Should guns be banned ? Yes or No?

2018-02-22 1:05 pm

回答 (93)

2018-02-22 1:47 pm
2018-02-22 1:13 pm
simply No,
2018-02-22 1:20 pm
No...but stupidity should be.
2018-02-22 1:06 pm
No .
2018-02-23 3:49 am
No, they did that in Russia and evil took control !
2018-02-22 1:06 pm
Overly simplistic question.
2018-02-22 1:22 pm
No. If you ban guns, then only criminals will have guns. I don't like that scenario.
2018-02-22 1:20 pm
No. Did you know that Mexico has banned guns? Do you think it's working out for them? With all their drug cartels and tourist kidnappers/torturers? Only the lawful citizens gave up their guns. The bad guys are the only ones who have them because they disregard laws. Good people are now defenseless.
2018-02-24 10:30 am
Guns should be banged.
2018-02-22 1:08 pm
參考: Bobby Sherman
2018-02-23 5:20 am
2018-02-22 1:46 pm
nope since criminals/lunatics don't really care for laws .. there are other solutions like doing raids on illegal firearms or background checks on gun buyers ...
2018-02-22 1:15 pm
2018-02-22 2:24 pm
No.Americans would start crying.
2018-02-24 7:48 am
NO does anyone think the bad guys will turn their's in,, think again the answer is NO they won't
2018-02-24 3:30 am
2018-02-22 4:16 pm
No. How are you going to protect the freedom of your country from the invaders & occupiers who has guns? Are you going to politely ask them to leave? yeah like they've never tried that before!
2018-02-24 8:55 pm
As soon as you can tell us how you intend to get the guns from criminals or protect the law abiding, unarmed taxpayer fromt he criminals, we can talk about "banning" something.
2018-02-22 1:14 pm
2018-02-22 1:06 pm
2018-02-25 10:12 am
You could just as well ask, should strong arm robbery and rape be legalized. All that laughing you hear is MS13 looking at all your stuff that's going to be theirs.
2018-02-24 10:39 pm
Only for libtard dimocrats.
2018-02-24 9:07 pm
Okay how about I give you a question that make you understand the condition of gun.If you are wanting to talk about crime on banning guns it will cause crime to increase by these new phase,Smuggling,new alternative to use CQC, Rise in animal population, and the almost halt any suppprt for military and police which Crime Rate skyrocket.If it because it kills.Then here a quote all things are a weapon water,paper,pencil,food, and ect... Search up era before the creation of gunpowder The 100 Year war is a excample.
2018-02-24 8:42 pm
2018-02-24 4:58 pm
2018-02-24 3:48 am
If guns were banned no one would be safe as criminals already don't obey the law and they sure as hell wouldn't turn in their guns. What we need is for our government agencies to strictly enforce the many guns laws we have across this nation.
2018-02-24 12:39 am
2018-02-23 12:49 pm
2018-02-22 7:47 pm
Only in other countries. Other countries should have gun control for civilians. The United States should not.
2018-02-22 1:07 pm
They won't.
2018-02-22 2:38 pm
參考: :-)
2018-02-22 1:16 pm
2018-02-26 4:55 am
No its not feasible and it would do nothing to prevent any kind of crime.
2018-02-24 10:47 pm
No, especially not under the lying, thieving, crooked government thats been ripping this country apart for the past 30 years.
2018-02-24 8:12 pm
2018-02-24 6:14 pm
Only for liberals,who commit 90% of all violent crimes.
2018-02-24 3:31 pm
Darn dyslexia. I thought this question said should nuns be banged.

What a disappointment.
2018-02-24 7:21 am
2018-02-24 7:20 am
No way jóse!

參考: american
2018-02-24 6:39 am
No. And this is from a non-owner.
2018-02-24 6:15 am
2018-02-23 10:32 am
Absolutely NOT! That was Hitler's plan for the German people. Hitler wanted to make Nazi Germany the most powerful army in the world.
2018-02-22 6:29 pm
I'm not playing this game of answering a question that is being asked thousands of times everyday without ever getting to a closure. It's pointless.
2018-02-22 4:44 pm
No, but psychiatric drugs should be, stop trying to make guns the problem.
2018-02-22 1:08 pm
Reality is not that simple. But I would say that they should not be a right.
2018-02-24 3:28 am
No, gun control is against the 2nd amendment!
2018-02-23 1:13 pm
2018-02-22 11:50 pm
No, people are the problem, not guns.
2018-02-22 11:18 pm
參考: The government has been planning to f*ck us the moment we are disarmed.
2018-02-22 1:09 pm
Impossible when you have as many of them as there are floating around. But sensible efforts to make them harder to get or to keep for mentally-unhinged folks, closing gun show loopholes, limiting magazine sizes and outlawing bump stocks, the like, certainly aren't bad ideas.

And these ideas do NOT infringe on the Second Amendment.
2018-02-22 1:09 pm
more thorough screening
2018-02-22 1:13 pm
Some of them, yes. Automatics are a lot of fun at the range, but there really is no good reason that it should be so easy to murder that many people at once.
2018-02-23 11:16 am
2018-02-24 11:33 am
No, they should not be banned but people who misuse them should be boiled alive.
2018-02-23 11:37 pm
if their was a level plain yes but history dictates its a horrible world
2018-02-23 11:00 am
No. Everyone claims that the gun is the cause of the murders and shootings but it is the person using the gun. Even if guns were banned, people would still find a way to kill and nothing would change. Guns shouldn't necessarily be banned but it would be a good idea to change some of the rules that go along with them cause in my opinion, it is way to easy for any person to get a gun.
2018-02-22 1:11 pm
Dude the world is not black and white. No guns should not be banned but they should be more restricted in the US. (will never happen)
2018-02-23 2:04 pm
Yes stupid people should not have guns!!!
2018-02-23 4:17 am
NO for protections, but YES to Assault Weapons, they are Machine guns and no Sicilians should not have one, it belongs in the Military only.
2018-02-22 7:33 pm
There should be firmer gun control
2018-02-22 1:06 pm
Not all guns. Only certain types of guns, like the guns chosen by 90 percent of mass shooters.
2018-02-24 7:09 am
No! We do need some type of protection for our families but I do believe that stupid people shouldn’t have guns.. lol.
2018-02-22 3:24 pm
2018-02-23 7:56 pm
Yes, Security forces should have guns only
2018-02-23 1:33 am
I really see no reason why anyone would want an automatic, other than to kill people. For home protection, I'.m sure a hand gun would suffice.
2018-02-24 2:09 pm
2018-02-24 12:49 pm
Yes! It would do no good, but at least gun nuts would get the same low status as drug dealers. F'em.
2018-02-24 6:29 am
No, just fewer should own them and fewer should be able to do the damage they do.
2018-02-22 3:01 pm
Yes but money talks more unfortunately and that's all Congress cares about. The NRA is probably paying them
2018-02-22 1:44 pm
What, Ban guns, Civilized society would never allow it, (I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children) a line from Bob dylans A hard rains a gonna fall written in 1962 who would have though those lyrics would be so prevalent in todays world.
2018-02-22 2:45 pm
Yes, only the police and military should have them.
2018-02-24 2:26 pm
no, not banned.
well, illegal handguns are numbered into the millions, and according to "drug,inc." the t.v. show, thecriminals are armed to the gills. the anti-drug show has videos of gang-drug dealers with tons of heavy assault weapons.
when the police get thecriminals off the streets, i might consider not having a gun; but today,
there is way, way, too much crime upon the average citizen not to own my own gun in my own home.
even a little one, might do if i hit what i shoot.
2018-02-25 11:08 pm
I will happily accept banning guns just as soon as you will walk through the barrio where MS-13 has a hold or stroll through the south side of Chicago late at night, alone and unarmed. If you make it out safely, I'll consider surrendering my gun.
2018-02-24 4:59 am
2018-02-23 11:27 am
a little of both honestly
2018-02-23 9:40 am
2018-02-23 2:35 am
Certain guns yes
All guns no
2018-02-23 12:09 am
2018-02-22 10:49 pm
2018-02-22 4:16 pm
It’s hard to say but SOMETHING needs to be done. Different parties need to grow up and overcome their differences and work on a solution. People are losing their lives when they should not be.
2018-02-26 4:31 am
2018-02-25 11:53 am
Not banned, but should be strictly regulated.
2018-02-25 6:17 am
Guns, as we know them, yes. But better yet, the production of them and their ammunition, should be ended, and replaced with energy weapons, like we see in Science fiction movies.
2018-02-25 12:19 am
30% yes but 70% no
2018-02-24 9:33 pm
2018-02-24 8:19 pm
Saw a banner today that the gun lobby says mental illness causes mass shootings, not guns, so why aren't there mentally ill people shooting up schools in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.
It is the abundance of assault rifles and handguns in the US that is the problem. Make owners of automatic weapons and handguns pay $1,000 a year registration for each of these weapons they own and I am sure suddenly the owners will lose interest in them very quickly. In Australia you are allowed bolt action guns which if used for violence the gunman must reload each shot and in that time there is a chance for people to escape or overpower the gunman. Guns do not have to be totally banned just the really dangerous ones taken off the streets. No one needs a gun that was designed solely for killing people. Maybe if it was the NRAs children being shot by these weapons their love of these weapons would soon diminish.
2018-02-24 5:12 pm
2018-02-24 6:39 am
No, all guns should not be banned.
2018-02-24 2:05 am
yes duh
2018-02-24 1:53 am
yes except for people who work in law enforcement
2018-02-23 11:21 pm
2018-02-22 5:18 pm
Guns do not belong in the hands of civilians! Period only the police and military should have guns.
2018-02-24 6:21 pm
For soldiers and police also? Not as simple as you want to think. Indeed most western countries have far stricter gun controls than in the USA, and far fewer incidents of gun crime.
2018-02-24 1:17 pm
Yes or at least there should be more education, safety and restrictions put on retaining and owning a firearm. No gun shows! They make it too easy for a person to get a firearm.
2018-02-23 6:09 am
no. assault type weapons and large capacity magazines should be.
2018-02-23 3:37 am
2018-02-22 7:46 pm
No but they need to have more Background Checks and Guns need to not get in the Wrong people's Hands

It should not be Banned for Responsible Gun Owners there are some people that use It Responsibly
2018-02-22 6:17 pm
2018-02-24 7:40 pm
guns should’ve been banned the second they were used to kill a bunch of kids in elementary school
2018-02-24 6:12 pm
yes it should be ban in all the countries of the world because the gun should be in a pocket of police, special agents and soldier this is not the thing to make a common that every one can have the gun from
2018-02-24 6:04 am
Should. What do you think David ?

Oh wait, you dont appear to have an opinion one way or the other. So comeback when you do.
2018-02-22 11:21 pm
Yes of course.

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