they become poor and since the relation can not continue, they go to court. These women and certainly old now and certainly have no husband, so they turn their frustration on Bill Cosby. Well, men, keep your pants up and freeze your penises!
2015-12-31 10:57 am
I think public opinion of a court matter is irrelevant. Evidence will determine his guilt or innocence, people should mind their own damned business.
2015-12-31 10:30 am
If i answer that question without considering any other motives or actions -- I say Yes..
2015-12-31 9:19 am
2015-12-31 8:15 am
Nope. Why the **** would someone give you probably expensive recreational drugs (remember, it's Bill Cosby) if there was going to be no subsequent sex?

(Assuming she thought the sedatives were recreational pills.)

Taking drugs may be a fun time - but in conjunction with someone else you barely know, not much can be inferred but veritable foreplay.
2015-12-31 7:17 am
No she went Back for More Just another Gold Digger

apparently charges have been Laid let us see what the Law has to say

My Vote Not Guilty
2015-12-31 6:57 am
2015-12-31 6:32 am
It's was like 11 years ago. I don't think he should go to jail
2015-12-31 5:54 am
2015-12-31 5:49 am
Pretty sure dicrapio raped a few models. But it's ok because he's famous and also a real environmentalist.
2015-12-31 5:09 am
2015-12-31 4:32 am
2015-12-31 2:59 am
Doubt it. Women are over exaggeraters. They like to be in charge or think they have authority in life and by making up stories like this it does that for them along with giving them the attention they crave.
2015-12-31 2:42 am
I don't want to come out as strange here, but I have reason to believe that if he thought that that was a reasonable idea then he would have considered the fact that maybe if he didn't feel like doing something like that, more or less, to somebody like that, then he wouldn't feel as though he couldn't take control of the consequences of never having to fully determine the true nature of lying about never wanting to tell the truth about realizing how inefficient the process of transcribing information to ellipsoidal mobius strips.
tl;dr I don't know
2015-12-31 1:35 am
If it happened once or twice then possibly, but the sheer number of way Bill manipulated them and drugged them.
2015-12-31 1:32 am
With all the money that this man had and has, do you really think that he needs to rape to get some? He can afford hookers that look like porn stars, if he wants to. Instead he choose to rape a female carrot-top look alike(minus the roid changes)? All this does not add up to me. He did not need to rape to get laid. .
2015-12-30 10:36 pm
It might have beeen consensual, w we don't know,but if it was she is just trying to get some money, i bet he will never go to jail, like michael jackson he has the best lawyers and lots of people still love him.
2016-01-01 4:16 pm
I think that there is a huge difference between placing yourself in an unsafe situation that you know most likely will turn into a sexual situation, involving drugs & alcohol & going back to a man's hotel, home or car and being ambushed in the park, slipped drugs into your drink at a bar or party etc.. At some point people have to take responsibility for their own personal safety & participation in events. If I had gone out to dinner several times with a man, had several drinks, taken drugs he gave me & then headed back to his place, famous person or not, I would have to say that the next morning, I would have to second guess my own judgement if I didn't want anything sexual to happen in the 1st place. Never would my 1st thought be, lets call a lawyer & see if a an make a civil suit, then if others come forward in 20 years, I'll joint the hate team & press charges to see if I can do more damage because I make terrible choices.
2015-12-31 10:40 pm
I don't care what he may have done - it is of no importance in my life.
2015-12-31 6:12 pm
i think the legal system must may have happened or not happened
2015-12-31 3:50 pm
Oh, were you there?
2015-12-31 3:11 pm
no she liked it
2015-12-31 2:20 pm
2015-12-31 1:07 pm
According to the papers cosby "plied" her with booze and drugs. That is another way of saying offered her booze and drugs. That doesn't mean forced her to have booze and drugs. So she isn't innocent there.

Then the other part of the prosecution is that Cosby digitally fondled her while she was passed out and unaware of what was happening.
So really the whole story stinks of Bullshit. How can one be unconscious and be unaware of what was happening and be able to testify that it happened.? Not possible.

And the last thing which no one has tweaked on is the fact that this allegedly happened in PA, by Cosby who is an American Citizen. So how in the **** is the police in Ontario Canada able to press charges and get jurisdiction?

The whole thing smells fishy. If the feminists had their way he would be in jail and castrated without trial.
2015-12-31 6:57 am
Yeah. Andrea didn't want to be an actress or famous. She was just a friend, who went to college. She wouldn't want to sleep with a 60 years old man, yuck.
2015-12-31 6:36 am
2015-12-31 5:27 am
Yes. Apparently they have evidence. It's about time but being a celeb and richer than God he's free on l Million.
2015-12-31 4:02 am
Her taking the consenting to take the pills offered by Cosby troubles me. I think the question to ask is whether it was reasonable for her to assume that sex would most likely follow. In my opinion, she did know sex would follow. It follows that the sex was consensual.
2015-12-31 2:46 am
I wouldn't put anything past Bill Cosby now, the phony. He had to do all these rapes. Why would there be so many if he didn't do it? He even admitted giving women drugs.
2015-12-31 2:32 am
No - means NO ! .. and non-consent is the same (NO !) -- consent must be yes ... no matter if a person has been to the house as a friend/guest a thousand times .

We all hope and wish none of it is true. The thing that adds so much suspicion and is questionable is the numbers of women that keep on coming forward (with the same story).
2015-12-31 1:49 am
I would say that he did but leagally it may be hard to prove and legally he may have to be set free (which is u understandable), though I think they could convict him and justice will prevel.
2015-12-31 12:41 am
He can have this put off for up to 7 years with legal manuvers. in court. Then go to trial and use the don't remember at my age but hope I did defense.
2015-12-30 10:12 pm
Im surprised Cosby hasn't moved to a non extraction country by now. Probably take ages to take him down. With all his $ but why risk it?
2015-12-31 5:24 am
2015-12-31 12:38 am
Yeah, he did it, that's his deal, having sex with unconscious women..hence the ludes. "Oh, lets talk about your career, feeling tense? These will help, go ahead, take them, here's some booze to wash em down with....yes, I insist you take them.
2015-12-31 9:44 am
So your point is doing drugs drinking and eating == consent ?
2015-12-31 12:29 am
Absolutely no question about it. Cosby is a predator and probably incapable of having sex with a women that is awake
2015-12-30 10:37 pm
Yes beause he's nigera!
2015-12-30 10:19 pm
I have no ******* idea for sure but yes based on what Obama said Bill Cosby a guilty and probably a white supremacist. But take God over me.
2015-12-30 9:11 pm
2015-12-30 9:26 pm
the gay mafia is going after Cosby because he asked black people to take responsibility for themselves, and he does not condone homosexuality. this is the real face of liberal scum. do not associate with liberals in any way if you can help it. all liberals are trash.

No, and if you do you are an idiot. it is consensual when you keep going back for more. if you go back for more that is a consensual choice. if was not consensual it would have told a long time ago. it is all about money. she was a prostitute getting paid. now she is a more evil type of whore looking for a payday.

"10) But the evidence shows that women lie about rape all the time -– for attention, for revenge and for an alibi. All serious studies of the matter suggest that at least 40 percent of rape claims are false. The U.S. Air Force, for example, examined more than a thousand rape allegations on military bases over the course of four years and concluded that 46 percent were false. In 27 percent of the cases, the accuser recanted. A large study of rape allegations over nine years in a small Midwestern city, by Eugene J. Kanin of Purdue University, found that 41 percent of the rape claims were false. -- Ann Coulter"

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