This is a SERIOUS QUESTION! COULD I be arrested?!?

2015-03-22 11:46 pm
I'm a freshman in algebra 1 and bio 1 this year. Last semester, I passed both classes and moved on, but I was doing very poorly in Bio for the first month, but very well in algebra for the first month. Then it just reversed, and I pulled a C in both for first quarter, I got a B in Bio 2nd quarter and an F in Algebra. My teacher decided to pass me anyway. Well, we have something in Indiana (my state) called ECA in both subjects, I'm failing both classes now and I think ECA is in the first week of May. I know this is crazy, but I feel like I'm going to be arrested if I don't pass them because it IS a HUGE requirement for life. And I want to teach preschool when I grow up. Is my hope for that gone? What could I do instead?

回答 (5)

2015-03-22 11:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You won't be arrested for failing some standardized test. Stop being paranoid. If you want to go to college, you should repeat the courses (in summer school if necessary) to gain the understanding you'll need to pass the ECA on your next attempt.
2015-03-23 2:12 am
You sound too mentally unstable to be a teacher. Get some help now. I would not want you to be around my children. I do not mean to be nasty; but just look at what you have just written! You sound like a lunatic. Sort it out.
2016-06-10 10:42 pm
參考: Criminal Record Search Database :
2016-03-29 2:19 pm
No, you should see a therapist. Eventually you'll have to be in remediation so just go to it.
2015-03-23 5:20 am
Why would you think you could be arrested for failing a couple of courses. I know of no law against failing. If you have a problem just write me my brother is a lawyer. He got his last clients sentence reduced to the electric chair..

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