do steroids actually make your penis shrink?

2016-12-25 5:27 am

回答 (4)

2016-12-25 6:28 am
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Yes it does while shrinking the testicles too. In woman it enlarges the clitoris while deepening the voice and encouraging facial hair to grow. It also seems to cause cancer or organ failure. Quite a price to pay for huge muscles.
2016-12-25 5:39 am
In many cases yes. I had a friend whose brothers shrank to prepube size and never recovered - because he wanted big muscles in college.

2016-12-25 5:51 am
Yes, why do you think the guys that take it are mad? All that muscle, teeny tiny manhood.
2016-12-25 5:29 am
I don't know about that, it could be a myth but it does cause erectile problems I've heard.

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