How do you fit a sock on your head? ( So people cant read your mind )?

2015-07-28 1:11 am
My friend just came out as a mind reader. I still want to be friends, but I dotn reali trus her. I los my scarv. I have a vans sock. It small, but i thin i cn mak it work. It has flowers on it, if tgat maters?

回答 (16)

2015-07-28 1:13 am
First learn how to spell.

Second, don't worry, she couldn't read your mind since you have no mind, or brain.
2015-07-28 1:40 pm
Needs to be made of foil. Cloth won't work
2015-07-28 7:21 am
Sorry buddy, but you sound like one of those deep conspiracy theorists that go around yelling in tin foil hats that "the aliens have got them". HAHA omg, try paper mache. :D HAHAHA

Update: Try tinfoil with cardboard around it
2015-07-28 1:14 am
I hope you're on your phone.
No one can read minds.

Put a tin foil hat around your skull.
Sheer protection, just in case.

2015-07-28 1:13 am
Don't think the sock will work, try tin foil.
2015-07-28 10:07 am
There's no such thing as a mind reader
2015-07-28 1:29 am
I heard butter works better than socks.

But it has to be organic, grassfed, or it wont work.
2015-07-28 1:32 am
I have learned this trick when I was five year's old from my uncle

Moreover, that is what people say is a great wonder. People are more smart. When I open my mouth and say something, they know my level. It is now tolerable. I can now handle my present mental confusion firmly, effective and efficiently. I don't need other's help.
2015-08-02 5:29 pm
Your friend is a ****. You are a **** and your way of life is a joke.
2015-08-01 7:11 pm
You can't stop one from reading your mind. Just try to repeat "**** you" in your mind and he might stop doing it.
2015-07-31 9:42 pm
If your friend was a mind reader, you'd already know it. That person would be finishing your sentences and knowing what you want to do even before you suggest doing it. If that hasn't happened, then your friend just believes they are a mind reader. But if you feel more comfortable covering up, cover the skull with tin foil and cover it with a baseball cap where no one can see your eyes too well.
2015-07-29 11:00 am
2015-07-28 7:35 pm
You don` just decide not to believe such bs

2015-07-28 7:21 pm
You have to cut that top seam, the one that keeps it from slipping down your leg, right at the opening. Then, slowly and carefully pull the rest of the sock down to your ears.
You might try a double layer of knee high hose, they have more stretch.
2015-07-28 5:03 am
2015-07-28 4:38 am
Yes go to you will find the real answer there.

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