Volunteering at animal shelter?

2015-07-15 2:56 am
I'm applying to be a volunteer at a local animal shelter. In the application, they give a series of jobs I can choose from. But they do not give descriptions. Can you give me an idea of what the job is/responsibilties of the job?

1) Dog Companion

2)Community Adoptions

3)Shelter Host

4) Administrative Services

回答 (2)

2015-07-16 4:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. walking dogs, pettting dogs.
2. work woth people on which animal to adopt, help them fill out paperwork
3. welcome people when they come in probably,
4. office work.
Great for you!
2015-07-15 3:38 am
Fill out whatever section suits you. I hope you enjoy cleaning uo poop.

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