Do all men masturbate?

2019-07-08 6:19 am
My bf of 8 yrs gets frisky but won't have sex because we don't like protection and aren't ready for kids right now.

When we first met I was a virgin waiting for marriage and we waited for 4 yrs until we finally had sex. We have only had sex once in this relationship.

He does not ever want to actually have intercourse. Now it's been 4 yrs since we've had sex.

Is he masturbating?

回答 (111)

2019-07-11 4:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
"[We] won't have sex because we don't like protection and aren't ready for kids right now."
- Good for you! It is a rare, but amazing ability to have self-control. It is also extremely admirable that you have made your decision and are sticking to it! It's also incredibly mature that you recognize that you aren't ready for kids.

"[I was a] virgin waiting for marriage and we waited for 4 yrs until we finally had sex. We have only had sex once in this relationship.
- This is also great. Again, your self-control and committment are both hugely admirable!

"He does not ever want to actually have intercourse."
- This is fine! You have both committed, and based on your dislike of protection and your decision to wait for kids, it's actually great if he's not always thinking about sex! It also sounds like he's respecting your and his decisions to wait.

"Is he masturbating?"
- Not necessarily. It is entirely possible to not have sex AND not masturbate. Masturbation is actually NOT a "healthy" or "normal" thing. Experts have said that it is a selfish act. That's not AT ALL to say that your boyfriend is selfish! It just means that if he is masturbating, he's thinking of fulfilling the intense, but passing urge for pleasure, instead of thinking of the overall good of you, him, and your relationship. Also, masturbation is a sign of loneliness according to, again, the same experts. It means he feels urges that can only be filled by human contact. Contact with yourself is a poor substitute - hugging yourself when you feel sad is rarely as comforting as a close friend hugging you.
- To be clear, I am NOT saying that these "urges" should be pushed down and/or suffered through. To say that sexual actions are the only way to deal with intense urges for contact is an extremely base, primal, and animalistic thing to say. That's how animals think - sexual urges mean mating time. To be able to channel these urges into something else is elevated humanity.
- Also, I want to be clear about something else: No one should feel ashamed for having sexual urges. Sexual urges are a natural part of life that everyone goes through. However, it's what we DO with these urges that separates us from animals.

So, basically, it is actually really smart and admirable that you guys are keeping to your decision to not have sex. Also, his not asking about sex doesn't mean he's masturbating. Finally, (And I am disappointed in many answers for saying otherwise), masturbation is NOT healthy. Also, masturbation and sex are NOT essential parts to a healthy, strong relationship. To be clear, sex IS a beautiful and healthy thing, and it will eventually be needed to keep the relationship healthy, but ONLY IN THE RIGHT CONTEXT (a.k.a. marriage).

Finally, and I can't stress this enough: A relationship is about the people involved, NOT about their bodies.
2019-07-09 1:24 am
You shouldn’t live your life like that. Leave him
2019-07-08 10:14 pm
He is cheating on you most likely.
2019-07-09 9:04 am
Listen. All men masturbate. Some lie and say they don't, but they all do.
2019-07-08 10:43 pm
Either that or he's cheating on you or he's gay - his excuses for not having sex other then one time, tells me he's not sexually interested in you. Likely he's getting it from another male or female but not you.

I'd be ending this relationship quickly. No sense in wasting more of your time with him.
2019-07-10 10:44 am
Move on he is not normal.
2019-07-08 5:55 pm
and as to your bf, if you are not a troll, then beware, he has gf
2019-07-08 1:55 pm
"He does not ever want to actually have intercourse. Now it's been 4 yrs since we've had sex."
Sexless relationships dont work. Have you cheated yet?
參考: .56
2019-07-08 10:40 am
No, not all. but I'd guess around 90% do.
2019-07-08 1:35 pm
Why aren't you married?
2019-07-08 6:30 am
Even men who masturbate want sex so I doubt your boyfriend's lack of interest in sex has anything to do with that.

He's either asexual or just has no interest in you. Why you would put up with this an additional four years in the relationship is beyond me. You can have sex and still avoid having kids. Birth control may not be 100% fool proof, but using more than one method can definitely lower the chances.
2019-07-08 6:36 am
No, he's got something on the side. Have you got a sister? Or he's got a very low sex drive.
2019-07-09 2:16 am
Most guys masturbate but that's not the reason why he hasn't had sex with you.

He's only had sex once with you like you said oh, it's because he's most likely having sex with other women.

you should just leave him, because you're just wasting your time with a man who's never going to commit you again, at least as far as sex is concerned...
2019-07-08 6:26 am
If he hasn't had sex in 4 years, he is 100% masturbating like crazy.

I find it very strange that he didn't want to have sex again when you finally let him.
2019-07-08 2:51 pm
He's probably touching himself yes, you should leave your dirty panties out on his pillow.
2019-07-09 7:17 pm
It's actually IMPOSSIBLE to answer whether all men masturbate, my friend, unless you know every man on planet Earth and KNOW their sexual proclivities.
2019-07-10 11:18 am
Ur relationship sounds weird. If you guys already had sex then why not keep doing it? Strange
2019-07-08 7:52 pm
Yes,except the ones who lie.
2019-07-08 1:11 pm
It’s been four years since he’s had sex WITH YOU..... voice your concern to him. Communication is essential in a relationship. I’m baffled as to the length of time you guys have been together vs the amount of sex you’ve had.
2019-07-14 1:01 am
95% of men masturbate. The other 5% lie about it.
2019-07-08 8:11 am
Whether he does or doesn't (and he probably does), are you satisfied with the present asexual relationship?It seems to me that you really don't mind, or you would have ended it long ago.
2019-07-08 3:45 pm
Have you spoken about what you physical relationship will be when you get married? If no, it is vital that you do so.
2019-07-09 9:52 pm
Yes I think they do
2019-07-09 4:44 am
Yes we all masturbate I’m sure, but you should try birth control if possible and make sure he isn’t cheating on you!
2019-07-09 4:50 am
This has to be a joke. To the Asker, how old are you?

If I was him, we'd be having sex all the time...and pulling out. You'd just have to let me know where you want it shot at, LOL. And we'd be having tons of great sex and no babies.

How old is this bf? No way a normal man w/ a normal sex drive has been holding out without jacking off or pussy in 8 years! So he might be gay, or so old his sex drive is gone.

Why don't you just give him head and anal. Simple solution until you're ready to share the pussy.

So give him pussy, anal, and head, or let that poor fool go! And remember, no other man is gonna put up with that.
2019-07-10 1:27 pm
He’s using you for money or citizenship, and he’s either gay or cheating. Duh.

There, solved it for you
2019-07-10 4:05 am
I only do it to pictures of my wife
2019-07-09 12:59 pm
Unless your s-- drive is very low, I think that you should leave him.
2019-07-08 8:53 pm
So, your boyfriend would rather masturbate than have sex with a condom with you? I sincerely doubt that his hand is more gratifying for him than your body. Something is amiss in your story.
2019-07-08 1:37 pm
I’m sorry to be rude, but how have you only had sex once in a eight year relationship and continued that relationship? Its very rare for that to happen because sexual connection is so important to keep a relationship going.

Yes all men masturbate just as all girls do as well. I’d assume he’s probably masturbating if you’re not having any sex unless he believes in certain religious views or follows the no fap movement.

You really need to sort this out with him. If this is upsetting you, it’s most likely because you’d like to have a sexual relationship am I right? You need to voice your needs to him. I don’t understand why he doesn’t want to use protection. It’s literally the only safe way to have sex without impregnating. You can also get on birth control. Maybe there is some religious reasons that I’m unaware of. But try to build a sexual relationship if that’s what you want.
2019-07-11 2:04 am
Yes they do. This doesn't sound like a good relationship. Sex is not something that should be seen as bad, it's something beautiful to share with someone and an important part of your relationship. If the reason is you dont want to have kids there are endless amounts of birth control, trust me it is not that easy to get pregnant I have taken multiple reproductive classes and it isn't likely unless you're letting him **** in you continuously with no protection. I have been with my boyfriend 4 years and we have had sex at least once a week and I have no had one pregnancy scare. It sounds like you both just aren't right for eachother.
2019-07-09 5:23 am
Yes they do for the most part
2019-07-09 2:40 am
Yes most????????????????????????????????????????????????????
2019-07-09 12:09 am
why dont you ask him. Maybe hes gay? Either way you're not a virgin anymore and are unmarried so you better hope it works out with him
2019-07-09 2:29 pm
Most of do, but we usually think of you in
2019-07-15 6:22 am
All men do if they say they don't they're embarrassed to admit it
2019-07-15 12:03 am
All guys are doing that whether anyone wants to think that or not. Even more so today with all the amateur porn videos online or downloaded on messageboards because its so much more real then the fake porn actor stuff of years past. Sometimes guys will do that also because they can do it in a few minutes and dont have time to waste a 1/2 hour or more in bed, work and other stuff gets in the way.
2019-07-11 3:44 pm
Yes . I started at the age of 13 . And all i know masturbate .
2019-07-11 1:06 pm
Virtually all, not not all.

What concerns me more is that you're waiting for marriage, and it's been 8 years. That sounds way too long.
2019-07-11 1:04 am
Your problem isn't whether or not he's whether or not he loves you...I'd be moving out!!!
2019-07-10 5:32 pm
No we don't. We're not all filthy.
2019-07-10 11:14 am
Oh absolutely AND for me, often. It's like shaving. I used to think that girls didn't until EVERY single girl I dated said they did. Some with toys, others with pillows. Some on their stomach, Some with shower heads. GIrls are very creative lol
2019-07-10 2:55 am
I know a man that maybe never master-bated and if he did, it was once in his lifetime... and that’s my bro but I’ve master-bated so much I think I’ve atleast do it once a week
2019-07-10 2:01 am
He's not only masturbating, he's screwing someone else
2019-07-10 12:17 am
Why would any man be with you for 4 long years without sex???
2019-07-09 10:37 pm
I'd answer your initial question but my hands are busy and I can't type xD
2019-07-09 2:40 pm
Most of them do
2019-07-09 3:05 am
Sounds like he's either gay or asexual.
2019-07-10 8:35 am
Yes all humans masturbate . males and females. even the Pope and the Queen masturbate. . It is not humanly possible not to. if they say no, then they are liars
2019-07-08 9:29 am
Yes it is not rape at least
2019-07-14 4:32 pm
In all fairness, so do women. At least normal ones.
2019-07-14 11:42 am
I do. I have been that guy, who didn't want to have sex outside marriage, and so to prevent temptation I would often take care of business before seeing a girlfriend. It probably sabotaged my love life to be honest because I probably came off as flat and unromantic. But you have been dating for 8 years? It's time to ask where this is going.
2019-07-14 9:23 am
He's probably asexual, either in the closest still, or unaware of his own asexuality.

Trust me, I was in denial for eleven years.
2019-07-14 6:15 am
Yes. All men do.
2019-07-13 2:01 pm
Not 100%, but most of them. I'm more troubled by the rest of your post. Sex once in eight years? He doesn't want it? Something is going on with him.
2019-07-13 6:46 am
Unless their gay.
參考: I joke.
2019-07-13 6:06 am
Maybe he is with someone else if he don’t want to have sex with you there’s big red flag why he stopped he’s probably having sex with another girls. You need move on he’s not worth it he betrayed you you will find someone better you don’t want losers good luck
2019-07-12 12:27 pm
no he has a second girlfriend that gets the job done, whats with this WE **** ? i guarantee he wants to have sex i married a virgin, it was awful,
2019-07-12 5:55 am
I hope so, if they're healthy. Just so you know...women do too. It's great for a future sex partner to know what gets you off and the best way for them to learn is from you. Just practice safely.
2019-07-12 4:36 am
Probably yes ..........
2019-07-12 3:27 am
yes we all do. i sure do at least
2019-07-11 9:19 pm
I don't believe they would be normal if they didn't.
2019-07-11 8:37 pm
Yeah they do it. Almost all of them. And thats fine
2019-07-11 1:57 pm
he likes men probably
2019-07-11 11:19 am
Are you serious, that's like asking is Trump not a womanizer?
2019-07-11 9:19 am
You better post this question in men's health category.
2019-07-11 8:57 am
There are lots of birth control options besides condoms...
2019-07-11 7:55 am
. Wth
2019-07-11 6:33 am
That's none of your business
2019-07-11 5:54 am
I think so. Maybe.
2019-07-11 5:44 am
Probably. Not all, but most
2019-07-11 4:46 am
Only if they all have pictures of your mum.
2019-07-11 3:49 am
Yes lol ???? so funny
2019-07-11 3:05 am
I do, but only on a tuesday when my neighbour is watching
2019-07-10 10:36 pm
Many or most due but your bf sounds out of the ordinary in more ways than one.
2019-07-10 10:18 pm
Lol 8 years and he still didn't marry you.... And the fact that he was able to have sex with you once and not ever want to do it again is very weird and should wake you up. I was waiting for marriage too while in a previous relationship but ended up having sex, and it didn't happen just once.
Can't believe it took you this long to think something is off here....good luck!
2019-07-10 10:11 pm
Yes what kind of question is this?
2019-07-10 8:00 pm
I think he do. Maybe ask him if he knows pornhub and using incognito mode on the browser
2019-07-10 1:52 pm
All us men do men and woman are different when come to sex
2019-07-10 11:13 am
Honestly so hard to tell
2019-07-10 8:29 am
Yes they all do. even the guy who has a low sex drive still masterbates but not frequent. My best friend has extremely low sex drive and he says he only masterbates once a year and the most can be twice.
2019-07-10 8:27 am
I don't know all men or if they are interested in sex. Perhaps your husband is one of those people who get nothing out of it.
2019-07-10 5:31 am
Trust me, he's doing a hell of a lot more than masturbating. You guys have supposedly been together 8 years, and only had sex once? Yeah, he's either getting it from someone else or he is unsure about his sexuality. Either way, time to wake up and smell the coffee and move on.
2019-07-09 11:02 pm
It's either masturbate or have sex. It is IMPOSSIBLE to absolutely not partake in any sexual activity. So unless you guys are having sex with other people, then he is masturbating. Same goes for you. It's human nature.
2019-07-09 10:56 pm
Everyone does! It is natural.
2019-07-09 7:23 pm
I could assure you the answer is rough, at least 97.9999999999% (hey in some places, people (yes men are people) have other things on their minds then this form of self-inflicted physical gratification)
2019-07-09 7:11 pm
He s been your bf for EIGHT YEARS and you ve had sex once? Of course he masturbates.
"we don t like protection". *rolls eyes*
2019-07-09 6:18 pm
It's odd that he doesn't want to get together - you should consider, 'is the marriage viable for me - is it giving me what I want?. If not, you may want to exit the marriage.
2019-07-09 12:45 pm
All Men Masturbates. My friend had same experience with her boyfriend, she thought he was cheating so she cheated on him lmao but eventually the guy was not in a mood at all ???????? Low sex drive I guess.
2019-07-09 10:37 am
No not all. Some guys says that masturbation is for young teens.
2019-07-09 9:33 am
What do you mean by you don't like protection? You don't like protection as in condoms? Honestly, it would do you well to research a little more into this. Condoms aren't the only form of protection, there's the pill which is very common, the injection you get once every three months, the implanon or nexplanon ( a rod that's inserted into your arm), the vaginal ring. There are plenty of other birth control options out there with a 99% success rate, have a look online or see a doctor about your options and what's going to work best for you. As far as masturbating goes, if you're not having any sex it's highly likely he is masturbating. If you were having regular sex he may not feel the need, currently in my relationship we've been having a few difficulties with sex where I find it painful from time to time so we make up for it by masturbating together but most often if we use lube it's fine. If he has no desire to be with you physically it could be an attraction thing? Either way, you ought to do some research about birth control and talk to him about it.
2019-07-09 9:14 am
Yes all the time
2019-07-09 8:53 am
Not all men masturbate. Some are crippled and unable.
2019-07-09 7:14 am
Ask your friends he may be closer to one of them than he's been with you in the last four years. If you find out he is not cheating, then perhaps it is time to sit down and discuss this. Perhaps he has abstained because he feels it is what you wanted...or perhaps there are some problems that he is too embarrassed to discuss. Either way you need to get this out in the open or your never going to get that proposal.
2019-07-09 5:24 am
Well can't say for sure all but most of us do
2019-07-09 1:55 am
Is he religious? If so its fine. However i would say its a good thing he likes for you not for sex. However if i was instead of him i would have sex everyday. He may be cheating on you but why is he still with you
2019-07-09 1:11 am
Some men say they don't, I know I do, been doing it for years.
2019-07-09 1:02 am
Very good chance, yes.
2019-07-09 12:03 am
not necessarily, there might be other reasons he doesnt want to do it
2019-07-08 9:45 pm
Ummm yes lol if they know how
2019-07-13 12:57 am
Yes men and women do
2019-07-12 9:39 pm
Sounds like a sad sex life. Maybe find another guy
2019-07-11 12:08 am
I am not going back & forth with this but its time to move on which you know deep down inside...

Live... Learn... Grow
2019-07-10 7:15 am
I never had to, it was always easy for me to get girls to have sex.
2019-07-10 3:12 am
Probably not the Christian ones.
2019-07-09 11:39 am
Well you ask that and then I think of my pastor (who by the way, is SUPER hot for 42 and for being a pastor) and try to guess whether he masturbates because it's a "sin". Truth is, I have no clue, but I hope so.
2019-07-09 9:10 am
Is he gay by any chance?
2019-07-11 6:08 pm
All of us do after 12 yr old. So, yes he is. This may be a very nice man, and be very good to you. But after 8 years, you should be having sex. We don't know why he doesn't want to and why you've accepted that. If you're happy, stay happy, but nothing is ever going to change with this man.
2019-07-10 6:06 am
Sexless relationships are called cousins....or just to ugly to do it with or too fat.
2019-07-09 6:09 am
I dont know..............
2019-07-09 2:59 am
He ain't the one, sis

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