It won’t heal. It keeps getting infected: what do I do?

2019-10-22 11:55 pm
I’ve had a pimple on my breast and I’ve picked and picked it and now the is a white layer and if I don’t pick it, it goes yellow and oozes yellow ****. What is the white and red meaty layer in the pic? I have two now. 


回答 (18)

2019-10-23 12:13 am
you go and see your doctor
2019-10-23 8:51 am
If this is on your nipple, you need to get to the dr. ASAP.
2019-10-23 12:23 am
Picking at it, is keeping it from healing and the white stuff is tissue trying to heal. You need at this point to see a wound care center, start with your doc. It actually doesn’t look very infected, just trying to heal but canted.
參考: PA
2019-10-23 12:00 am
Get to the doctor
2019-10-22 11:57 pm
I am going to tell you again it looks like a skin cancer!!!
2019-10-23 3:25 pm
Go to see a specialist you seriously need help
2019-10-26 3:30 am
The wound is an indication of accumulated toxins in the blood. Take as many cucumbers as you can and stay on just cucumbers for a day or two. Your wound will heal fast.
2019-10-25 12:25 am
oh my god the more you pick it the more it will come back. clean it with rubbing alcohol (which will sting like a *****) and then apply preferably a stick on bandage, or a plaster and let it heal. every 1-2 days takes off the bandage for a couple of hours, clean the wound, and then apply a fresh bandage. hope this helps
2019-10-24 6:43 am
It's probably not cancer but it could be an infected pimple. I used to get breast acne and when I would pick at it, it would ooze. See a doc to rule out anything serious.
2019-10-23 4:48 am
It could be impetigo. No one can give you an accurate diagnosis with tests, not even a doctor.

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