For 7 months I have felt horrible,ill and depressed.?

2015-06-19 12:46 am
For like 7 months I have felt horrible.
On my head It feels like it has pressure on it and it feels like its getting worse, and I also always feel really tired and depressed, I do get enough sleep what is going on,
all of this started when my life started to get all ruined and depressing and everyone started hating me, btw everyone is cool now with other people but this isn't over what is this?
No I don't take drugs or anything else.

回答 (1)

2015-06-19 1:25 am
It is very likely your depression is making you feel ill. A feeling of a tight band around the head is a sign. You should get a complete checkup to rule out any minor physical cause. If none is found you might look into therapy.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:22:55
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