What are the long term consequences to overdosing on pills?

2010-05-22 5:25 am
This question is specifically for medical doctors and psychologists. Five years ago I overdosed on the medication Symbyax, had 3 seizures, and almost died. I don't remember how long I was unconscious, but I do remember the headache i had and how it took me a couple of hours to learn how to walk again and gain bladder control.. The doctors did all kinds of tests to check for brain damage, etc, and concluded that I didn't suffer brain damage or anything. My concern, however, is the doctors were looking for immediate concequenses of the attempt. I have also overdosed on benedryl over the last five years What long term consequences could I have? Could I have brain damage now that "developed" over the last five years? Could I develop cirrosis of the liver or cancer or something? Could I develop Parkinsons? What's the chance of developing a seizure disorder? I know it's my own fault if I do have brain damage, but I'd just like to know what could possibly be in the future. My reading comprehension is shot. It's so frustrating that I don't read very much any more. I listen to audiobooks. I have forgotten a very large amount of infomation that was taught in school and college. There's very large amounts of time that I can't remember, especially 2004 and 2005. Please don't worry about suicidal ideation. My brother completed suicide in February and it woke me up. I don't suffer from suicidal ideation right now. I don't want to orphan my three cats who I adore. If I died they would most likely go to a shelter and I think that would kill them. I have lost my faith in the human race and choose to spend most of my time with animals. The animals are my sole reason for living. I have a complicated list of Dx's including atypical depression, ADD, anxiety disorder, nonverbal learning disbility, Hoshimoto's thyroditis, and PMDD.
Again, I am not suicidal right now, I'm just concerned about possible long term consequences.
This question is posed for medical doctors, psychatrists, and psychologists. serious answers only, please. (PS Why do they not include psychiatrists as an MD?)

回答 (2)

2010-05-22 5:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am not a doctor but I can tell you that your anxiety level is very high and your most likely suffering symptoms from depression and anxiety. Those two conditions alone can block good thinking and make you believe you have any number of known diseases and some not yet discovered in this galaxy. If the doctors said you don't have brain damage you should not run back and thing they missed something. You will only make yourself feel worse.
It is imperative you believe in the healing power of the human body and not look for signs of illness. This means no looking up every symptom on the web which I am sure you do. I am not being a wise guy but I am saying this out of concern for you. Even medical student are prone to think they have every disease they study. Every lump or bump is not serious and does not need prodding or probing until it hurts. Please tell your self that you are fine and will continue to improve. If you feel really sick then go to a physician or two if needs be and if nothing is found accept it.
I wish i could do more to help you see what you are doing to yourself. Everyone is equally important so i want you to treat yourself well.
2016-06-03 6:44 pm
It depends on what the drugs you are taking are...you are not giving enough information here to say whether you are doing damage. Taking excessive doses are very hard on the organs that metabolize the drugs, i.e. the liver and the kidneys. You can also cause damage to your GI tract, your brain, etc. And there is always the chance that one day you will not wake up. Get some help.

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