I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out in 3 months. Help?

2015-06-04 12:53 pm
I'm so scared about it. They will have to put me to sleep so they will be using general anasethia. I have never been put to sleep before. I am 17 and have no health problems (That I know of) and I'm not allergic to anything (that I knkw of). I'm afraid to not wake up or to have a seizer or something. I'm so scared. I'm not scared of pain or anything just not waking up. I know what happens during it and when I should wake up. They will have to put me to sleep because my wisdom teeth are impacted. No hate please. Be honest.

回答 (1)

2015-06-04 1:00 pm
I guarantee you no one has ever complained about not waking up from dental anesthesia. It is very light sedation and you will not have any sensation of being out. They give it to you and the next thing you are awake and groggy thinking they haven't started.

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