Why am I so scared of smoking weed ?

2015-04-08 3:51 am
Ok when I get offered to smoke I say no . But I've come really close to but the thought of me smoking really scares me like I would get a really bad pit in my stomach if that makes sense . Like what if I die cause it's fake bait . I can't explain it . Just really scares me like post traumatic stress disorder but no bad experiences has happened to me and it even gets light headed

回答 (4)

2015-04-08 3:54 am
Don't smoke it, you will have an anxiety attack and possibly develop a disorder. I am serious.
2015-04-08 5:22 am
Just don't smoke! You are getting the pit feeling in the stomach for a reason, son. You know that it's bad for you!
2015-04-08 10:52 am
Because you are smarter than your peers.
2015-04-08 7:40 am
haha yeah I'm like this too. It's honestly fine to not smoke weed though. You can live a perfectly functional (if not more) life!

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:38:22
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