Is my anxiety causing me aches and pains? I don't know what's wrong.?

2015-11-01 5:26 pm
I turned 17 this year and In August I experienced my first panic attack - shortness of breath, uncontrollable shaking, etc. The doctors concluded that it was due to me overthinking and worrying too much. I was shaken up quite a bit the week following but since then I ve had many aches and pains. I woke up one morning with extreme back pain which became better throughout the day. It s happened before so I passed it off as just pulled muscles. I ve also been experiencing sharp abdominal pain, mostly under the rib cage and above my hip bones. Sometimes I d feel sick after eating heavy meals. I ve been healthy all my life so I m just jumping to the conclusion that it s my anxiety causing these pains. But it s been happening for weeks now and I m starting to get scared about my health. I just lay in bed or daydream at college about it. Sometimes distracting myself helps but most of the time it s all i think about.

Finding out what is actually wrong would help massively. I would be able to get closure and concentrate on getting better and helping myself.Having exams coming up is scary as I feel as if i won t be able to do my best due to worrying about this.

Plz help

回答 (7)

2015-11-05 4:45 am
Your aches and pains can be from anxiety but you must have a complete physical. If the doctor says nothing physical is to be found then you can say it is psychological. You might even go to an endocrinologist to insure your hormones are at the correct level. If nothing is found then you must clear your mind of any physical problem and work on the anxiety.
2015-11-03 2:24 am
I am sure your anxiety and panice attacks are causing your aches and pains. I had the same thing happen to me for years, until I finally went for help and got medicine, I am a different person today. Don't suffer anymore go get help
2015-11-02 12:46 pm
I am an nervousness sufferer and I'm per year older than you, therefore i can deffo see why you're worrying- all things considered, you're an anxious particular person! However I would point out that yes your nervousness is causing these injuries because anxiety and suffering panic disorder or stress is likely to put your body under plenty of pressure, it makes you very tired a whole lot and makes your entire body just feel run down often, with me it offers me headaches and makes me tired on a regular basis. anxiety is a psychological issue nonetheless it affects the entire physique. Go and talk in your doctor about whats happening and so they can see what direction to go from there. In the mean time just try to spotlight distracting yourself with hobbies and in addition yoga is amazing! Hope it will help.
2015-11-02 11:57 am
Thank you for reaching out for help. It sounds like you have been through a lot lately. Anxiety and intrusive thoughts can be scary, but it is possible to stop them. The thoughts that you think dictate the feelings that you feel. If you think negative, scary, or panicky thoughts, your brain wreleases chemicals that make you feel anxiety and irrational thoughts. If you think positive thoughts, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel happy and calm. To overcome anxiety, you must change your thought patterns.
For the next week, carry around a small notebook and write down every negative or scary thought that you have. This will help you to see how many of your thoughts are negative. The average person thinks a negative thought every two minutes! Then, after writing down the negative or scary thought, immediately write down or say out loud a positive thought. Come up with a list of positive thoughts that you can tell yourself: “I’m OK.” “Today is a good day because I am choosing that it will be.” “I am strong.” “This too will pass, and I will get through this.”
Additionally, check out the following 99 coping skills, which can help you to refocus your thoughts on positive things:
Sometimes it can help to talk to someone and tell them about what you are going through. Please know that there are people who can and will help you with what you are going through. You may want to consider talking with a counselor at a hotline. There are many hotlines that are 24/7 and will work with you and situations like yours. Some even have email and/or chat if you would prefer.
Hopefully, you will continue to reach out! Sincerely, KO, Counselor
參考: Boys Town National Hotline -- Available 24/7 at 1-800-448-3000 -- Teens and Young Adults;
2015-11-01 5:35 pm
I am an anxiety sufferer and I'm a year older than you, so I can deffo see why you're worrying- after all, you're an anxious person! However I would say that yes your anxiety is causing these aches and pains because anxiety and suffering panic attacks or stress is bound to put your body under a lot of pressure, it makes you very tired a lot and makes your whole body just feel run down in many ways, with me it gives me headaches and makes me tired all the time. anxiety is a psychological issue but it affects the entire body. Go and talk to your doctor about whats happening and they can see what to do from there. In the mean time just try to focus on distracting yourself with hobbies and also yoga is amazing! Hope this helps.
2015-11-01 11:15 pm
Yes, anxiety or stress can cause physical symptoms, you've heard the phrase "Worry yourself sick" perhaps? I also think you should go to some sessions of CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), especially a CBT therapist certified in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy. If you had a broken bone I presume you would go to a bone Doctor; if your mind's response to stress is "broken" go to a mind Doctor.
The autonomic nervous system, the nerve system that controls our body's unconscious activities (hunger, breathing, heart rate, etc), is divided into two subsections: the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system. In a sense these systems are constantly at odds with each other which results in a homeostasis under normal circumstances. The SNS is responsible for our "fight or flight" response (avoiding danger or protecting yourself), the PNS is responsible for our "feed and breed" impulses (sleeping, eating, procreating). In some anxiety conditions, PTSD for one, the SNS is hyperactive leading to unnecessary vigilance and the sense that EVERYTHING is a reason to worry. Your anxiety may or may not be caused in this manner but you can take advantage of the SNS/PNS to decrease the intensity and frequency of your feelings of anxiety. The ANS in general is sensitive to, and effected by, our breathing (see HRV). Breathing in accelerates our heart rate and breathing out slows it. A slower heart rate is associated with mental and physical relaxation.
Until you are able to see a therapist try the following relaxation technique. It may be able to decrease your body's association between mental stress and the physical responses.
Assume a comfortable posture. Try to clear your mind and focus on your breathing. Breathe in fully for a slow five count, then breathe out fully for a slow 10 count, pause, repeat. Actually count in your head to discourage distraction. If you become distracted by a good thought, go with it for a moment then re-focus on your breathing: 5 in, 10 out. If you become distracted by a negative or stressful thought: move your eyes side-to-side (as if you are watching a tennis match without moving your head) for 10-15 seconds as you search for tension in your body (this could be tightness in your neck, pressure in your chest, clenched fists, etc); notice the the tension, identify it, try to relax it, then re-focus on your breathing. Every 3-4 cycles of breathing or every time a negative thought distracts you: move your eyes, notice tension, identify it, relax it. Over time you can decrease the power of the negative thoughts and release, or at least diminish, the connection between stress and physical pain.
Hopefully this helps,
Good luck!
2015-11-01 5:44 pm
It's very likely. You need to learn to calm down. You are also setting yourself up for failure. By that I mean if you do poorly on your exams, you can blame your physical complaints.

You probably have what is known as somatic symptom disorder. A brief course of cognitive behavioral therapy is proven to help most people.

If you don't want to do that, at least try a class in meditation.

If the symptoms are to the point of disability, see a doctor. If they continue after meditation classes or therapy, see a doctor.
2015-11-01 5:28 pm
Maybe pay another visit to the doctor.Also think of some reasons about why you are worrying so much.
2015-11-03 8:13 pm
Out of curiosity, before your symptoms began, did you consume any 'Ecstasy' and/or MDMA? I'm not assuming you have, but I have my own reasons for asking if by chance you have. And also, I completely understand if you do not wish to answer - don't mean to put you on the spot, so to speak, good day.
2015-11-02 12:52 pm
yes, you should try pain-o-soma or ultram 250mg to get rid from anxiety or pain
2015-11-01 6:15 pm
Yes your attack may cause you pain especially when their is no measure to control them
2015-11-01 6:08 pm
see an hio method chiropractor. (yes, specifically the nerve interference from it's misalignment.)

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