Got a tetanus shot 24 hours after injury?

2019-07-26 1:59 am
i was at work when i cut my hand( Not too badly) on a metal handle for the lockers at my work. It’s like 4 years old and looked pretty worn, a little rusty. So i decided to go and get a tetanus shot the next day, which was almost 24 hours after the occurrence, am i too late , or is 24 hours good enough time to get one?

回答 (6)

2019-07-31 4:48 am
Don't worry about it
2019-07-29 6:18 am
The tetanus bacteria won't be found on a rusty metal locker at your workplace. The bacteria that causes tetanus is found on, rusty objects that have been covered by contaminated soil for several years. Rust itself doesn't cause tetanus. .
2019-07-26 12:03 pm
Tetanus is a bacteria that lives in the soil so rusty object like nails are considered a good way to get it. The bacteria is anaerobic so it usually requires a deep puncture that air cannot get to. You cut is probably open to the air and not that deep. A tetanus booster every ten years is always a good idea.
2019-07-26 2:25 am
nope you will be fine
2019-07-26 2:09 am
24 hours later is better then not getting one at all.
2019-07-26 2:02 am
Plenty of time. Tetanus is extremely rare these days.
2019-07-26 2:01 am
Good timing, stop worrying.

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