Can anyone give me advice on depression?

2018-12-05 1:16 pm
I’m so tired of feeling tired and hungry more because depression,not being able to stay focus in school ,not being able to think right.Im 16 years old and I’ve had a rough life in the past.Depression came to me when I was 12.Im a quiet girl and Have a few friends.Ive told them all how I felt yet nobody checks on me,I’ve told my family,they don’t check on me,I’ve talked to counselors and it doesn’t help me,they don’t even contact to make sure I’m okay.Yet here I am helping others with their depression but what about mine?people talk about me but not to me.I get left out all the time.Everyday I tell my self that it’ll get better but it’s not,I’m sick of feeling so horrible everyday for god sakes I just want it to end ,Suicide isn’t the answer but I seriously want to die,But I just can’t kill myself because I feel like I still have hope since I’m Not even to age 18 yet.I truly reach out,Nothing is working I don’t know if I can take this any longer.

回答 (19)

2018-12-07 6:59 am
Well, for one thing, don't take advice from someone who says they've been depressed for more than a year or two. Seek advice from someone who has conquered it or a doctor who has a track record of curing it. There are lots of things one can do that will help. Lots of exercise, for one. What helped me was a book by Dr. David Burns called, "The Feeling Good Handbook". There are a number of mental exercises that basically reprogram your subconscious mind to feel good. There are also a lot of tips for coping with fears, hard to get along with people, etc. Think of the book as a roadmap to happiness.
2018-12-05 1:35 pm
To some extent, depression can be controlled by changing your focus. When you focus on yourself, you think of how horrible life is. However, when you try to help others, you gain a sense of purpose, and that helps you too.
2018-12-10 10:06 am
It's temporary
2018-12-09 12:39 pm
Write me through my profile and I will write back once a day to check on you.
2018-12-08 9:00 pm
I wish I was as wise as you at 16. I waited until I was 18 and it was o be heck of a ride. Now I'm 22. I started to struggle when I was 11.

Try reaching out to your doctor. Express your concerns about your depression. Get into outpatient therapy. Try getting a psychiatrist. I ended up needing medication which is not a bad thing. It's helped me tremendously.

Please, stay strong. If you want my email, I'll give it to you so you have someone to talk to.
2018-12-07 11:35 pm
You need professional evaluation and perhaps even medication. I am not saying you should stop helping others, because that is quite gratifying, but not at the expense of ignoring what YOU need. I would do a trial run on some anti depression medication.
2018-12-07 12:31 am
Hey when I was your age I felt the same way. I am 18 now and I can honestly say that your perspective on life does change. I was sent away to a mental facility to deal with my problems. I was surprised to find out that after 9 months of being there I didnt feel any better and heres why: I wasn't putting in the effort.. I wasn't being kind to myself I wasn't taking care of myself at all I just expected the meds to do it all but it didnt. I will tell you that I felt the same way. no one checked up on me and no one checks up on me still. everyones just to busy with their lives. I learned to love my own company, appreciate myself. Something that really helped me throughout my years was journaling. you should try it! literally just write about whatever you want.. that was the best part for me that no one could tell me what to write or how to write what I felt. I poured my heart out in a bunch of notebooks. I have like 20 stacked up and sometimes when I feel like I am falling back into that depression I read over my notebooks to remind myself how far ive come. when you learn to like being alone life gets easier. of course dont isolate yourself, go out have fun take chances go see your counselors first, reach out. ask about seeing a therapist. do things you've never done before try a sport learn an instrument because one day you will be dust and so will I. lets make it worthwhile. let others live their lives with mediocracy but never let yourself do that. something else that helps me is working out. everyone starts somewhere. dont give up on yourself. ill be here rooting for you !!
2018-12-05 11:25 pm
become happier
2018-12-05 1:39 pm
People who are self centered over react
With depression and don't grasp most
People vocals mostly on getting what
They need DONE. Helping others is
Maybe a free time option and most
People don't have much time to give
Others. They got bills to pay, errands
To run, work to do, exercise to do,
Financing to do, book keeping to do,
House cleaning to do, research to do,
Socializing connected with their job
To do, the list is a mile long. They can't
Just stop and help everyone they come
Across. I know it seems unloving and
Unfair and cold but they are simply
Focused on getting their needs and
Wants taken care of. Even your parents
Are busy like everyone else. Most problems
In life your must solve on your own. Search
Ebay for self help books on depression
Or other problems you have and find the
Solution. In this life your basically on your own.
2018-12-06 9:17 am
Get your thyroid checked to make sure you aren't suffering from hypothyroidism, exercise, go to church and buy a dildo.

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