I'm dangerous?

2016-05-25 12:33 pm
Hello I'm 13
I told my dad last night that I want to stab someone and he didn't believe me because I have a history of thinking things are true when there not. He to high this was just a feeling that would pass. Well it's been here for a month now and I definitely still want to kill someone. I don't care about going to a youth prison thingy after that. I don't care what happens I just want to kill someone . I tried to burn my school down yesterday hoping to kill someone but that failed miserably as the fire didn't spread. I'm not at school today and I'm going crazy in my room just thinking of murder... What am I going to do

回答 (4)

2016-05-25 2:50 pm
Let's get something straight. You have no right to harm anyone else. Not an adult or a child. Exactly what is the pleasure you find in doing this? Do you feel so powerless you want to prove you have some. You would be taking away from someone everything, evey dream, everyone they know, the people they would be a parent to in the future. Who are you to do that. Get professional help or start with yourself and see how it works out.
2016-05-25 2:07 pm
the difference between people who think about killing people and people who actually do it... is having the strength to do what they know is right. They just don't do it. You are at a point where you can either choose to be a bad person or a good person. If you really believe you are a danger - this post of yours is like a cry for help. Take the next step and actually go to a hospital and tell them you are having mental problems and want to commit a murder. They will probably put you in a mental hospital - but only for a little while. It is possible this is all being caused by a hormone imbalance or something.

Be strong and do what you know is right (not killing people).
2016-05-25 12:47 pm
Well ty to calm down and take a deep breath. Do you really want to hurt someone and end up jn prison? Because let me tell ya prison is not fun.
2016-05-25 12:35 pm
I suppose youll end up in some youth detention or psychiatric facility

hopefully youll manage to engage and get better or be killed by one of the other residents

society cant save everyone - swings and roundabouts eh :)

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