Poll: What is something you do to feel good?

2015-07-16 12:37 pm

回答 (1716)

2015-07-18 9:01 pm
Eat Something Healthy
Doing Physical Work
Listening to music
Play Video Games
Watch TV
Surf the Internet
Thinking Freely
Feeling nature
Board Games
Listen to Gospel
Work on Ideal Projects
Listening to up beat happy music.
Travelling to new places.
Watching Netflix.
Cooking some food.
Seeing an old friend.
Buying stuff for yourself.
Creating something new.
Go to the beach.
Go camping with your friend.
Get up early.
Have a bath.
Have a warm or cold shower.
Play with pets.
Watch YouTube.
Dress up.
Make a scrap book.
Write a book, poem or short story
Reading the newspaper or magazines
Win some money
Have a beer
Have a nice breakfast
Having less stress
2015-07-17 2:55 am
Things that makes me feel good daily:
1. working
2. Listening to music
3. Surfing the internet
4. Reading a book, newspaper, and magazines
5. Take a walk to think and relax
6. Have a warm shower
7. Win some money
8. Have a beer
9. Have a nice breakfast
10. Having less stress
2015-07-18 9:03 pm
1 Watching Anime
2 Playing video games
3 Listening to Music
4 Drawing Manga
5 Being Lazy
6 What all guys do with a laptop when their alone ;)
7 Working out
8 Watch tv
9 Chatting with mates
10 Cooking
2015-07-23 4:34 am
1. Watch anime
2. Make funny memes
3. Play with animals
4. Watch cartoons
5. Draw
6. Write
7. Netflix
8. Listen to music
9. Exercise
10. Sleep
11. Eat some fruit
2015-07-19 3:54 pm
This is what makes me feel good
1. Listening to music
2. Doing physical work
3. Have a bath
4. Watch TV
5. Eating
6. Cooking some food especially with friends
2015-07-21 9:50 pm
Too often, people don't focus enough on themselves. Ironically, the more aware you are of yourself, the more confident and better you feel. Try the following items from my book Redefine Yourself: The Simple Guide to Happiness to redefine yourself mentally and emotionally and achieve the happiness you deserve! You can find the full list on http://www.michaelmoodyfitness.com/personaltrainersfitnessanddietblog/2015/3/24/99-ways-to-redefine-yourself-today.

1. Believe that you can redefine yourself.
2. Create a business plan for your life.
3. Become a human scientist and study the physical, mental, and emotional you.
4. Make it a point to understand yourself and others.
5. Commit to this journey and don’t take the easy way out.
6. Become an outside observer to the mechanics of your mind and think about your thinking.
7. Ask yourself the tough questions and answer honestly.
8. Practice looking at yourself objectively.
9. Trust your instincts, your gut, and your perspective, but know where they stem from.
10. Don’t be a bystander in the course of life.
11. Adopt the mantra “Keep it Simple”.
12. Write your new mantra on a post-it note and place it in numerous places as a reminder.
13. Confront your inner influences.
14. Approach new ideas with an open mind.
15. Realize that you’re not alone.
16. Practice mindfulness.
17. Teach yourself to wake up to life around you—and inside of you—at any given moment.
18. Schedule alerts throughout the day to remind you to “take a breath”.
19. Listen to your inner voice.
20. Catch yourself making negative statements about you while randomly doing other things and write them down.
2015-07-17 1:52 am
Get up early. Watch the sun come up early over the South Pacific. Take a walk threw the palm plantation to town have coffee there maybe play a few hands of cards and talk. Walk down the beach home. Work in the yard or with the animals. Eat lunch. Stay out of the tropical sun in the afternoon. Cook supper only way to have a American stile meal once a day here. Set on the back balcony and watch the sun set over the mountains. Makes a good day. Now for fun there is going back in the mountains on the foot trails, rafting the river, diveing and such.
2015-07-17 2:43 am
Thinking Freely
Feeling nature
2015-07-18 2:08 am
參考: Anyone who gives this a thumbs down is a liar.
2015-07-23 1:58 pm
1. Eat healthy throughout the entire day
2. Go for a run
3. Make my little cousins happy with something
4. Have everyone laughing by a joke I've told
5. Draw or paint a perfect picture
6. Exercise
7. Finish a really long book
8. Learn something
9. Get something done ahead of time
10. Get out the house.
2015-07-16 12:39 pm
Listen to music
2015-07-23 7:34 pm
1. Take a nice long hot bath
2. Walk my dog
3. Sleep in
4. Eating amazing food
5. Reading a really good book
6. Having a campfire
7. Getting nails done
8. Getting a massage
9. Baking
10. Going to a Barbecue
11. Traveling
2015-07-18 8:00 pm
1. Listen to Gospel
2. Listen to Feel Good Music
3. Watch Televangelists
4. Meditate
5. Work on Ideal Projects
6. Amuse Toddlers and Early Childhood
2015-07-18 7:24 am
Listening to up beat happy music.
Going for a run and getting that good feeling like we have done something latter.
Travelling to new places.
Watching Netflix.
Reading a book.
Cooking some food.
Seeing an old friend.
Buying stuff for yourself.
Creating something new.
Go to the beach.
Go camping with your friend.
Get up early.
Have a bath.
Have a warm or cold shower.
Play with pets.
Watch YouTube.
Dress up.
Make a scrap book.
Write a book, poem or short story.
2015-07-17 1:59 pm
Listening Music
Internet Surfing
2015-07-16 12:47 pm
Sounds crackers but when I feel a bit down or something I open the talking tom app on my phone and I make myself laugh. Then when tom laughs I laugh again until it becomes infectious and I can't stop. One time I laughed for like fifteen minutes straight and I'm talking proper belly laughs not just giggles.
2015-07-29 5:45 pm
1. Watch anime
2. Make funny memes
3. Play with animals
4. Watch cartoons
5. Draw
6. Write
7. Netflix
8. Listen to music
9. Exercise
10. Sleep
11. Eat some fruit
12. Thinking about what to invent.
13.Playing Nintendo Wii.
14. Watching Anime.
15. Encouraging others.
16. Showing leadership skills.
17. Meditating.
18. Relaxing.
19. Showering.
20. Getting up early and sleeping early.
21. Watching youtube.
22. Learning about other nations.
2015-08-04 6:28 pm
I used to be a heroin addict and that's all I did to feel good. I've been clean for a year and a half now so some of the things I do now to feel good are:

- Make some really delicious food like steaks or homemade mac and cheese. Yum
- Play video games: I love Counter Strike, Payday2, Team Fortress2 and Hitman:Absolution and others.
- I have some cute pets now I like to take care of and play with and they are the best ever: I have 3 guinea pigs 3 rats and 2 hamsters.
- I watch documentaries and read articles on world events and thing I'm interested in. This brings me personally much joy though I know that's not for everyone. My gf isn't so into it.
- Play guitar: I've been playing for almost 20 years.
- Write: I've written 2 screenplays since I got clean because it's something I've always wanted to do. I'm on my 3rd now and already have a plan for my 4th. There may be nothing I enjoy more than this.
- Making hard cider: I do some work for a winery and make hard cider and get paid for it. It's the first time I've had a job I really like. I would do it for free.
- Talk to my girlfriend: we argue a lot. But I still like just sitting down and talking about anything and anything with her.
- Hangin out with my close friends. Kinda the same as with my gf. Chatting...watching a show or movie etc.
2015-07-17 1:52 am
Play video games
Listen to music
2015-07-21 8:29 am
Watching Movies
Listening To Movie
Playing Video Games
Outing Near To Park and Malls
2015-07-17 12:42 am
2015-07-16 2:50 pm
Look at my amazing good looks in a mirror,lol,
2015-07-16 2:23 pm
Go for a massage,

take a bubble bath.
2015-07-16 12:45 pm
Cooking new recipes..update my culinary artistry..
2015-07-22 10:18 pm
Feeling nature
2015-07-18 4:52 am
2015-07-28 10:06 am
1. Eat healthy throughout the entire day
2. Go for a run
3. Make my little cousins happy with something
4. Have everyone laughing by a joke I've told
5. Draw or paint a perfect picture
6. Exercise
7. Finish a really long book
8. Learn something
9. Get something done ahead of time
10. Get out the house.
2015-07-16 9:35 pm
2015-07-31 6:52 pm
1. When your body meets fresh sheets after a long shower.
2. When someone genuinely laughs at your lame joke.
3. When you walk out of an overly air-conditioned building into the summer air.
4. When the clerk at the grocery store is super nice rather than making you feel almost guilty for making them do their job.
5. When you’re at a concert and the band plays your favorite song.
6. When you wake up to the smell of breakfast.
7. When you see a shirt you really want and there’s only one left but it’s your size.
8. When you’re running late for work and you get all green lights.
9. When you’re watching something alone and it’s so funny that you laugh out loud.
10. When your outfit is super stylish and super comfortable.
11. When you make the basket.
12. When you buy something on sale but you didn’t know it was on sale.
13. When your tummy hurts and one big burp makes it go away.
14. When you lose a couple pounds without trying.
15. When you take all your coins to the bank and it’s more money than you thought it would be.
16. When you wake up early and realize you have several hours to sleep until the alarm goes off.
17. When you peel off a nice large chunk of skin from the sunburn.
18. When you have a cold and both nostrils open up for a few minutes of sweet mercy.
19. When it’s your birthday and someone way cooler than you writes on your Facebook wall.
20. When the stain comes off in the wash even after it sets in.
21. When you need more time to get ready and your friend texts you first because they need more time.
22. When someone posts a picture of you online that you haven’t seen and you look damn good in it.
23. When you think you’re out of clean underwear and you find one pair hiding at the bottom.
24. When you’re the only one in the movie theater.
25. When you fall in love with a song the first time you hear it.
26. When the fridge is fully stocked and the snacks overfloweth.
27. When you find an old gift card that still has a considerable balance on it.
28. When your friends’ parents are really easy to talk to.
29. When your bed head looks kind of awesome.
30. When a song you loved in 1998 comes on the radio after you completely forgot it existed.
31. When ordinary food tastes like heaven.
32. When a stranger compliments you.
33. When someone surprises you with your favorite candy bar.
34. When the clothes you put on are still hot from the dryer.
35. When you sing in unison with your friends.
36. When you hear your name in a song.
37. When someone finishes the chore or task you were dreading.
38. When you get it right on the first try.
2015-07-28 11:45 am
1. stay away from everybody around
2. scream into a pillow
3. bake a desert
4. find new ways to style my hair
5. stock youtube
6. sit outside on the porch
7. ride my bike
8. hang out with my horses
9. drawing
10. eat food
11. netflix
11. doing makeup
12. bringing my dog for a walk
13. take a bath
14. take a shower
15. singing to songs of 2015
16. blog on my website
17. bite my nails
18. paint my nails with different patterns
19. nature walk
20. got to the mall
21. hangout with friends
22. skype
23. hula hooping
24. finding new jump rope methods
25. listening to music
26. doing DIY's
27. going to sleep
28. drinking caffene, (coffee, soda, juice)
29. do surveys online
30. weighing myself
31. catching fireflys in a mason jar
32. swimming
33. scream into a pillow
34. spin in circles
35. wash my moms mustang
36. surf the internet
37. reading a book,(NOT)
38. cooking
39. drawing pictures for family
40. talk to my grandma
41. kik
42. facebook
43. vine
44. snapchat
45. twitter
46. instagram
47. oovoo
48. yahoo
49. gmail
50. mylol
2015-07-24 10:14 pm
- Masturbate
- Eating food (usually healthy food)
- Exercise
- Listen to music
- Dance (even though I can't dance)
- Draw
- Read a good book
- Stand up for someone or myself
- Write stories or poems
- Clean the house
- Shower
- Wear no makeup
- Daydream
- Hang out with friends or family
- Go shopping
- Go for a walk
- Laugh for no reason
- Just chill outdoors while roasting marshmallows under a night sky
- Talk to myself
- Watch funny videos
- Horseback riding or just being with animals in general
- Singing out loud (Even though I can't sing)
- Crying or letting anger out onto a pillow
- Hug a person or a teddy bear
- Sleep
- Party every now and then
- Put on lotion
- Learn something new
- Just sit back and relax
2015-07-16 3:41 pm
2015-07-16 2:05 pm
watch comedy
2015-07-16 12:44 pm
2015-07-16 12:38 pm
Lots of things that get me in all sorts of trouble.
2015-07-30 4:00 pm
1. Eat healthy throughout the entire day
2. Go for a run
3. Make my little cousins happy with something
4. Have everyone laughing by a joke I've told
5. Draw or paint a perfect picture
6. Exercise
7. Finish a really long book
8. Learn something
9. Get something done ahead of time
10. Get out the house.
2015-07-18 12:55 am
2015-07-17 12:07 am
Put on favorite music and dance at home.
Put on different favorite music and sing and cry until I'm finished feeling sad.
Talk to friends or family.
Make my dog happy and enjoy seeing him be happy.
journal until I'm done obsessing over whatever made me feel bad.
lay in my husbands arms and talk/cry about what made me feel bad.
sex the way I like it best.
exercise to relieve tension.
go to the park and swing on swings or slide down a hill on cardboard.
eat mt favorite junk foods with no portion control
eat my favorite healthy foods with no portion control
(yeah, I know I have an eating problem.)
schedule a day off and look forward to it. On the day, enjoy the solitude.
paint pictures or color.
make some progress toward solving a problem that I'm anxious about.
watch Netflix or read until I fall asleep
take a bubble bath
have a long text chat with a friend
get outside and look up at the sky through trees.
look online and plan an imaginary vacation
get "dolled up."
remember what I am thankful for.
go on You tube and find funny videos of bad drivers or pets or cute little kids.
2015-07-16 5:57 pm
Pray and spend quality time giving praise to our Lord Jesus Christ.
2015-07-16 12:39 pm
Play video games
2015-07-25 11:30 pm
1. Masturbate
2. Dance to music
3. Watch Porn
4. Eat
5.Make Videos
6. Eat Junk Food
7. Retail Therapy
8. Clean/Organize my bedroom
9. Take pictures
10. Cry
11. Sleep
12. Dream
2015-07-28 11:43 pm
1. Reading Meaningful Books.
2. Helping Others who are struggling.
3. Obtaining knowledge by researching and studying.
4. Doing Sports.
5. Eating good food, healthy and a bit of sweets.
6. Writing.
7. Playing videogames.
8. Watching television.
9. Talking to people.
10. Listen and play music.
11. Solving complex math equations.
12. Thinking about what to invent.
13. Watching Anime.
14. Encouraging others.
15. Showing leadership skills.
16. Meditating.
17. Relaxing.
18. Showering.
19. Getting up early and sleeping early.
20. Watching youtube.
21. Learning about other nations.
2015-07-22 7:59 am
Video Games
Hang out
Shoot guns
Make Money
Listen to music
2015-07-21 6:34 am
Visiting relatves.
2015-07-19 3:44 am
Beat My Meat
2015-07-18 10:47 am
Hang out with friends
Hot bath/jacuzzi
2015-07-18 12:20 am
Give a buck or two to a homeless person.
2015-07-17 2:24 pm
I get up early, before the kids do. Make a pot of coffee. Get a couple productive things done around the house. A good start to your day makes a big difference. I have been diagnosed with depression for years now. And just recently have been doing what I had just told you, and I feel great. I should have started my days far sooner a long time ago. It makes a world of a difference.
2015-07-17 11:26 am
Eat chocolate
Day dream
Fake laugh
Doodle on my skin
Think there's always someone worse than me
Think of worse scenarios and how lucky I am
Eat more chocolate
Listen to happy / sad music
Chuck soft things at the wall
Punch a pillow
Play a instrument
Write a story
Eat even more chocolate
2015-07-17 3:46 am
Movies with snacks
Alone time to relax and unwind
Dancing(mainly just jumping up and down)
Long walks
2015-07-16 11:45 pm
do good deeds to help others
2015-07-16 11:03 pm
2015-07-16 9:45 pm
I answer questions asking what I do to feel good
2015-07-16 6:13 pm
Go and cuddle my granddaughter. Mo
2015-07-16 4:22 pm
I think about 7GTAnna DAT GURL ON THE TRAIN. DAG G... THAT GIRL RIRIRIRIIRIRIR. *faints inside head*
2015-07-16 4:02 pm
2015-07-16 3:52 pm
Make hot, passionate love to my wife .
2015-07-16 3:42 pm
Exercise, bike ride or jog etc.
2015-07-16 3:41 pm
Listen to, sing, make, and dance. -> music!
2015-07-16 3:34 pm
2015-07-16 2:43 pm
You know how some people stand in the middle of the road and collect money to fund children's hospitals and other things like that? I make my mom give SOME money and offer let it come from my allowance!
2015-07-16 1:49 pm
When I need to calm down and try to relax, I take to my rocking chair. I am a avid rocker. Every room in our house (except the bathroom) have rockers in them. I actually have one in my classroom on campus.
2015-07-16 1:24 pm
Try a shot of vodka....a little tripped can balance us...how about joining princess..;)
2015-07-16 1:10 pm
watch a movie
2015-07-16 12:47 pm
Get married
2015-07-16 12:39 pm
I listen to music.
2015-07-16 12:38 pm
Exercising like running a few miles
2015-07-16 12:37 pm
2015-07-20 3:56 am
Listen to music
Have sex
Study the galaxy
Take a long shower
Cuddle up to my man
Eat nachos
2015-07-20 2:05 am
Listening to music
Thinking about life
2015-07-16 12:51 pm
1] Go to a friend
2] Play video games
3] YouTube
4] Listen to music ..etc ..

And if nothing makes me feel good then i eat Poha ...!!!!! *______*
.... It makes me feel awesome !!
2015-08-01 11:13 am
1. Walking 2. Hunting 3. Fishing 4. Drink an occasional beer 5. Socializing with family and friends 6. Getting dressed up 7. Going to Church 8. Reading the Bible 9. Saving money 10. Voting 11. When the canadate I voted for wins 12. Going to fairs 13.Going for a country ride 14. Fixing stuff 15. Driving a farm tractor 16. Driving a manual transmission car 17. Watching baseball and football 18.Target shooting 19. Singing 20. Working on projects in my man cave
2015-07-17 3:17 am
Play video games
And sleep
2015-08-05 12:36 am
Things that makes me feel good daily: 1. working 2. Listening to music 3. Surfing the internet 4. Reading a book, newspaper, and magazines 5. Take a walk to think and relax 6. Have a warm shower 7. Win some money 8. Have a beer 9. Have a nice breakfast 10. Having less stress
2015-08-04 7:13 pm
1: Women
2: Sandwich
3 Sanvich
Four. Consistency
5ive: women
2015-08-04 4:24 pm
2015-08-04 3:15 pm
Walking in the nature (forests especially), playing with my adorable 10 y.o cat that I love, being with friends (for a walk or to drink a coffee in a bar or just for talking with them by cooking a nice food for them), cooking, dancing, watching photos that remind me good memories, dreaming, listening to the music (when I'm in the bus I often listen to the music and it makes me dream, I'm elswhere, I can imagine myself in another life..), taking a good and hot bath with some vanilla fragrance, sometimes bitting my nails makes me feel good also but I guess that's not a good idea right, hugging people that I love in every moment when we're watching TV for example, that relax a lot, masturbating myself... There are lots of things to do to feel good.
2015-08-04 5:46 am
2015-08-04 4:45 am
read n praise God try not to cuss
2015-08-03 8:55 pm
I put on "I Got You" by James Brown and dance around the room.... never seems to fail to make me feel good.
2015-08-03 1:02 pm
You can go for a run it makes you feel good & healthy or listen to music and do some singing:)
2015-08-03 10:10 am
Go for a walk, have a cigarette, see a mate, eat nice food, spend the day with my girlfriend, look up funny pictures, talk to someone, give someone a hug. Just anything really :)
2015-08-02 4:30 pm
Read, garden and fly kites. At 56 and disabled my usual fly fishing and hiking are too painful to do.
2015-08-02 2:21 pm
exercise always helps me to feel more confident
going on a nice long vacation
going for a walk
hiking at a beautiful park
spending time with those that I care about the most in this world
2015-08-01 7:41 pm
2015-08-01 7:14 pm
Something fresh or that fresh new feeling, sleeping, makeup & fashion or helping others with it, listening to awesome energy music, moon-bathing quartz,(it absorbs negative energy), making a yummy recipe for my brother or family, masturbation relieves stress (but I haven't done it much lately), picking some 4 leaved clovers because they are native here we find a lot of them, answering a good answer on yahoo and actually really helping someone just to think that I make a big difference in someone's life just by answering, watching ghost adventures, a love feeling, eating healthy, doing my squats, crunches, and push-ups, seeing a awesome music video or movie, etc. what makes you feel good?
2015-08-01 5:58 pm
talking to people (my family, friends, neighbors, strangers, etc)

jogging & walking

eat healthy

having fun and good time
2015-08-01 11:39 am
2015-08-01 1:43 am
Read my Bible
2015-07-31 9:31 pm
1.Smoke weed every day?
2015-07-31 5:26 pm
I listen to music, watch tv, eat food, stalk my celebrity crush and kiss my pictures of them, and chillax on my bed and look at yahoo answers
2015-07-31 1:56 pm
Hug my dog
2015-07-31 12:32 pm
Listen do the music
2015-07-31 10:10 am
play video games
2015-07-31 3:48 am
smoke weed
2015-07-30 7:02 pm
Simply put...

Do nice things to people. Or play video games.
2015-07-30 4:53 am
2015-07-30 3:31 am
2015-07-29 11:45 pm
Go to Church. Praise God.
2015-07-29 10:57 pm
have sex
2015-07-29 10:33 pm
2015-07-29 10:09 pm
masturbate and watch Netflix at the same time
2015-07-29 5:34 pm
2015-07-29 12:28 pm
2015-07-29 8:18 am
There are a lot of things that make's me feel good, But what really make's me really feel Great is to sit down and have a great conversation with a man or a woman that is willing to talk about what ever crosses their mind's.......... Or reading a good mystery book or just talking about how everyday things that is going on in your life and how do they personally effects you....................
2015-07-28 9:52 pm
1) Sex
2) Cook dinner
3) Clean the house
4) some more sex
5) Go for a walk
2015-07-28 8:58 pm
2015-07-28 8:38 pm
read the bible
go outside
2015-07-28 8:25 pm
1. Masturbate
2. Netflix
3. Working Out
4. Music
5. Sleep
6. Watch TV
7. Masturbate :P
8. Masturbate
9. Masturbate
10. Be with friends
2015-07-28 7:43 pm
Read the Bible.Run.Box.
2015-07-28 3:03 pm
2015-07-27 8:46 am
Hang out with friends
Eat chocolate
2015-07-27 8:19 am
2015-07-27 5:07 am
I meditate
play with my dog
2015-07-27 3:32 am
Masturbate. Dance around naked. Just dance to good tunes. Long car rides loud music. Walks in nature.
2015-07-26 9:27 am
2015-07-26 5:31 am
reciting and memorizing holy quran
2015-07-25 5:43 pm
I play video games
Eat food
Hangout with friends
Listen to music
2015-07-25 4:20 pm
Quiet time with the Lord and His Word

In the flesh
take a big guess?
2015-07-25 2:20 am
play with yourself down dea, meditate? watch a movie, read a book, make something with your hands house DIY project. Do something good some someone random, count your blessings? breath....
2015-07-24 7:36 pm
1. Music
2. Being with my cat and Shadow the Hedgehog (my crush)
3. Writing
4. Reading
5. Dreaming
6. Taking Quizzes
7. Movies
8 Walking
9. Meditating
10. Travelling
2015-07-24 7:23 pm
2015-07-24 9:43 am
Drawing, writing, excercising, taking a nice hot bath, hanging out with my friends, listening to music, and reading.
2015-07-24 5:13 am
Everyone had the same answers so I would say helping people like buying food for the homeless or giving them money. Even doing favours for friends and family. It just makes me feel really good that I made someone else happy other than myself
2015-07-24 2:45 am
2015-07-24 1:09 am
2015-07-23 11:36 pm
Eat chocolate (If it is white chocolate, better for me)
Writing stories in FanFiction
Doing yoga
Learning new things
Listening to Lana Del Rey songs
Sleeping (Specially, hahaha)
Play Video Games
Watch TV
Surf the Internet
Reading/Watching 'The Huger Games'
Or watching other of my favorite movies (The Godfather Saga, V for Vendetta and The Pirates of the Caribbean Saga)
Dreaming with travel around the world
Seeing my best friend
Creating something new
Go to the beach
Have a warm or cold shower
Play with my pet
Watch YouTube
Write a book, poem or short story
Win some money
Have a nice breakfast
And drinking french wine
2015-07-23 9:31 pm
gods words then everything else
2015-07-23 7:57 pm
writing poems
2015-07-23 12:17 am
Vote for Donald Trump.
2015-07-22 9:12 pm
Beat off.
2015-07-22 12:11 pm
Go to the beach.
2015-07-22 2:03 am
random anonymous acts of
2015-07-21 9:47 pm
What I do that makes me feel good:
Pray and listen for God's answer.
Work in my garden, picking tomatoes and other vegetables to create a great dinner for my family.
Exercise - walking, running and lifting weights always gives me a natural high,
Read something inspirational.
Smile and be kind to others.
2015-07-21 8:46 pm
sleep shirtless
2015-07-21 5:32 pm
Eat junk food .-.
2015-07-21 5:31 am
1.Sex - The feeling is just amazing, especially when you have someone that knows what their doing and share the same intrest.
2.Listening to music form the 90s - brings me back to memory lane to the happy moments when I was younger.
3.Swimming/meditation- it relaxes me and helps me to recollect my thoughts. By the end of it, I'm feeling good about myself :-)
2015-07-21 1:15 am
2015-07-20 10:51 pm
Play video games
listen to the radio (music)
Have fun (bowling,holidays, other fun stuff)

Paddle in in the sea because it's cold but once the waves have gone over my feet once it warm and my mum is still saying it cold.

watching reality shows ( x factor, I m a celebrity, Britain's got talent and ant and Dec's saturday night takeaway)

Have a nice clean shower
spend time with family
參考: Teenage girl 16
2015-07-20 10:18 pm
Pretend more women knew how awesome I am at everything so I could get a girlfriend that respects me and I could respect her and we could actually like each other.
2015-07-20 10:16 pm
several people said "win some money."

what the hell does that mean?
2015-07-20 9:20 am
Read and walk my dog.
2015-07-20 5:01 am
Listen to retro 70s and 80s music through my BoseSoundlink system while taking a shower.
2015-07-20 2:33 am
2015-07-19 2:23 pm
Sing or write songs. Peace and love. Be lucky.
2015-07-19 7:47 am
2015-07-19 2:37 am
2015-07-18 11:53 pm
Smoking Weed ;)
2015-07-18 6:19 pm
Things that make me feel good in daily chronological order: sleep in, listen to good album eg. Madcap Laughs-Syd Barrett, Glassworks-Philip Glass, Discipline-King Crimson, masturbate (once, twice if bored or if unimpressed with first one), drink shower water (hangover cure and it tastes like heaven), talk with mates on fb, discover something interesting in mathematics, sit thinking I'm god because I found something in maths (this is almost always followed by a realisation that it is a) really obvious or b) already been published... the struggle), play guitar poorly, practice trumpet/trombone as I probably have a gig in the next few days that I haven't done anything towards because maths is too good, sit alone and watch the faces and scenes that appear in my head, dream about the guy I love (this also makes me feel sad because he is straight), jerk on toilet, have a good poo, drink excessively, do some sweeeet maths, drink even more, fistbump every time I solve a differential equation
2015-07-18 6:31 am
listen to music
2015-07-18 4:55 am
Playing music
Listening to music
2015-07-18 4:43 am
Nearly all of the above in addition to making an appointment to visit a hospice patient assignment as a hospice volunteer and exercise individually all of my human senses in series for at least 3 minutes each.
2015-07-18 12:00 am
Listen to music
Take photos of nature
Donate to charity
Do volunteer work
Ride a bike
Draw and paint
Practice my chess skills
2015-07-17 11:45 pm
Listen to Music
Play Video Games
Watch TV
Surf the Internet
2015-07-17 11:24 pm
2015-07-17 8:00 pm
And talk to my belly (I'm pregnant lol)
2015-07-17 7:01 pm
watching my favorite show :|
2015-07-17 4:38 pm
s e x ;)
2015-07-17 3:41 pm
Killing the BBC, it's being taken away from the public's grasp but it got too unweildy I approached them yesterday and had a short and unpleasant conversation with someone call Giles and what happened, Sir David Attenborough the next moring is chatting about a letter he's writing about butterfiles, let me make this clear (as I did to the daily star) Pluto is owned by Disney, Disney made Snow White (I think you're getting with me here about themeparks, if so, you get this more than the lazy BBC has done) so to recap!!! (suit yourself) geological activity on Disney means we have to send a Galileo style probe to find out what the hell is going on at the (and it should be reclassified) themepark, it has 1/500th the currency ($) making it cheaper for it to travel here yeti can hibernate on route, may have provided us with laser and nuke tech, may have made our planet rock on its axis, could have wiped out the dinosaurs so that warm blooded animals could dominate, could holiday in the Himalayas, may have snow at the caps here today out of nostalgia and has a home planet that has a moon and we have a moon also, chasing butterflies and a stamp.
參考: 2.5 to 3.5 out of 10 risk of Kuiper belt intelligence to us earthlings
2015-07-17 2:21 pm
2015-07-17 11:14 am
I fell good to do:
1. Science exercise.
2. Sex.
3. Watch sexual movie.
4.Play video game.
5. Think about nature.
6.Drive computer.
2015-07-17 6:13 am
2015-07-17 3:51 am
If I am super stressed out what makes me feel good is to drive out in the country rode and blare the radio up.
Watching Youtube videos seems to help and just anything that's beauty related (Taking a shower, putting on a face mask, painting nails, fixing my hair, shopping etc.)
2015-07-17 2:17 am
I like to wax my carrot.....................................alot.
2015-07-17 2:07 am
Listen to this guy named Olan Rogers on Youtube. He's a great pick me up.
Clean (don't judge)
Listen to music
2015-07-17 1:35 am
helping someone
2015-07-16 11:13 pm
Watch movies I love.
2015-07-16 9:33 pm
Music and dancing.
Hanging out with friends
Making events to bring people together
2015-07-16 9:04 pm
Drag racing.
2015-07-16 8:21 pm
Meditate/pray, read, shop, go to concerts, party, eat, sleep, exercise, dance,
2015-07-16 8:11 pm
Get some things accomplished from my to-do list.
Help someone else (good deed of the day sort of thing).
Listen to music that I like.
2015-07-16 7:39 pm
sometimes I use the lil monkey emoji
2015-07-16 7:30 pm
Exercising, riding my bicycle, and meditating.
2015-07-16 4:48 pm
games and friends and sports
2015-07-16 4:46 pm
Getting cool/funny things on Ebay
2015-07-16 4:24 pm
2015-07-16 4:23 pm
2015-07-16 4:14 pm
Opening the door for others and smiling at others to brighten up their day and also helping other people
2015-07-16 4:10 pm
go to sleep
2015-07-16 4:06 pm
playing cricket,vollyball and chess
2015-07-16 3:27 pm
2015-07-16 3:00 pm
surfing the net
Listening to music
Drinking coffee in a cafe in the morning lol
2015-07-16 2:46 pm
Shower shop eat friends
2015-07-16 2:39 pm
Make out with a beautiful woman
2015-07-16 2:34 pm
Do excuse, reading and drawing
2015-07-16 12:42 pm
I listen to relaxing music.
2015-07-16 12:38 pm
I with hold information.
2015-07-29 7:44 am
2015-07-27 4:10 pm
2015-07-26 8:11 pm
Watch porn.
2015-07-18 4:53 am
Play Brazilian music
Eat some Gorgonzola
Practice a section of a tough piano piece till I have it down
Talk to my best girlfriend
Talk to my best gay friend
Listen to my husband play the piano
Be in water, especially a hot shower or bath
2015-07-17 1:26 am
Take a bath.
Talk to my unborn baby.
Answer questions on Yahoo.
Watch Sharkweek.
Eat some cereal.
2015-07-16 11:48 pm
2015-07-16 3:58 pm
Eat delicious junk food, masturbate to porn, take a nap, go for a swim or walk, etc.
2015-07-16 2:59 pm
Snorkel bongs!!!
2015-07-27 10:00 pm
2015-07-20 9:29 pm
I can t believe everyone forgot the ultimate feel good activity.... Masturbate your way into solid peace and pleasure... but even too much of good things have their side effects.. but just feel good. Listening to relaxing music after a long day also counts, coz you just chill in the scene of the song. It s all about the time... during work, you could have a small fan to air you up as you work, or a good comfy chair to sit in.... just blend in the moment as you live life. Masturbation..... good.
2015-07-17 12:35 pm
2015-07-26 5:59 pm
In recent years our understanding and control of the external world have increased considerably, and as a result we have witnessed remarkable material progress, but there has not been a corresponding increase in human happiness. There is no less suffering in the world today, and there are no fewer problems. Indeed, it could be said that there are now more problems and greater unhappiness than ever before. This shows that the solution to our problems, and to those of society as a whole, does not lie in knowledge or control of the external world. Why is this? Happiness and suffering are states of mind, and so their main causes cannot be found outside the mind. The real source of happiness is inner peace. If our mind is peaceful, we will be happy all the time, regardless of external conditions, but if it is disturbed or troubled in any way, we will never be happy, no matter how good our external conditions may be. External conditions can only make us happy if our mind is peaceful. We can understand this through our own experience. For instance, even if we are in the most beautiful surroundings and have everything we need, the moment we get angry any happiness we may have disappears. This is because anger has destroyed our inner peace.
2016-07-31 12:20 am
Be nice. Also noticed you said one thing and most listed several things,
2015-08-19 10:16 am
take a lush bath with candles with netflix and dark chocolate...
2015-08-10 2:42 pm
exercise! it boosts your self esteem, healthy for the body, and helps reduce stress, keep focused, and clears the mind.
2015-08-05 12:42 am
When I don't feel good, the following usually helps me to snap out of it:

Go for a drive.
Look at the stars.
Watch a good show.
Play with my dogs or cuddle my cat.
Go for a walk.
Give in to the particular mood and listen to music that resonates with it.
Take photographs.
Log off all social media etc.
Watch animal videos on youtube (cliche, but I swear it works)
Maybe read, if I can focus.
2015-08-05 12:29 am
2015-08-05 12:22 am
I choke my chicken
2015-08-05 12:11 am
2015-08-04 11:54 pm
Working out
2015-08-04 11:35 pm
I like treating people to meals.
I like sitting in the tub
I like locking my door and hiding in my room.
I like touching peoples hands
I like pickles
2015-08-04 11:11 pm
I listen to music????
Helps me organize my thoughts
and it's always fun to listen to musics!! $
2015-08-04 11:04 pm
1. Eat
2. Movies
3. TV shows
4. Shopping
5. Planning
2015-08-04 10:57 pm
Exercise daily and eat good nutritional food.
2015-08-04 10:29 pm
I take a long hot bubblebath
2015-08-04 10:05 pm
Watching Celtic Thunder
Listening to Celtic Thunder
Reminisce about the times that I saw Celtic Thunder
Think about exciting times in the future
Think about the holidays
2015-08-04 9:29 pm
drink iced coffee
2015-08-04 8:47 pm
2015-08-04 8:39 pm
Exercise, hang out with friends, read my Bible/pray, write (usually about my day and emotions I find difficult to voice), and cook
2015-08-04 8:35 pm
Soak in a hot tub of bubbles.
2015-08-04 8:17 pm
jump on the trampoline and listen to music
2015-08-04 7:54 pm
Eat food
2015-08-04 7:51 pm
Listen to music
2015-08-04 7:39 pm
Sleep, cook a nice meal for my family or friends, go shopping, have coffee with a close friend, internet, watch a good movie, relax by myself, take a walk outside, cuddle with my boyfriend, sex
2015-08-04 7:19 pm
Watch American Dad non stop.
2015-08-04 6:44 pm
i can't believe this is a real question. i give my GF's butt a med-hard smack. that makes us both feel good. and even better a few mins later.
2015-08-04 5:36 pm
1. Eat healthy throughout the entire day 2. Go for a run 3. Make my little cousins happy with something 4. Have everyone laughing by a joke I've told 5. Draw or paint a perfect picture 6. Exercise 7. Finish a really long book 8. Learn something 9. Get something done ahead of time 10. Get out the house.
2015-08-04 5:27 pm
2015-08-04 5:01 pm
Watch movies, read a good book and eat some tasty crap
2015-08-04 4:21 pm
Love, kiss, hags, play with my dog....
2015-08-04 4:20 pm
2015-08-04 3:08 pm
Find some pleace quiet to clear my mind
Very intense work out
Find a nice woman to sleep with
Make a goal to achieve something and make it happen
2015-08-04 3:03 pm
listening to music
chatting with friends
reading the newspaper
2015-08-04 2:48 pm
have sex, take a long bath, go for a long walk, listen to music
2015-08-04 2:06 pm
2015-08-04 1:36 pm
Long, hot shower
Listen to a CD of my favorite music
Sit on the patio with a cup of coffee and watch my 3 dogs in the early morning
Visit with my 2 adult kids and chit chat just like the old days when I was a single mom by ourselves
Giving and receiving hugs from my husband
Take a nap with my 17yr old chihuahua beside me
Get a hair cut, and my eye brows waxed
Sit beside the pool with the warm sun on my back
Drink a Mt. Dew and eat a Hershey w/ Almonds at the same time and not have to share
Sitting in the passenger seat while my husband takes me for a long drive in the car
Roll the windows down in my car and feel the wind in my hair while listening to my favorite music
Drinking a cup of coffee at 5AM by myself and listening to the birds wake up early in the morning
I like to take my sons 4 wheeler for a ride down a country road
Prayer always makes it better
New underwear and socks and bra
Shaving my legs and pits after not doing it for 2 weeks
Hanging clothes on the clothes line is very relaxing
Sleeping on freshly laundered sheets on the bed
2015-08-04 12:41 pm
Board Games
Listen to Gospel
Work on Ideal Projects
Listening to up beat happy music.
Travelling to new places.
Watching Netflix.
Cooking some food.
Seeing an old friend.
Buying stuff for yourself.
2015-08-04 12:26 pm
2015-08-04 12:20 pm
Watch Youtube,
Play with friends,
Admire a crush,
Look into someone eyes,
Pet a doggy,
Help out in a RSPCA center,
Play with doggies all day!
Listen to music,
To not care about anything!!!!
2015-08-04 10:41 am
The Answer is always Batman.
2015-08-04 9:48 am
1. enjoy fresh air on the top of mountain

2, sleeping with hearing rainning
2015-08-04 9:16 am
I used to take my wife out for an expensive meal and a good bottle of wine,especially when we were nearly broke,we always had an emergency stash,she use to say you are crazy using our last money,and I used to reply what a way to go,funny thing once our emergency stash was spent something always turned up and we were alright again,but that was when we were young and before our children came along.
2015-08-04 8:48 am
Eat a favorite dessert
Call a friend
Text a friend
2015-08-04 8:45 am
2015-08-04 8:40 am
Listening music, Writing, eating chocolate specially Nutella :)
Talking with my friends, watching television, Singing and playing piano.
Actually I doany things to feel good but these things are really useful for this.
2015-08-04 8:22 am
Eat ribs/wings, have crazy rough sex, smoke pot, drink alcohol, and play Xbox.
2015-08-04 8:13 am
1.singing;2,dancing;3.surfing;4,listening to music; 5,sleeping; 6.eating; 7.watching film;8.jogging and so on.
2015-08-04 7:19 am
To feel good pleasure wise:
1. Eat comfort foods
2. Have intercourse
3. Play guitar
4. Sing

To feel good about myself:
1. Exercise
2. Go to church
3. Help someone in need
2015-08-04 7:03 am
2015-08-04 6:59 am
2015-08-04 6:42 am
2015-08-04 6:24 am
Drinking tea and working out
2015-08-04 6:10 am
2015-08-04 5:47 am
Listen to Child Ballads
2015-08-04 5:28 am
there are many things by which i can feel good and that is perfecting everything i want, in terms of grades, ambitions, plans, the things that i bought, etc. perfect is somethig that i achieved, inlife i want everything to be perfect, exact, accurate, precise. science and other studies coincides with each other. perfect
2015-08-04 5:22 am
Listen to music, eat
2015-08-04 5:18 am
Less stress
Clothes shopping
Full charged electronics
Around people that I love
Ranting (lol)
Watching really good movies
Makin ma proud :')
Good friends you can count on
Teachers that know how to teach
Teachers that understand
Upgrading my stuff
3 bars
Breath taking views
2015-08-04 4:44 am
Beating and Eating but you tend to feel guilty right after
2015-08-04 4:18 am
Maladaptive Daydream
2015-08-04 4:16 am
Smoke drugs
2015-08-04 4:02 am
Friends, running, journaling....all I can think of now...
This might sound wierd but sometimes doing chores makes me feel good.... :3
2015-08-04 3:57 am
smoke a bowl, roll a blunt, pack a bong. Hope it helped!
2015-08-04 3:53 am
Have really good sex
2015-08-04 3:33 am
I like to fling mashed potatoes at my boyf
2015-08-04 2:59 am
listening music
2015-08-04 2:36 am
music is a big one
2015-08-04 2:33 am
Watching sappy doctor who episodes like the van gogh one.
Watching weird documentaries.
A strong sweet cup of earl grey
playing with my pets
playing some ukulele
listening to nostalgic music
Bob's Burgers
painting and canvas scribbing
making figurines
sorting through raw gemstones from gem panning
2015-08-04 2:30 am
1.masturbate 2.smoke 3. drink a beer 4. have sex with my boyfriend 5. let my boyfriend rub my d!$k. 6. sell beer
2015-08-04 2:02 am
go to work
eat food
eat icecream
hang out with friends
listen to music alone in my room
2015-08-04 1:48 am
watch anime "-"
2015-08-04 1:30 am
Music, being with friends, beach
2015-08-04 12:48 am
Making with all the sex.
2015-08-04 12:38 am
I write with music and eat icecream
2015-08-04 12:37 am
Listen to music
Talk to crush
2015-08-03 11:41 pm
-Hang out with Friends
-Listen to Music
-Write Songs
-Hang out with my girlfriend
-Play Football
-Play Videogames
-Work Out
-Watch You-Tube Videos

There's prolly more but I can't think of them right now.
2015-08-03 11:14 pm
Listen to music
Helping people out
Working out
2015-08-03 11:01 pm
clean my kitchin and living room the night before, them wake up in the morning and drink a nice hot cup of coffee
2015-08-03 10:49 pm
1.singing 2.drawing 3.sleeping 4.watch YouTube 5.watch anime 6.eat
2015-08-03 10:42 pm
2015-08-03 10:41 pm
1. Listening to music
2.getting a massage
2.hanging out with friends
3.eating delicious food
2015-08-03 10:39 pm
help someone in need
2015-08-03 10:34 pm
2015-08-03 9:56 pm
Everyone is copying and pasting lol
1.) Watch anime
2.) Eat something healthy
3.) Junk food
4.) Sleeping
5.) Spending time with friends
6.) And more stuff.
2015-08-03 9:33 pm
Play my violin
2015-08-03 9:22 pm
2015-08-03 8:45 pm
Meditation is what I do when I feel angry, bitter, sad, depressed, lonely, etc... It always makes me feel right again, Puts me in a receptive state to be happy.
2015-08-03 8:14 pm
Believe it or not I enjoy taking sexy pictures of myself on my phone. I always get a high from doing it. I always sing to feel good and listen to music
2015-08-03 8:08 pm
Obeying the creator s guidance.
Saeed H H Alyousuf
2015-08-03 8:07 pm
2015-08-03 7:44 pm
stick produce up my ***
heres a list of my favorites:
2015-08-03 7:22 pm
eat dark chocolate <1oz.
2015-08-03 6:29 pm
2015-08-03 5:59 pm
Eat food!
2015-08-03 5:52 pm
2015-08-03 5:47 pm
work, go to church
2015-08-03 5:29 pm
Play my guitar, workout, and play basketball
2015-08-03 5:14 pm
Play fetch with my cat named mayonnaise :)
2015-08-03 4:37 pm
WHACK OFF to pictures of KATE WINSLET and CATE BLANCHETT THe BIBLE is a REAL SEXY BOOK with all that BEGETTING!! Even though most is only the history of tghe JEWISH PEOPLE and lots is fictgional, it is good reading! I also like reading about DINOSAURS, and tghey find MORE and MORE of them every day! They lived for MILLIONS of years before we ever got here! Every ime you fil your tank, think of DINO GAS and tghe DINOASURS rotting and becoming OIL FILEDS! OH< come and see me KATE WINSLET! I wil go to ENGLAND for you and stop smoking as well! YIKES!
2015-08-03 2:53 pm
I do these daily
•gymnastics I live practicing
參考: I used to be a gymnast and the rest are things that make me happy ☺️
2015-08-03 2:04 pm
Sight-seeing my crush <3<3
2015-08-03 1:23 pm
2015-08-03 12:57 pm
Talk to people. Read a book. Meditate
2015-08-03 11:57 am
2015-08-03 11:50 am
I think we all know the answer here
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2015-08-03 11:42 am
2015-08-03 11:25 am
eat something i like and Walk
2015-08-03 11:19 am
Things that make me feel happy
Smelling an old book
stare at shadows and lights
smell the earth after rain
playing video games with a friend
analyzing and contemplating things
sit down and think for hours
jazz music with wine
night lights
comtemplating philosophy
analyzing self with psychology
admiring everyday science
theorize neuroscience
facination of language
dogs and animals
playing instruments
connect the matter to a problem
to see that everything eventually connects
to breathe in so deeply
to realize that I am alive
to realize that the world is alive
drawing something abstract or realistic
Bleed graphites into papers
roaming in the library
listen to music
help others
find a good song that suites the soul
to feel at all is already a blessing
2015-08-03 10:54 am
Eating, Thinking about my crush (this was before lol), Playing Basketball, Reading (sometimes), Watching,
2015-08-03 10:51 am
hang with friends*
hug my mom*
jack off (big secret)
2015-08-03 10:20 am
To be many things coud be:1.listning to music;2.jogging;3:chatting with friends;4.kissing with lovers;5.swimming:6.sporting ... ....
2015-08-03 10:11 am
Watching fetus videos of the people who make me happy :)
2015-08-03 9:24 am
1. Masturbate.
2. Eat Takis.
3. Repeat.

Next Question.

Foever brutally honest,

2015-08-03 8:58 am
eat ice cream
petting my gray cat
watching movies
listening to japanese songs
listening to instrumental and opera sons
having an adventure
watching your favorite actors and actresses LIVE!
2015-08-03 8:55 am
hang out with my GF
Go for a run
Go to the gym
talk to my family
talk to my friends
eat something that you've been craving for
Do the things things that your passionate about
Learn some new skills
2015-08-03 8:31 am
Playing cricket
Watching Comedy Movies
Roaming In hills stations
Bike Riding
2015-08-03 8:03 am
Do a good deed
2015-08-03 7:51 am
Playing Guitar. That's honestly about it.
2015-08-03 6:59 am
"Hanging out with the girl i love"
listening to music
hanging out with friends
watching movies
buying new stuff like surfboards or speakers
surprising people
helping people
making people laugh"
2015-08-03 6:53 am
Listening to music.No cure like that.
2015-08-03 6:49 am
Hang with friends
2015-08-03 5:57 am
Sit on a beach and drink a lot of beers.
2015-08-03 5:45 am
I crossdress. It relieves all stress and makes me feel pretty and elegant and I can just let go of all the masculine and relax.
2015-08-03 5:45 am
Oxycontin, smoke some good weed. Have sex with my girlfriend, play a game of basketball, martial arts, push ups and pull ups, jogging, swimming, watching movies, eat a big burger. So many more awesome things to do.
2015-08-03 5:22 am
Breathing. Eating. Drinking water.
2015-08-03 5:15 am
talking to friends
playing basketball
read novels
write poems or articles
take a bath
hangout with friends
watch movies
loud music+exercise
cook food
play mind games
surf internet
imagine stuffs
think of having FUN
2015-08-03 5:12 am
Clense Exercise Dance, Sleep, Spending time with friends Eating healthy, Church, Working and being busy spending time with friends
2015-08-03 5:02 am
Earn money while doing little bit of programming work
2015-08-03 4:50 am
2015-08-03 4:36 am
read a comic book
go for a drive
have a cup of coffee
take a bath
have a glass of wine
watch my favorite movie/tv show
hang out with friends
go to the movies
2015-08-03 4:21 am
I feel good helping out other people, such as the homeless.
2015-08-03 4:17 am
Rub my vagina until I orgasm
2015-08-03 4:10 am
being loved by someone
2015-08-03 4:07 am
Punch a wall you will feel a lot better but you break a wall in the process.
2015-08-03 4:01 am
Take my painkillers
2015-08-03 3:53 am
2015-08-03 3:46 am
Yoga and lift weights and jog and sleep a lot and have sex my favorite things in life ????
2015-08-03 3:40 am
2015-08-03 3:24 am
Working out. Eating right. A jog.
2015-08-03 2:50 am
Watch Movies
Listening to music
Going out to eat with my parents
Go to the beach
Play with my dog
Eating my favorites ice cream mint chocolate chip
Drinking smoothies
Saving money
Eating French fries
Going to Target and Walmart
Dress up
Buying clothes
Buying shoes
Buying purses
Having less stress
My dad making me omelette eggs for breakfast with French baguettes
Hanging out with my family
Going to different places
Traveling to new places
Surf the Internet
Watch tv
Buying makeup
Going out with my dad to places
Play games
Riding my bike
Looking back at my childhood pictures in my photo album
Eating fruits and vegetables
Eating my favorites candy
Going to the park
Flying a kite
Clean my room
Board games
Take a walk to relax
Buying food at the supermarket with my dad
Stocking up things I need to buy again
Organizing my clothes and room
Going to my grandma's house
Eating Korean bbq
Eating lobster at seafood restaurant
Buying fast food at McDonald's, Burger King, In n Out, KFC, etc.
Eating at 7 meal of courses of beef Vietnamese restaurant
Going to temple
Going to the mall
Receiving an ipsy glam bag every month
Wearing pink and girly clothes
Dressing and looking classy
Look at flowers
Looking and playing with animals in the pet store
Get a haircut
Buying stuff for myself
2015-08-03 2:45 am
Listen to, music, play, something that i can really get into, be playful and enjoy myself, positively
2015-08-03 2:37 am
listen to music
2015-08-03 2:05 am
relaxing with your boyfriend/girlfriend.... some romantic place with good music :)
2015-08-03 2:03 am
1. Xbox 360
2. Television Series
3. Sleep
4. Junk Food
5. Tweet
6. Sitting on Rooftop
7. Texting
8. Listening to Music
2015-08-03 1:51 am
Drive my car
2015-08-03 1:31 am
Take a shower
Play with my cat
Eat :(
Watch stupid youTube vids
2015-08-03 1:29 am
2015-08-03 1:28 am
Composing music and playing Tuba.
2015-08-03 1:00 am
I try to feel good.
2015-08-02 11:54 pm
loving cats, playing GTA5 with my 10yr old, smoking weed, having sweg, and being homosexual
2015-08-02 11:41 pm
Sex, smoke, drink, talk, listen to music, hang out and climb trees in the jungle; cause I live in Brazil, right? (Just kidding heheh)
2015-08-02 11:03 pm
Listen music????
2015-08-02 11:02 pm
Listening to music, drawing, going for a walk alone...
2015-08-02 10:47 pm
Dance , blast them headphones
2015-08-02 10:44 pm
Play video games
Play with my puppies
And spend time watching my favorite shows
Spending time with my fiancé
2015-08-02 10:06 pm
Witcher 3 or Dark Souls
Reading Manga
Studying (in one form or another)
Sometimes just walking around
2015-08-02 9:37 pm
take a bath ... write
2015-08-02 8:43 pm
i don't have any cause i have anhedonia
2015-08-02 8:31 pm
Listening to soul music
2015-08-02 7:44 pm
i like to clean my house , im kind of ocd about keeping it clean
2015-08-02 7:29 pm
Play music. Listen to music. Pray. Watch tv. Read the Bible. Singing to myself. Hanging out with friends. Calling my friends watching a good old movie I can watch on youtube . or watch cartoon that makes me lol
2015-08-02 7:25 pm
Listen to music or masturbate.
2015-08-02 7:22 pm
Say puto raro caca de don mario
2015-08-02 7:15 pm
suck a penis
2015-08-02 7:03 pm
Eat a kebab
2015-08-02 5:52 pm
Listen to Music
2015-08-02 5:05 pm
eliminate all negative
2015-08-02 4:11 pm
I go sit on the lake dock and sip a cool beverage or 2
2015-08-02 3:42 pm
1.get it on
2015-08-02 3:37 pm
Read, draw, watch YouTube video (usually game playthroughs), go outside and take a walk, listen to my favorite songs and sing along when possible, take a nap, eat/drink something delicious, take a shower
2015-08-02 3:32 pm
2015-08-02 2:47 pm
go on the laptop eat sweets
2015-08-02 2:38 pm
I ussually work out or have something really savory to eat.
2015-08-02 1:24 pm
First think only about the past good things coming across your memmory reason being the mind relaxes with such past things easily.Then``do not indulge in acts against our will which our self do not like to think even once cheating the mind.And we can participate in so manysocial/ or other physical activities,taking part in social get together,meeting friends /relatives or social worker's etc to feel good always.
2015-08-02 1:06 pm
Masterbate then drink a beer
2015-08-02 12:45 pm
2015-08-02 12:34 pm
2015-08-02 12:25 pm
I go out and drift my car in a parking lot
參考: 16 years old
2015-08-02 12:18 pm
Sex. On the beach or on a chair. In my car or in someone's field. In my car in someone's field. On the ground or on an island. Sex.
參考: Experience
2015-08-02 12:17 pm
listening to broken podcast
2015-08-02 12:05 pm
Cooking some food.
Seeing an old friend.
2015-08-02 11:26 am
Listen to music
Watch videos that make me laugh or motivational ones if I'm down
Watch sports
2015-08-02 10:48 am
Playing football
Listen to music and try to forget my problems
Watching movies!
2015-08-02 10:40 am
Play Video Games
Watch TV
Surf the Internet
Thinking Freely
Feeling nature
Board Games
Listen to Gospel
Work on Ideal Projects
Listening to up beat happy music.
Travelling to new places.
Watching Netflix.
Cooking some food.
Seeing an old friend.
Buying stuff for yourself.
Creating something new.
Go to the beach.
Go camping with your friend.
Get up early.
Have a bath.
Have a warm or cold shower.
Play with pets.
Watch YouTube.
playing cricket
playing tennis
2015-08-02 10:25 am
**** myself
2015-08-02 9:07 am
Listen to one of Bruckner's majestic symphonies, while sitting on top of a hill, and getting into a trance-like state.
2015-08-02 8:51 am
Hair conditioning
visiting friends
buying clothings
not having any responsibilities
2015-08-02 8:32 am
Writing , eating , walking , watching , bathing , reading
2015-08-02 8:08 am
Feeling nature
Board Games
Listen to Gospel
Work on Ideal Projects
Listening to up beat happy music.
Travelling to new places.
Watching Netflix.
Cooking some food.
Seeing an old friend.
Buying stuff for yourself.
Creating something new.
Go to the beach.
Go camping with your friend.
Get up early.
Have a bath.
Have a warm or cold shower.
Play with pets.
Watch YouTube.
Dress up.
Make a scrap book.
Write a book, poem or short story
Reading the newspaper or magazines
Win some money
Have a beer
Have a nice breakfast
Having less stress
2015-08-02 7:19 am
1. Watching TV shows/ movies
2. Playing video games
3. Working out
4. Your mom
2015-08-02 7:08 am
1 eating
2 boxing
3 anime
4 studying
5 praying
2015-08-02 6:48 am
Lift weights
2015-08-02 6:40 am
watch a really GREAT movie with someone who hasn't seen it. that's one of my all time favorite things to do.
2015-08-02 6:36 am
Walking,Playing Xbox, playing with my animals, making youtube videos, Working out,singing,dancing,being active, going to school
2015-08-02 6:28 am
put on mud mask and relax
2015-08-02 6:21 am
2015-08-02 6:08 am
go for horse riding on my mini pony
2015-08-02 5:50 am
Chocolate ice cream
2015-08-02 5:49 am
Eat sushi, fix stuff, finish a race.
2015-08-02 5:35 am
Write stories, poems, plays, movies, sing, dance, make up things
2015-08-02 5:34 am
eating, cooking , travelling ,playing with kids , rafting
2015-08-02 5:13 am
Cooking some food.
Seeing an old friend.
Buying stuff for yourself.
Creating something new.
Go to the beach.
2015-08-02 4:59 am
Definitely eating
-playing with my pets
-swimming (my favorite sport)
-DO NOT RELAX, its boring if you dont have anything to do
-Get out of the house
2015-08-02 4:34 am
listen to music
2015-08-02 4:23 am
Going for a run
2015-08-02 3:51 am
clean my room and watch a movie and finish all of my homework
2015-08-02 3:24 am
play guitar
2015-08-02 3:13 am
people are so damn egotistical. what a generation. wht do i do? have sex. DUH.
2015-08-02 2:56 am
2015-08-02 2:06 am
Connect with positive people and listen to quiet music! :)
2015-08-02 1:57 am
have sex
2015-08-02 1:40 am
Spending Time with friends.
Doing my hobby. (Martial Arts).
Working out.
Eating something good once in a blue moon.
Getting high.
Playing video games.
2015-08-02 1:34 am
Eat and drink something healthy, which for me means going out to eat and getting something good, and juicing some fruits here at home with my juicer. It also feels good for me to work and make money so basically just working at work makes me feel good.
2015-08-02 1:25 am
Very personal
1. Boxing
2. Listening to music
3. Football
4. Lifting weights
5. Spending time with the girlfriend or family and friends
6. Play video games
2015-08-02 12:59 am
2015-08-02 12:58 am
tickle my dog. he wiggles a lot. his name is jake. he is 4 weeks old
2015-08-02 12:46 am
2015-08-02 12:40 am
I like to do things for others. When I can bring others a little bit of joy, it makes me feel good!
2015-08-02 12:37 am
I run . hoenstly nothing makes me feel better than music and running :)
2015-08-02 12:32 am
Smoke weed. Hang out with my brother and mom listen to music play games exercise doing well in school. Clothes fashion superheros sex and helping people out whether in the street or a friend or people on Yahoo :)
2015-08-01 11:58 pm
Masterbate and clean my tubes out .
2015-08-01 11:48 pm
Watch Hairstyle videos.
2015-08-01 11:48 pm
I think of cloudy haszy night imagine wind blowing blended with rain...
Or go out to watch the moon (sometimes since mosquito kill me)
Or talk to lord
2015-08-01 11:45 pm
2015-08-01 11:17 pm
Eat healthy
Listen to music
2015-08-01 11:16 pm
Help someone. We all know someone that needs a boost. Compliment them or just let someone know you cate. Many people never get this positive energy. Makes me feel good to do something for another.
Second: read a book or take you're dog for a walk. hold the door for someone. Just tell friends and family you love them. If you're not comfy with it you should really start practicing. It's a rewarding thing.
參考: My thoughts
2015-08-01 11:16 pm
eat cheescake
2015-08-01 10:55 pm
Workout, listen to music, or masterbade
2015-08-01 10:31 pm
gossiping with friends
2015-08-01 10:16 pm
Work with computer mainframe systems !
2015-08-01 10:12 pm
2015-08-01 10:05 pm
2015-08-01 9:57 pm
When I mope, I tend to sleep, drink a lot of fresh water and read crime fiction. These things make me feel very good. :D
2015-08-01 9:01 pm
what ever that i do without restrictions
2015-08-01 8:58 pm
2015-08-01 8:38 pm
read nonfiction books, go to the beach, visit a lake, shop, eat candy, buy a healthy smoothie.
2015-08-01 8:20 pm
Read. Hunt. Fish. Observe nature. Fight with my brothers. Spoil my little sister.
2015-08-01 8:19 pm
Do whatever makes you happy.
2015-08-01 8:17 pm
2015-08-01 8:07 pm
Eat chocolate
See the grandkids
Read everything
Have a perfect steak
Compliment others
Accomplishing a task
Doing charity work
Taking in God's awesome world
2015-08-01 7:50 pm
play animal crossing on my 3ds~
2015-08-01 6:52 pm
I mastrubate
2015-08-01 6:47 pm
Sleep, Eat, Have Sex, Charities, Have Sex, Eat, Sleep

The best of the best
2015-08-01 6:29 pm
2015-08-01 5:17 pm
Build time machines
2015-08-01 5:00 pm
Working and shopping
2015-08-01 4:18 pm
Buy concert tickets
2015-08-01 4:13 pm
listen to music
2015-08-01 3:36 pm
2015-08-01 3:31 pm
Sports and playing musical instruments
2015-08-01 3:25 pm
talk to friend
hear songs and light music
watch funny video
cook something
read a knowledgeable book
listen to radio
watch tv
try out new hairstyles
do something creatively
watch movie
eat something really very tasty
completing all the chores
sit silent in the corner, listening to light music and relaxing.!!!!!!!!
2015-08-01 2:47 pm
Watch tv
Listen to music
2015-08-01 2:44 pm
Hang out with people that accept me for who I am. Before now, I used to play videogames when there is no one around, go to the pub to play music on the juke box, relax and chill and have a few beers or whatever, go to the movies, or buy and read books about history that I am passionate about.
2015-08-01 2:12 pm
2015-08-01 2:08 pm
2015-08-01 2:05 pm
Get high.
2015-08-01 2:00 pm
It depends on my mood. But taking a nap or listening to music is the best thing to do to relax me.
2015-08-01 1:46 pm
2015-08-01 1:13 pm
Get high
2015-08-01 12:46 pm
Long drive
2015-08-01 12:40 pm
Watch some anime, fap, eat some food. Play videogames, smoke weed and that's it.
2015-08-01 12:40 pm
one and only thing- talking with others!!
2015-08-01 11:50 am
Tai chi!!!!!
2015-08-01 11:29 am
2015-08-01 11:18 am
Go to the gym
2015-08-01 10:52 am
music and book reading
2015-08-01 10:38 am
Feeling nature in silence nd peace
Time spends with best frndzZz
2015-08-01 10:30 am
2015-08-01 9:34 am
I take baths
2015-08-01 8:15 am
For me to feel good all I need to do is make someone else happy. And this does not only apply to me but to EVERYONE else in the world!
2015-08-01 8:10 am
EATING!!! YUM!!! YUM!!! YUM!!!
2015-08-01 7:32 am
well what i do is is play music to let all stress out its really relaxing
2015-08-01 7:14 am
2015-08-01 7:01 am
Workout at the gym
Eat healthy
2015-08-01 6:59 am
Talk and joke around with my bestfriend
Read encouraging bible verses/stories
Finish the end of a very long book
Or just experience of reading makes me happy
Learn something new
Accomplish something that was difficult
Study so that I am confident about acing a test
Dressing myself up to go out and feeling pretty
Make someone smile
Help someone out
Give to others
Go out and feel the fresh air
listen to relaxing music
Give someone a compliment to make them feel good
Play with my dog
Spend time with family/friends
Go to church
Take long, hot showers
going to the gym
taking a walk/run
going on the internet
watching a good show on netflix
get good grades
make my parents proud
going on a shopping spree
getting a new book(s)
get something done ahead of time
uhhh yeah that's all i could think of lol...
2015-08-01 6:01 am
3.Listen music
4.Discuss with others.
2015-08-01 5:51 am
Observe how I'm get breath in and breath out while alone.
2015-08-01 5:40 am
Eat healthy. Relax. Keep a positive attitude.
2015-08-01 5:20 am
pay off your bills
quit mooching off the system
shoot guns, not people
smack somebody
smoke a j-j-j-jay
listen to some music you can get down too
go on a diet
start a journal-its hard to do but interesting
adventure in music or anything stimulating your brain activity
get off your ******* computer
do any of those work for you????

2015-08-01 4:48 am
I love fruit, so I eat a piece of fruit and the either play Pokemon or rock out on my drums. oh and of course hug my kitty.
2015-08-01 4:47 am
Crack my neck and pop my knuckles, watch youtube, take a shower, making strangers smile, being in nature, running
2015-08-01 4:02 am
Work out until I can do no more.
2015-08-01 3:40 am
Think about crush
Watch tv
Think about how stupid the outcome of the event was and boost my ego lol
2015-08-01 3:29 am
sex and eat
2015-08-01 3:06 am
when I get sad, I wash my face. idk don't ask.

I also like to draw/write in a journal to get all the bad feelings out
2015-08-01 3:01 am
I personally like to listen to my favorite songs, the ones that when I listen to it takes my back to when I first heard it, or when I was at my happiest
2015-08-01 3:00 am
Take a really long, hot shower and then watch tv.
2015-08-01 2:55 am
Run with my dog.
2015-08-01 2:09 am
play video games eat etc
2015-08-01 2:05 am
read, play video games
2015-08-01 1:51 am
play xbox and view positive things about myself
2015-08-01 1:35 am
meeting the hierarchy of needs by Maslow's theory
2015-08-01 1:19 am
do the naughti
2015-08-01 1:08 am
Innovative ideas
2015-08-01 1:04 am
I noticed no one mentioned anything about hanging out with family or Friends. Probably the best way to unwhind!
2015-08-01 12:46 am
Listen to music
Watch TV
Relax with friends
Social drinks with close friends
Family time
Dress up
2015-08-01 12:39 am
2015-07-31 11:51 pm
spend time with my daughters and grandkids
2015-07-31 11:44 pm
2015-07-31 11:37 pm
2015-07-31 11:35 pm
Crossing someone up in Basketball
2015-07-31 11:24 pm
Get naked of course and exercise with friends
2015-07-31 11:05 pm
not much these days.
2015-07-31 11:02 pm
listen to Music
2015-07-31 10:52 pm
1. Netflix
2. Watch funny videos
3. Go outside
2015-07-31 10:50 pm
put pants on my head
2015-07-31 10:50 pm
I read, watch a favorite TV show or play a game.
2015-07-31 10:49 pm

Spending time on Facebook.

Cuddling my cat.
2015-07-31 10:23 pm
I listen to music , chat with friends , and stay cool with an icy drink. I feel relaxed and good just writing about it.
2015-07-31 9:55 pm
2015-07-31 9:49 pm
I listen to music and DANCE!!!!!! Dancing and Music always make me feel good.
2015-07-31 9:16 pm
Go on the internet
go outside
2015-07-31 8:52 pm
2015-07-31 8:27 pm
2015-07-31 7:49 pm
exercise, scrapbook, watch movies,
2015-07-31 7:40 pm
Listening to music while eating small amounts of chocolate
2015-07-31 7:34 pm
Talk to someone I haven't seen or talked to in a while
Watch a favorite movie
Listen to new music
Make a snack
Ride my bike
2015-07-31 7:25 pm
I like to drive around and listen to the Pentatonix Christmas album......
Don't judge me.
2015-07-31 6:49 pm
1) Your mom
2) smoke weed
3) try to get women
4) OD on alcohol
5) beat my meat
6) sleep
7) play basketball
8) act r-tarded
9) lift weights
10) say jokes
11) watch tv
12) rap
13) play video games
14) your sister
15) your grandma
16) Drink more while OD-ing on alcohol, so the room spins faster
17) Listen to rap
18) check out nice bongs online
19) collect bongs
20) imagine if I was rich, and lived in Colorado.
21) gamble
22) Netflix
23) write answers on here
24) search the internet
25) your mom with your sister and grandma
2015-07-31 6:38 pm
Physical things
2015-07-31 6:35 pm
There are lots of things. Being the people you want to be with.
BUT what do you when people you can't stand, who love to **** with you
keep ******* harassing you. for energy.
2015-07-31 6:21 pm
Watching TV(movies)
Riding Motor Cycle
Listening to Music
2015-07-31 6:11 pm
seeing any polititian lose his or her job!
2015-07-31 5:16 pm
Something...I can't post on here. It's a guy thing. (And a girl thing, too. But more commonly a guy thing.)
2015-07-31 4:46 pm
Working out and memes
2015-07-31 4:46 pm
Play videogames
Kiss my girlfriend in the cheek because I love her smile
Literally anything because I'm always happy
2015-07-31 4:30 pm
For me,
Its just like forgetting about everything and lying down on the couch in the farm house out of town where no one is there and to pass my life by fulfilling my needs
Without any efforts
2015-07-31 4:30 pm
1.Help another person
2. Talk to a child and listen to their views about the world
3. Learn a thing or two about a different culture
2015-07-31 4:04 pm
2015-07-31 3:22 pm
exercising is my biggest thing. Although after i exercise, eating healthy and knowing that i ate healthy makes me feel amazing!

Also reading is a really big thing for me.

Comfort food: Just about anything that is a fruit
Getting out of the house
2015-07-31 3:14 pm
I like to work.. and make money.. getting my paycheck makes me feel good and talking with my coworkers keeps me busy and gets me through the day.
2015-07-31 3:12 pm
2015-07-31 2:13 pm
Read, krav maga class, eat chocolate, sleep, see my kid, watch tv shows
2015-07-31 2:10 pm
Just answering for points! XD
2015-07-31 1:49 pm
Things that makes me feel good daily:
1. working
2. Listening to music
3. Surfing the internet
4. Reading a book, newspaper, and magazines
5. Take a walk to think and relax
6. Have less stress
7. Pray to God
8. Doing some yoga
2015-07-31 1:37 pm
Listen to music :)
2015-07-31 12:14 pm
heres my top 15 things to do too feel good.

1. Charity, I try to give more than I take. but I take allot lol
2. Talk to Cats its very hard to do they don't speak English very well WHY?!.
3. Chew dog ears they taste great, except when they move around hard to chew em.
4. Talk with my elders, the ones that are still alive that is, dead ones aren't much fun to talk too
5. Stop someone mugging an old lady then get mugged by the old lady, seriously its a classic.
6. Be polite to ladies, very important was taught this by libra.
7. Be polite to man-ladies, hey you gotta be polite to those man ladies man!
no what im sayin I was taught this by virgo
8. Try not to be a hypocrite, easier said than done lol taught this by scorpio
9. Try to reach 100 push ups. lol I never get there still trying! taught this by Sagittarius
10. Play videogames like Batman Arkham Knight
11. Collect things that are red like T shirts or furniture,Tomatoes?
12. Learn about 3D modeling 3dmax,Zbrush
13. Learn about Art drawing etc.
14. Learn about Photography
15. and last but not least number one thing to feel good, talk to myself in the mirror!,
honestly you should try it yourself its the best friendship ever!! the mirror never argues back.
2015-07-31 11:25 am
watch anime, listen to music, play games
2015-07-31 11:17 am
Listening music
Watching TV
Go to Movies
Watch YouTube.
2015-07-31 11:07 am
2015-07-31 10:50 am
Listening to music
growing plants and so on.
2015-07-31 10:40 am
Listen to music
2015-07-31 10:34 am
Eat, sleep, watch korean drama, listen to korean songs & go to holiday with family
2015-07-31 10:28 am
music, music is life
2015-07-31 9:40 am
1. Eat
2. Watch movies
3. Listen to music
4. Research random stuff
2015-07-31 9:33 am
1. Drink water
2. Watch videos of kittens
3. Take a shower, put on clean comfy clothes, change my sheets, and read
4. Smile at strangers when we make eye contact in public
5. Listen to good music while cleaning
2015-07-31 9:16 am
2.daydream about being the opposite sex
4.listen to music
2015-07-31 9:06 am
Hanging out with my boyfriend.
Playing with my dog.
Hanging out with family.
Walking with my dog.
Surfing the web.
Making money.
Praising god.
Helping people.
Watching TV.
Going to church.
Taking a bath/shower.
Doing hair and nails.
This is just a few things off the top of my head. :)
2015-07-31 9:01 am
2015-07-31 8:56 am
Listening to music
Watching a movie or favourite TV series
Video gaming (Xbox One)
Taking long quiet walks.
2015-07-31 8:55 am
I like to watch anime and Korean drama. Be by myself and just relax.
2015-07-31 8:44 am
Eating healthy.
2015-07-31 8:42 am
i like running or drawing. Also sleeping if I have time, or just crying it all out
2015-07-31 8:31 am
2015-07-31 8:03 am
It wouldn't surprise me that the majority of you people said masturbation
2015-07-31 8:02 am
frict together my warm clay buns. makes me feel A-L-I-V-E. i tell you :) jerathon out
2015-07-31 7:55 am
I really like to draw and paint.
I also play video games with my friends.
Baking and cooking food is also fun, even though I'm not that good at it!
2015-07-31 7:41 am
Play video games
2015-07-31 7:38 am
Just sit alone, close your eyes and think about your memorable moment. Where you got your best pleasure in your whole life. I think you will feel good.
2015-07-31 7:22 am
sex with women
參考: life
2015-07-31 7:21 am
Eat and Sleep????????
2015-07-31 6:57 am
Take a long shower...
2015-07-31 6:46 am
1. Learn Japanese
2. Go travelling
3. Cooking
4. Watch T.V.
And so much more
2015-07-31 6:37 am
Smile and surround yourself with good people who make you happy!
2015-07-31 5:54 am
do my makeup
2015-07-31 5:52 am
I like to play on my phone and for my guilty pleasure of shopping
2015-07-31 5:47 am
sleep all saturday
2015-07-31 5:40 am
Smoke Cigret .
Watch Movie
Listen Soft Music
Chat with boy friend etcetc
2015-07-31 5:25 am
Lay in bed and watch Youtube videos, if I want to feel good as in happiness because they make me laugh. If I want to feel good and accomplished then I would do my work that I neglected to do, but because its still not due I would feel better that I didn't procrastinate. If I want to feel good as in a sweet bitter rememberance feeling I would listen to an old song and look at past photos or accomplishments that were the highlight of my life so far and maybe feel empty, however it gives you a sweet pain. It just depends on what the good feeling is and if it is a short time or a long lasting feeling honestly.
2015-07-31 5:21 am
Be productive
Listening to music (more specifically Ed sheeran)
參考: Me
2015-07-31 5:06 am
1. Calling my sweetheart.
2. Cooking something really good.
3. Hanging out with my friends.
4. Watching Korean drama or Old Arabic drama.
5. Writing a short story.
2015-07-31 5:03 am
2015-07-31 5:00 am
Giving other's advice. Helps me put things into perspective for me and make me realize that while I am down, I am not out. Someone has it worse than me and I end up feeling fairly petty for worrying about whatever it was I was worrying about, then begin to feel better.
2015-07-31 4:47 am
eating healthy
2015-07-31 4:38 am
watch disney, read anything on google i want to learn, learn new vocabs,
2015-07-31 4:25 am
1. Play with my children.
2. Enjoy nature
3. Spend time reading my bible/spend time with God
4. Help someone in need
5. Finish what I start
6. Make someone happy
7. Gardening
2015-07-31 4:17 am
2015-07-31 4:16 am
I stay alone.
2015-07-31 3:45 am
2015-07-31 3:36 am
2015-07-31 3:22 am
NOT voting for Hillery makes me feel so good...
Hillary is her name, and Hilpocrisy is her game!
2015-07-31 3:15 am
Athletic activity
2015-07-31 3:15 am
I play with my pet. get some sleep , have delicious food.
2015-07-31 2:54 am
Tickle my pickle.
2015-07-31 2:29 am
Read or eat
2015-07-31 1:51 am
2015-07-31 1:20 am
2015-07-31 1:19 am
Rubbing my own feet, Eating cheese, and drinking wine.
2015-07-31 1:07 am
Get a massage
Watch sports
Play sports
Nature photography
Go to church
Play music
2015-07-31 12:22 am
2015-07-30 11:45 pm
Praying to Jesus
2015-07-30 11:38 pm
Listen to deep thinking music and think of all the nice things in life
2015-07-30 11:32 pm
Listen to music
Talk with someone I like (such as a close friend)
Play with my cat (cats seriously provide amazing amounts of entertainment lol)
Shower (bonus points if I have time to be mega slow about it and do a little "home spa" night instead of just plain showering)
Do something artistic (I love to paint, make things out of clay, etc.)
Scrapbooking or other types of book making
Making blankets and pillows
Watch TV
Search for different interesting things online (I guess you might consider that "researching")
Helping someone out (even if it's in a really small way)
Go sit outside on a nice evening
Do a favor for someone
Complete a random act of kindness
2015-07-30 11:00 pm
anime draw read Instagram masterbate
2015-07-30 9:58 pm
I laugh at topic advertisements, like:
16 ounce Coleman cancooler.
(See kanko as the name of a sexual disease.)
2015-07-30 9:58 pm
Think about attractive women...Lol.

I am a 28 year old straight guy, and I have never kissed a girl before.
2015-07-30 9:47 pm
Roam around with my skateboard
Eat a fruit
Rest in my bed
Watch something funny
Play a video game
2015-07-30 9:47 pm
Cook yummy foods and just watch tv and sleep :)
2015-07-30 9:40 pm
2015-07-30 9:37 pm
Write code (helps pay the bills)
Eat chocolate (no coconut fill please)
Gamecocks Football!
People Watch
Pretend like I'm still in school when I'm at the bar

Just added:
Answer random questions on Yahoo! Answers (or is it questions?)
2015-07-30 9:27 pm
Um, adult things with spouse.
If not that, icecream unfortunately.
2015-07-30 9:01 pm
Laying in bed with my boyfriend, watching tv, while cuddling with our 2 dogs.
2015-07-30 8:56 pm
Eat food
2015-07-30 8:44 pm
-Talk to family on phone.
-Go home in vacations and be surrounded by people I love most. People who matter to me. This is the almost only time when i really feel "good."
-Drink cold coffee. Love this.
-Invest time in some good booK, which would either broaden my intellectual horizons, or is interesting.
-I like writing. So try to get some writing assignments and when they get published, i feel good.

I think, it is very subjective. Except the first two points, everyone would have different things, depending on what they value, and what they aspire to be.
2015-07-30 8:42 pm
Pets are a good form of therapy and they make you feel good about yourself
Exercise is also a good form to feel good about yourself
2015-07-30 8:30 pm
2015-07-30 8:10 pm
Play Pc games
Watch cartoons like Ben10 and TJ
Watch a good movie
Collect some money and eat my fav dish at weekend
Since I've got no friends, well these do make me happy sometimes
2015-07-30 8:07 pm
Small amounts of alcohol, walking, traveling, food, people, being alone, socializing, change.
2015-07-30 8:02 pm
I didn't see Masturbate as a choice up there!
2015-07-30 7:48 pm
Watch youtube videos
Talk to old friends
Give compliments
Giving advice
Doing something nice for another person (esp my family members)
2015-07-30 7:01 pm
encouraging others, walking in nature, singing, dancing, petting my dogs, writing stories.

Being creative helps me to be more me.
2015-07-30 7:00 pm
I smile, a lot!
2015-07-30 6:42 pm
Drink something really cool.
2015-07-30 6:39 pm
2015-07-30 6:19 pm
1.Eat Healthy
2.Go for a long walk
4.Spend time with family
5.Hang out with friends
2015-07-30 5:20 pm
any form of art!
2015-07-30 5:14 pm
bikng alone. watching tv and sleeping alone
2015-07-30 5:07 pm
2015-07-30 4:57 pm
Listen to music
2015-07-30 4:52 pm
Working out
2015-07-30 4:46 pm
I like to blow off steam:

1) Cleaning my Apartment
2) Exhausting my energy through physical activities like working out or climbing
3) Blow off some steam playing video games
4) Take my cat for a walk
5) Listen to music affiliated with fond memories
6) Spend time with a close friend or visit my family
7) Watch movies with simple plots, cute romance and witty humor
8) Sitting in a bath with candles lit and a bath bomb fizzing away, usually with a glass of wine.

2015-07-30 4:40 pm
2015-07-30 4:39 pm
Go to the gym, listen to music
2015-07-30 4:31 pm
1) Running at least 5km in 1 go (I'll feel even better if I break my PB timing)
2) Spending time with my girlfriend
3) Eating good food
2015-07-30 4:26 pm
Listen to music
Read books
And play video games
2015-07-30 4:20 pm
Listen to music...
2015-07-30 4:10 pm
Shave my arms
2015-07-30 2:56 pm
video games.
2015-07-30 2:39 pm
Listen to music on my iphone.
2015-07-30 1:20 pm
2015-07-30 1:17 pm
Listen to music. But nothing that is sad and slow and could bring you down
2015-07-30 12:43 pm
I don't know what kind of fantastic lives these guys are living but I tend to enjoy the little things.
Watching a favorite show
Reading a book
Blowing bubbles
Browsing the internet
Watching a beloved movie.
2015-07-30 11:44 am
2015-07-30 9:36 am
Spend money on the things you like lol
2015-07-30 9:19 am
Talk to friends and possibly meet up,
Listen to music,
Write songs,
Watch a series,
Go on YouTube,
Develop skills.
2015-07-30 9:03 am
Listening to music and doing whatever possible to relieve stress
2015-07-30 8:08 am
Listening to music.
2015-07-30 8:01 am
Lying on bed & listen to music
2015-07-30 8:01 am
Take a nice warm shower or go for a swim.
Listen to music
Do things I am passionate about
Do good deeds for living animals and human beings
2015-07-30 7:27 am
Watch a movie
2015-07-30 7:16 am
Listen to "Daughter" station on Pandora :)
2015-07-30 6:30 am
1. Make YouTube videos
2. Listen to sleeping with sirens and pierce the veil
3. Write in wattpad
4.watch Supernatural and The Walking Dead
5. Take a hot bath
2015-07-30 6:14 am
Exercise!! Or do some deep breathing!
2015-07-30 5:49 am
Work out or listen to music or do both
2015-07-30 5:28 am
Lay outside and stare up at a blue sky filled with clouds.
2015-07-30 4:49 am
Watching Magic Mike XXL
2015-07-30 4:33 am
2015-07-30 4:19 am
watch anime
read manga
eat food
listen to FOUR
watch anime
read fanfiction
go on vine
play video games
bond with friends about anime
eat pizza
drink bobba
chill with my woes
2015-07-30 3:45 am
i study my textbooks closing one eye that keeps me focused....
2015-07-30 3:22 am
Count my money.
2015-07-30 3:08 am
1. Use my computer
2. Do something productive
3. Use my phone
4. Watching youtube
5. Listen to some music
6. Relax
2015-07-30 3:07 am
helping some one that need help make me fill grate
2015-07-30 2:51 am
2015-07-30 2:50 am
Sleep or drive
2015-07-30 2:36 am
2015-07-30 2:33 am

1) Put my phone in Airplane Mode so I do not get any distractions/get disturbed
2) Put on music that I enjoy listening to
3) Go make myself a cup of tea (or your favorite drink/smoothie/refreshers
4) Pick up a picture book/album/magazine and look/skim/if I want I will read a little of it
5) Sometimes I have the TV on, but on mute with captions because I have the music playing in the background
6) OR if you have a pet, you can cuddle/play with them. Pets are your number one friends who will make you feel better RIGHT AWAY.

1) I bring a water bottle/my favorite drink with me
2) I go to a beach (or your most favorite place to be at) and just take a walk/sit and relax there for an hour, and then move to a different location
3) Take my dog on a walk
4) Take pictures of moments when I am noticing something beautiful/admiring

1) Go shopping [but shopping smart :)] because you will feel better that you got a great deal on your items
2) Order take out/eat in at my favorite restaurant/at a restaurant that serves what I am craving for
3) Call up my friends and ask if they would like to hang out with me
4) Go to a Nail Salon/get a massage/a facial massage or treatment/anything that will fix up/rejuvenate my tired body and mind
5) Watch a COMEDY movie at home/at the theatre. Sometimes going alone is better on somedays when I want to be alone
6) Volunteer at some organizations to help those in need. This will definitely make me feel so much better about myself.
7) Go on a drive/mini road trips to somewhere nice and quiet with beautiful landscapes. I go to New Hampshire/Cape Cod and take a lot of pictures and just relax under the nice blue sky for the day, then drive home
8) Go on a date. Find someone nice, and grab a drink with them. This works SOMETIMES. NOT ALWAYS.
9) Try on some makeup/try dressing up your hair
10) Go to a music club/a bar and have a drink alone/maybe you will meet someone there ;)
11) Paint my own nails, and do some cute designs on them
12) Try out some food venders. Depending on where you live, there may be food venders on the streets, and you can eat anything/everything that you want. Who cares about those extra pounds? You are making yourself feel better. BUT DON'T DO IT TOO OFTEN. JUST WARNING.
13) Buy different types of flowers and rearrange them. I love doing this so much.
14) Do some art/be creative. This comes very easy to me because I am an artist, but you do not have to be an artist to explore and try something new in the world of arts.
15) Sometimes drinking alone at home helps too.
16) Sing karaoke


I hope you will find something that will make you feel goo about yourself. Good luck!
2015-07-30 2:20 am
I spend time with my boyfriend and go shopping. I spend quality time with people I love that enhance my quality of life. I reflect and appreciate everything that I have. That's all you need to be happy. That and have a good sense of self respect and confidence.
2015-07-30 2:04 am
Do something for someone else.
2015-07-30 1:49 am
have a shower eat will and don't overthink things, listen to music, read book, go for walk when it's nice day,go fishing, gardening, and talk to your mind not to be sad, angry and forget about bad things! And don't drink alcohol to much...talk to best friend and family...just don't over think!
2015-07-30 1:28 am
Board Games
Listen to Gospel
Work on Ideal Projects
Listening to up beat happy music.
Travelling to new places.
Watching Netflix.
Cooking some food.
Seeing an old friend.
Buying stuff for yourself.
2015-07-30 1:28 am
I usually go biking, listen to music, dance, drink tea and read. I like to crank my music up and dance around the house in my long socks. Weird, I guess, but its so much fun.
2015-07-30 1:14 am
watching anime
listening to music
skating on ice
smoking pot while having a *******
playing with my cat
take a long shower
reading a tail
speaking languages :))
2015-07-30 1:04 am
Music and exercise
2015-07-30 12:51 am
2015-07-30 12:09 am
I like to make things like wood tables cupboards and have a room to work in, so I go there and innovate!
2015-07-30 12:04 am
Eat my favorite junk food KFC.
2015-07-30 12:03 am
2015-07-29 11:36 pm
Smoke a blubt, read or sleep
2015-07-29 11:02 pm
Listen to music and eat
2015-07-29 10:48 pm
Astonishingly - house work!! I've never really gone in for routine domestic chores apart from laundry, washing dishes and flicking the duster about - But my little house was looking so dull and uninviting - even to me - that the prospect of inviting a new neighbour IN made me look again! I actually SAW the cobwebs, the dust, the grunge on the paintwork, the piles of stuff waiting for Godot. But - this is the good bit - once I set my mind to doing it the work took very little time or effort and the results were immediately gratifying. [ I even cleaned the oven but think I really had got a bit carried away by then!! ] Anyway, the spur was the "visitor's-eye view" .- a fresh look! It worked for me!!
2015-07-29 10:08 pm
have fun
2015-07-29 9:38 pm
I binge watch YouTube videos and go crazy on other social media networks
2015-07-29 9:32 pm
Play video games, listen to music, sleep, or lye around and think
2015-07-29 8:47 pm
Not hurting anyone or stepping on them
Be loyal to those loyal to you
Eat well too much of a good thing is bad for you
2015-07-29 7:39 pm
Eat something I enjoy. Also eat healthy as well. Exercise run around the room like a idiot to my favorite songs for 30 mins gets my blood pumping. Cook food. Talk to friends. Drink water. Pat my cats and kiss them. Put make up on. The list goes on...
2015-07-29 7:12 pm
2015-07-29 6:53 pm
1. Write.
2. Read.
3. Make someone laugh.
4. Watch TV.
5. Spend time alone.
2015-07-29 6:45 pm
1. working
2. Listening to music
3. Surfing the internet
4. Reading a book, newspaper, and magazines
5. Take a walk to think and relax
6. Have a warm shower
7. Win some money
2015-07-29 6:11 pm
Talking to friends.
2015-07-29 6:03 pm
Anime and Netflix draw read
2015-07-29 5:58 pm
Watch my monkey run hi wee wee and eat the glide that comes out
2015-07-29 5:39 pm
1. Spending time with loved ones
2. Taking a walk
3. Showering- sounds crazy but a nice hot shower always makes me feel better
4. Taking a walk
5. Playing with my kids
6. Socializing
7. Doing relaxing activities
8. Pampering oneself.
9. Sex
10. Reading
參考: Myself :)
2015-07-29 5:32 pm
Anything that makes me feel good. Nothing specific
2015-07-29 4:19 pm
2015-07-29 4:02 pm
2015-07-29 3:57 pm
Get my hair cut, get my nails done, watching movie with my dogs by my side, playing with my grandchildren, eating out with friends
2015-07-29 3:39 pm
Exercise! Even just walking makes you feel better. Go walk and listen to music.

Eat a fruit salad.

Laugh with friends
2015-07-29 3:29 pm
listen to music
2015-07-29 12:47 pm
Going to the gym. Your self confidence will go up when you notice results.
2015-07-29 12:43 pm
1. adult videos
2. hentai material
3. board games
4. taekwondo
5. music
6. drink juice or beer
7. kebab
8. stalk girls
9. spend money
10. plant mother of thousands
11. draw panties of hentai
12. talk with friends
2015-07-29 12:15 pm
Hear case studies about how superresolution microscopy data has made the difference between acceptance and rejection of key papers by scientific journals
2015-07-29 11:44 am
Read, eat sweets and watch movies and TV shows primarily.
2015-07-29 11:33 am
1. play games with my kids
2. Photography
3. watch youtube videos
4. Read the Bible
5. swim
6. Listen to music
7. research history
8. Go to church
9. "relations"
2015-07-29 10:15 am
Breathing. You will never have any fun unless you breath.
2015-07-29 10:00 am
When I feel good is when I'm wearing plastic garbage/trash/bin bags as outfits. Also I feel good when listening to good music watching good movies and learning something new.
2015-07-29 9:51 am
watch funny movies or variety show
2015-07-29 9:44 am
buying stuff for myself
watching fox-tel
traveling places out of my home town
be in contact with nature
day dream
watch a movie
read a book
listen to music
hang out with friends and family
coloring in Im terrible at drawing but amazing at coloring in stuff
play with your pets and other animals
go to the beach
eating yummy food especially pastries yummy
playing video games
sometimes sleeping
play on the internet
write a story
watch you tube
win money
win stuff
having no stress
get out of the boring house and explore the world
go to theme parks and zoos
play with animals
have fun
be funny
be annoying
2015-07-29 9:41 am
Hang out with my guinea pig!
2015-07-29 9:13 am
Do yoga and get relaxed....cheers
2015-07-29 8:58 am
Watching anime !
2015-07-29 8:07 am
There's not such a thing as a button you can push, but time with good friends might help, or the Doctor
2015-07-29 7:20 am
2015-07-29 6:50 am
1. Watch anime
2. Make funny memes
3. Play with animals
4. Watch cartoons
5. Draw
6. Write
7. Netflix
8. Listen to music
9. Exercise
2015-07-29 6:46 am
Exercise :D
2015-07-29 6:37 am
Go for runs, smoke weed, eat healthy, love, be happy, find peace within myself
2015-07-29 6:35 am
Listen to music or play soccer
2015-07-29 6:12 am
I eat ice cream
2015-07-29 6:02 am
Go to the beach.
Go camping with your friend.
Get up early.
Have a bath.
Have a warm or cold shower.
Play with pets.
Watch YouTube.
Dress up.
Make a scrap book.
Write a book, poem or short story
Reading the newspaper or magazines
Win some money
Have a beer
Have a nice breakfast
Having less str
2015-07-29 5:52 am
kill stuffs lol
2015-07-29 5:41 am
More sleep
Even more sleep
2015-07-29 4:45 am
Make trap music and edm
2015-07-29 4:09 am
Looking on Yahoo Answers to see how ignorant some of the questions are? Yes, believe it or not, there are stupid questions! Stupid questions are those that are asked to anyone willing to give an answer. Smart questions are those that are asked to an intelligent, experienced, honest, non-self-serving entity. I guess that skews your poll but I will still be outside the standard deviation so you don't have to worry about your results.
2015-07-29 4:00 am
1. Watch Anime
2. Go to the arcade and get a lot of tickets then give them out to others.
3. Look at the sky.
4. Cruise on my longboard
5. Workout
6.On crazy and stormy nights I like going out onto my balcony and scream like a madman as thunder roars.
7. Sleep
8. Completely unpredictable stuff to piss off my friends.
9. Wake up hella early to watch the sunrise
10. Taking apart old mother boards and putting them back together.
2015-07-29 3:57 am
Watch dance moms, play with my dog, take a hot shower
2015-07-29 3:40 am
I usually watch YouTube videos, work out, play video games, if your stressed I suggest taking a nap that always clears my mind! :D
參考: Me
2015-07-29 3:40 am
watch tv or something
2015-07-29 3:08 am
1. Traveling to new places;
2. Exercise;
2015-07-29 2:28 am
Eating healthy
2015-07-29 2:25 am
The first thing that I like to do is curl up with a good book, and some hot chocolate. Maybe I curl up under the covers with my tablet, and I watch a dumb comedy. I love to take my dog on long walks, listening to loud music in my earbuds. I could invite some friends over and cook some dinner for them, then we talk until the early morning. Sometimes it's best just to play dumb games on your phone until you feel better. I go out onto my porch, and just sit there for hours thinking about the world. My favorite thing to do though, is to call my brother or my dad, and just talk to them for hours. I wan't to hear everything about their lives, and it serves as a way to get things off my chest.

I don't know if you wrote this post because you are depressed, or you just want ideas for things to do, but there are a million things in this world that you can do for free that entertain you. Hope this helps :)
2015-07-29 1:38 am
I get on YouTube and just surf until I find something cool. And then I watch a bunch of videos on that. LoL. But maybe if you are into it, make your own YouTube videos. Afterwards you can feel pretty good about yourself. You could have of just helped a lot of people or entertained them! XD But seriously. Good luck!
2015-07-29 1:05 am
Baking cookies, reading an awesome book, watching tv, eating cake, running, relaxing
2015-07-29 12:54 am
crying ( i dont really know why but half of the time after i cry i feel better)
praying ( a way of talking it out)
eating ( i eat my feelings)
2015-07-29 12:32 am
1. being with friends. 2. being with family. 3. eat food. 4. drink water. 5. go for a walk. 6. be on my phone. 7. watch tv. 8. being outside
2015-07-29 12:27 am
Talk to a friend
Watch a movie
2015-07-29 12:20 am
1 Listen to Music
2 Talk to friends on the phone
3 instagram
4 working out
5 baking
6 facetime
7 eating
8 singing
9 practice flute or piano
10 play xbox
2015-07-29 12:08 am
Get a pedicure and have my toes painted a pretty color.
2015-07-29 12:06 am
rub the magic lamp until the genie comes out
2015-07-29 12:01 am
Hurt people :)
2015-07-28 11:47 pm
watch tv
2015-07-28 11:20 pm
Drink wine and take a bubble bath
2015-07-28 11:03 pm
Smoke pot
參考: The plug
2015-07-28 10:50 pm
Listening to music
2015-07-28 10:28 pm
Smoke and talk to people.
2015-07-28 10:12 pm
time travel
2015-07-28 9:38 pm
2015-07-28 9:29 pm
It is a delight to serve Jesus, and to be a blessing to others
2015-07-28 8:39 pm
watching anime
playing video games
2015-07-28 8:06 pm
masturbate lmao
2015-07-28 7:30 pm
Play Star Wars Battlefront II (and make my character die by jumping off ledges and such. And killing my teammate).
2015-07-28 7:04 pm
I went to eat something in a bad mood, go shopping, or is reading a novel kind ----- most abuse, watch TV most sad movies suck most of the drama, anyway, it is to see others than themselves unlucky on a good mood point
2015-07-28 6:43 pm
Exercise while listening to good music.
And being around good company for happy hour.
2015-07-28 6:28 pm
2015-07-28 6:22 pm
I talk to my self
2015-07-28 6:21 pm
Meditate. (Preferably in the sun)
work out. (Body weight only. Weights ruin the feel for me)
Dissect girls.
play video games.
occasionally read a book. (Princess Bride is a good one)
2015-07-28 6:14 pm
Listening to my favorite singer.
Do my hair.
Watch YouTube videos that make me laugh.
Making funny faces at myself in the mirror. (Weird, I know.)
& Tell myself I'm worth it everyday.
2015-07-28 5:55 pm
2015-07-28 5:05 pm
1.listen to your favorite type of music
4.hang out with friends
5.go on vacation
6.cook if you like to
2015-07-28 4:58 pm
I feel good when I doing meditation and when I enjoy the work.
2015-07-28 4:56 pm
2015-07-28 3:07 pm
Plan my dream wedding:)
2015-07-28 3:04 pm
watch gaming videos
2015-07-28 2:58 pm
...I get my girl-friend to "play" with my (throbbing, bulbous-headed, one-eye'd) Love monster ! She get's my "monster" so sick that "he" throws up all over her face !
2015-07-28 1:58 pm
Did anyone say EX?
2015-07-28 1:57 pm
All of the above plus learning new languages and other subjects of which I was not aware ;)
2015-07-28 1:56 pm
Snuggle with my doggie. Do something good for someone else.
2015-07-28 12:39 pm
study, search, discussion, sleeping, suggestion.
2015-07-28 12:36 pm
watching animes and movies
reading mangas and books
2015-07-28 12:25 pm
Drink beer, eat meat, furiously masturbate or a combination of the three.
2015-07-28 11:04 am
For me only sleeping and dreaming
2015-07-28 10:30 am
2015-07-28 9:37 am
Listening to music (pop)
Watching a movie (any genre)
Exercising (with company and alone)
Watching YouTube
Writing songs (pop)
Relaxing and being a couch potato
Hanging out with my friends
Finishing studying/homework and getting to rest
Browsing the internet to see if there are any interesting competitions to enter
2015-07-28 9:18 am
2015-07-28 8:24 am
I simply play games on my mobile.
2015-07-28 7:55 am
Eating, sleeping and gaming. Eat Sleep Game ESG!
2015-07-28 7:52 am
looking at pictures of family, taking a walk by the water, sleeping in, and baking something sweet to eat :)
2015-07-28 7:22 am
Listening to music
Running track and field
Climbing trees/being around nature
Dancing/doing crazy stuff when I'm alone
Hanging out with my cats
Sitting in silence, zoned out
Staying up all night
Figuring out my questions, researching stuff
Talking to my friends (depends on the subject)
Ride roller coasters
Eating food
Reading yahoo answers
Researching weird stuff (like people who lived in the wild their whole life, people who survived rabies without a vaccine, etc)
Walking in the dark
Riding my bike
2015-07-28 7:13 am
Crossing off tasks on a checklist. It just gives me a small feeling of accomplishmen.
2015-07-28 6:51 am
having great sex
2015-07-28 6:41 am
Farting. Good feeling when the pressure is gone, lol.
2015-07-28 6:29 am
Play video games
Role play
Listen to music
Watch tv and movies
Have my brother entertain me with funny sayings
Hang out with my mom
Go out for walks
Getting out of the house
FB my friends
Taunt my bestie
Talk about games
Keeping my mind occupied pretty much!
2015-07-28 5:40 am
Eat eat eat ! And eat some more .
2015-07-28 5:30 am
Dance (hip hop)
Doing soccer
Listening to music
Cook with family
Bike riding
Taking walks
Watching TV
Playing with sisters
Hanging out with friends
Playing on my iPod/phone
2015-07-28 5:26 am
FIght Myself with dental floss
2015-07-28 5:26 am
I hardcore clean, I'll put some headphones in with some music and relax in a bubble bath, go to the gym, listen to music always makes me feel good.
2015-07-28 4:59 am
Play video games
Listen to music
Watch movies
Talk to people
2015-07-28 4:32 am
Talk to my crush but u can just talk to someone who makes u feel good
2015-07-28 4:26 am
travelling, swimming, visting family
2015-07-28 3:40 am
Completing tasks and eating as much as possible and then some.
2015-07-28 3:28 am
Doing something for someone else
Tackling something I've been putting off
Vigorous exercise (which also falls under the category of something I've been putting off, lol!)
2015-07-28 3:23 am
Take a hot bubble bath
Wash my pajamas
Watch tv
Light a candle
Eat a good dinner
Get good sleep
2015-07-28 3:19 am
Listening to positive music and texting
2015-07-28 3:17 am
Drinking beer
2015-07-28 3:04 am
Painting my nails
Playing with my dog
Watching movies
2015-07-28 2:52 am
Sinking into my pain makes me feel good.
2015-07-28 2:51 am
Put my face in front of a fan
2015-07-28 2:40 am
talking to friends and listening to music
2015-07-28 1:55 am
My passions, especially music.. Calms me.. And prayer
2015-07-28 12:49 am
read, hang out with your friends, watch tv
2015-07-28 12:39 am
I watch funny TV shows or YouTube videos to cheer myself up. I love the British TV show, "Red Dwarf," and watch it frequently.
2015-07-28 12:34 am
Having a poo after being constipated for a long time. Or I listen to music.
2015-07-27 11:47 pm
2015-07-27 11:32 pm
Masturbating, clean food, lifting weights and injecting steroids in my ***.
2015-07-27 10:46 pm
i stop feeling sad and be awesome instead. true story
2015-07-27 10:04 pm
Masturbate and Floss
2015-07-27 9:45 pm
2015-07-27 9:13 pm
I don't have to do anything cuz I am always sad and depressed
2015-07-27 9:01 pm
2015-07-27 8:56 pm
1. Sleep
II. To listen to music
3. Make juice
4. To cook
5. Swim
6. Travel
7. Read the book
8. Watch TV
9. Story
10. The morning walk
2015-07-27 8:53 pm
Play cricket, watch tv, play ps4, chat with friends, video call my cousins, go outside with family
2015-07-27 7:59 pm
I smash my head into a wall until I pass out.
2015-07-27 7:49 pm
Going for a long walk, being around someone who I have a lot of things in common with, listening to music, walking my dog (guess it's the same as the first)...
2015-07-27 5:43 pm
Sleep, relax, shower, sing, talk to close friends.
2015-07-27 5:26 pm
Try to tell people to investigate Sandy Hook so they can wake up.
2015-07-27 5:01 pm
1.-Take a bath
2.-Sleep well (meaning got to sleep early in ht enight, go oup early in the morning after your due amount of sleep hours)
3.-For breakfast: Whole grain Pancakes sweetened with caramel or bees honey
4.-A good good cofee
5.-Internet!! (not the social networks, those will only frustrate you)
7.-A good ebook!!
2015-07-27 3:51 pm
2015-07-27 3:32 pm
Stand Up Paddle boarding.
2015-07-27 3:23 pm
Exercise,reading and surfing the internet
2015-07-27 3:18 pm
Watch tv
Listen to music'
Lay down
2015-07-27 3:00 pm
2015-07-27 2:44 pm
2015-07-27 2:31 pm
watching tv
2015-07-27 1:48 pm
Listen to my favorite music
2015-07-27 1:43 pm
Listening to the music and play VR games
2015-07-27 12:51 pm
2015-07-27 12:41 pm
Writing a fiction
designing a video game
watching tv series
reading new novels
hang out with friends
2015-07-27 12:32 pm
Eat lots of chocolate
2015-07-27 11:37 am
Have sex
2015-07-27 11:37 am
2015-07-27 11:19 am
Sex and Travel
2015-07-27 10:46 am
Sex. Music. Drive. Smoke. Sleep. Clean. Rearrange. Pets.
2015-07-27 9:05 am
Working, Listening to music, Surfing the internet,Reading a book, newspaper, and magazines. Take a walk to think and relax,Have a warm shower, Win some money, Have a bee
2015-07-27 9:05 am
2015-07-27 9:00 am
Listen/Sing Mohammad Rafi songs
2015-07-27 8:23 am
Music makes me feel good, but it also depends on the type of music. Upbeat music brings your spirit up, and slow music brings your spirit down. Don't listen to songs you relate to unless it's something like loving your boyfriend or being independent.
I like to write, it brings adventure to my life.
Sitting down and watching tv all day is a big no no, it makes you feel bad about yourself and your habits.
Exercising, however, makes you feel good and happy.
Do things to help others out, that is also something to make you feel good about yourself.
Hang out with your friends, it should make you feel 100x cooler xD and you'll be having a good time.
That's my list (:
2015-07-27 7:56 am
The best thing to do is to find time through out your day to center. To be happy is to have serenity. Balancing sleep, work, food, health, exercise, love and friends. But through out the day to be happy, I will think of what I have or how to improve what I have. It is the appreciation of the now and the knowledge that it will get better that makes anything happy.
2015-07-27 7:27 am
Act goofy
2015-07-27 5:54 am
laugh and laugh
2015-07-27 5:06 am
Playing Sims
Watching my fav tv shows
Gym - the after-feeling
Eat lol
2015-07-27 4:13 am
Spending lots of money and eating
2015-07-27 3:54 am
Listen to music
Read a book
Hang out with friends/siblings
Sit outside in silence
2015-07-27 3:26 am
listen to music and go for a walk
2015-07-27 3:20 am
2015-07-27 3:18 am
Be reclusive so I have time to do me in my own time
2015-07-27 2:45 am
I just masturbate
2015-07-27 2:06 am
1. Drawing
2. Listen to music.
3. Read
2015-07-27 1:46 am
2015-07-27 1:38 am
Reading, drawing, talking, playing games, studying artwork.
2015-07-27 1:16 am
Listen to Qura'any
2015-07-27 12:34 am
Usually just reading, watching movies or TV shows on Netflix, or listening to music.
2015-07-27 12:31 am
listen to music
watch netflix
work out
2015-07-27 12:17 am
listen to music is #1
2015-07-27 12:12 am
Fart as loud as my stomach allows.
2015-07-26 11:31 pm
watch tv
2015-07-26 11:30 pm
2015-07-26 10:51 pm
Studiyng, reading..
2015-07-26 10:43 pm
Masturbating... Gaming... Movies... Netflix... Walking... Talking to a loved one, programming, music... And lastly wishing i wasn't so alone.
2015-07-26 10:14 pm
2015-07-26 9:54 pm
Spend time with my brother, his wife, and their two and three year old daughters because they crack me up.
2015-07-26 9:43 pm
2015-07-26 9:32 pm
Listening to music
playing video games
2015-07-26 9:31 pm
I turned off my phone for a week. It was amazing.
2015-07-26 9:11 pm
Listening to music, talking to friends, watching stand up comedy, talking to my girlfriend when she is in a good mood, masturbation, sex, etc.
2015-07-26 9:08 pm
Play guitar, listen to "The Beatles", eat celery w/peanut butter in it. read a book with my cat.
2015-07-26 8:26 pm
Paint my nails
Go for a walk
Sing my favorite song
2015-07-26 7:58 pm
Cleaning, Sleeping, Watching movies, Reading, Figuring out a challenge at work, hanging out with family/friends, exercise.
2015-07-26 7:38 pm
Sleeping, drawing, playing piano, teaching piano, painting, cooking, and reading :)
2015-07-26 7:37 pm
Watching movies/tv series
Playing football
Playing FIFA
Eating whatever I crave
Experimenting makeup
2015-07-26 6:53 pm
Be within nature..touch the endless depths to it ~ Dance*..love to dance..to the many facets of life,music..touches many.~*
2015-07-26 6:31 pm
Listen to music extremely loud!
2015-07-26 5:24 pm
A warm bath
Staying in bed watching comedies
Cross stitch
Walking the dog
Having a sing to myself
2015-07-26 5:14 pm
I like to listen to music while taking a bath, relax, and have time to putmyself together and think about things that are happening around me and in my life.
2015-07-26 3:22 pm
Program on C++
2015-07-26 2:54 pm
being positive and creative , doing things on time, reading cooking and music and browsing
2015-07-26 2:49 pm
go on a walk
2015-07-26 2:46 pm

Like really bad dancing. ????. If possible in front of everyone at a party!
2015-07-26 2:19 pm
Lots of stuffs
2015-07-26 2:06 pm
draw, read poetry, write poetry.
2015-07-26 2:02 pm
2015-07-26 12:51 pm
2015-07-26 12:39 pm
I do a lot of stuff but exercise and sex makes me feel good.
2015-07-26 11:29 am
Leave my phone, visit a friend at home. Invite someone over. TAlK.. !! :)
2015-07-26 9:59 am
2015-07-26 9:44 am
Graphic Design without the use of a computer.
2015-07-26 8:25 am
Think about the people I love, the lifestyle I wish to have and listening to music.
2015-07-26 7:41 am
Pray. Walk.
2015-07-26 7:33 am
i feel something good when i eat helthy food and l was hear best music atik hasan
2015-07-26 6:41 am
My life
2015-07-26 6:22 am
get a tattoo
2015-07-26 6:16 am
2015-07-26 6:08 am
2015-07-26 6:06 am
relax, music
2015-07-26 6:04 am
I listen to music and study. These are the things that makes me feel good
2015-07-26 5:51 am
Listen to music
Be an idiot with my family or friends
Make other happy
Do things for other people
have a nice long relaxing shower
2015-07-26 5:48 am
Read, Write and listen to music
2015-07-26 5:45 am
2015-07-26 5:43 am
talking to my girl
2015-07-26 5:17 am
Work out!!!! Cardio all day
2015-07-26 5:03 am
Target shooting
2015-07-26 4:42 am
2015-07-26 4:38 am
Praying to jesus and holy spirit.
2015-07-26 4:33 am
Write stories
2015-07-26 4:20 am
Nothing... as in, no activity, makes me feel good.
2015-07-26 4:18 am
Listen to music
Going to work
Coming back home to sleep
Going to the pool/tan
2015-07-26 4:05 am
Walk the dogs. Listen to George Winston on YouTube. Go grocery shopping. Go for a drive. Text or call a friend. Put on essential oil. Pick something from my garden. Look at the Awkward Family Photo page on facebook. Do foot exercises from the book Pain Free by Peter Egoscue. Sing a Christmas song.
2015-07-26 3:55 am
2015-07-26 3:55 am
I love how most of the comments are text book. Do you guys also enjoy walks on the beach and long talks at night? buahaha. For me, I hoop, yoga, eat mexican food, shoot guns, break something (love the sound of breaking glass) and masturbate.
2015-07-26 3:46 am
Thinking about myself.
2015-07-26 3:34 am
2015-07-26 3:01 am
I poop.
2015-07-26 3:00 am
Sleep, music, draw etc
2015-07-26 2:29 am
post excersize
2015-07-26 2:20 am
Sleep, video games, sex, eat, get drunk.
2015-07-26 1:57 am
Eating tasty food, Music, Movie, Sleeping, Walking iin nature park, laughing
2015-07-26 1:47 am
Continue to memorize the numbers of Pi over and over. I am at 11557
2015-07-26 12:44 am
Play video games
Walk around the house
2015-07-25 11:08 pm
1.Watching Youtuber's (Mostly Markiplier because he is extremely positive)
2.Play Video Games from my childhood
3. Listen to FFX Music.(Yet again from my child hood)
4.Skype with friends
7. Relax on bed
2015-07-25 10:37 pm
Watching TV
Discussing with God or best frnd.

2015-07-25 10:18 pm
going on a boat
going to church
listen to music
2015-07-25 10:14 pm
being locked in a dark room, talking to myself. Being left in the middle of now where.
2015-07-25 9:11 pm
A hot shower and then a good hit of sensi-mia.
2015-07-25 8:59 pm
1. Going to the beach
2. Listening to music
3. Swimming
2015-07-25 8:30 pm
2015-07-25 7:51 pm
2015-07-25 7:36 pm
Exercising, or sleeping usually nothing else feels soo good.
2015-07-25 7:05 pm
2015-07-25 6:51 pm
Help people
2015-07-25 6:23 pm
Speech.....I love reasoning and debating people B-)
2015-07-25 5:05 pm
2015-07-25 5:04 pm
Talking to God
Kissing touching thinking
2015-07-25 4:49 pm
To feel good, just plant some trees and let them grow. whenever u'll watch them u'll feel good, good and better.
And for long term relation, dont expect much more from others, u'll feel always better....
2015-07-25 3:46 pm
Listening to good music, sitting in my DIY treehouse, playing video games, fixing stuff, not being bothered by stupid people or stuff, just kick back watch a movie or just relax.
參考: Life.
2015-07-25 3:33 pm
Listen to music, have a bath (get all nice and pampered too), watch films/TV shows
2015-07-25 3:05 pm
2015-07-25 2:32 pm
Basketball, writing, eating good food, positive self talk, sleep.
2015-07-25 2:25 pm
Listen to music
Play my violin
Talk to friends
Teach my little sister something new
2015-07-25 1:34 pm
Reading about the universe :)
2015-07-25 12:06 pm
There aint nothing like a dame.
2015-07-25 11:44 am
friends, martial arts, music, movies, exercising.....
2015-07-25 11:28 am
Listening to music
Reading a book
Playing Xbox
Hanging out with my bf
Going to get clothes
Taking a walk
2015-07-25 11:07 am
1- Having a shower
2- watching Netflix
3- workout
4- eating junk food
5- sleeping
6- playing with an animal
2015-07-25 10:57 am
Think about how I'm not at an RTC anymore.
2015-07-25 10:45 am
relax, chill with the pups
2015-07-25 9:56 am
to my other account
2015-07-25 9:23 am
2015-07-25 9:15 am
Go to the gym. Do some semi-intense cardio for 30-45 min, you'll feel better after its done and with more energy.
I also like dancing and singing sometimes.
Making someone else feel good, specially someone you love also helps.
2015-07-25 8:25 am
every day, on each step., something i do to feel good is following the instructions of my B R A I N accompained with my H EA R T .
2015-07-25 8:17 am
Motocross with friends
Playing with my rottwieler
Talking to my friends
Playing games
2015-07-25 8:06 am
Think of the future in a positive way.
2015-07-25 8:05 am
when I dance..dance makes me feel good..makes me feel happy
2015-07-25 7:15 am
2015-07-25 6:51 am
Movies music
2015-07-25 6:28 am
Listen to Music
Work out
Go on the internet
Spend time with friends and family
Think positive
Be nice to others
Get good grades
Look at quotes
Do my nails
Get up early
2015-07-25 6:08 am
Listen to music and remember the past
2015-07-25 6:02 am
Hot showers, talk to friends, music, cannabis ._.
2015-07-25 5:32 am
Listen to music
Relax or go out with friends
Light exercise
Surf Internet
2015-07-25 5:31 am
2015-07-25 5:17 am
eat and watch greys anatomy and cry and music
2015-07-25 5:00 am
Smile and laugh (fake) when I'm sad and ill end up actually laughing at something, even though I'm not sad very often
2015-07-25 4:34 am
think about california
2015-07-25 4:28 am
2015-07-25 4:19 am
listening to music
Watching TV
2015-07-25 3:30 am
1. Eat healthy and look up recipes,make smoothies.
2. light Exercise ,I just dance to music and move anyway I want while fantasizing if having a fitt body
3. Arts & Crafts
4. Take a shower! (I know that's wierd but its soothing to me for some reason) oh and also if your a girl, homemade facial masks and spa treatments always makes me feel better!
2015-07-25 2:27 am
Listening to music, watching a movie, eating, dancing, or excising.
2015-07-25 2:26 am
2015-07-25 2:25 am
Go to Tijuana.
2015-07-25 2:21 am
2015-07-25 2:13 am
My favorite thing to do the s listen to music
2015-07-25 1:48 am
Listen to music
2015-07-25 1:35 am
I dance like no one's watching - Or even if people is watching... lol.
2015-07-25 1:29 am
Play the piano, sing, home, go on a walk, watch movies, or sleep
2015-07-25 1:04 am
Listen to music
2015-07-25 12:14 am
Watch movies play with my baby sister do some homework run with my husky and family travel and hear music
2015-07-24 11:46 pm
Sleeping, eating chocolate, taking hot baths, listening to music
2015-07-24 11:45 pm
2015-07-24 10:27 pm
Watch porn with my G/F and pounding my G/f after....she likes that too.

And playing board games too!
2015-07-24 10:04 pm
PLay a game
listen to music
go outside
2015-07-24 9:45 pm
Watch how I met your mother
Check Facebook
Listen to music and dance whenever im alone
Wash my car
Take a nap
Go get ice cream
2015-07-24 9:41 pm
Walk my dog
Take a shower
Draw and listen to music
Wash dishes (makes me feel like a "good" family member)
2015-07-24 9:27 pm
Listen to music, adrenalin rushes.
2015-07-24 9:20 pm
Listen to music
2015-07-24 9:06 pm
found somebody feeling good
2015-07-24 9:06 pm
Not working
2015-07-24 9:03 pm
Feel good
2015-07-24 8:56 pm
That's easy... answering questions in Yahoo Answers!
2015-07-24 8:25 pm
'O' -I can't believe no one's put this! Is everyone to shy? It's got to be a #1 answer! Besides, it's a necessary part to living a healthy lifestyle. Don't believe me? Look it up.
2015-07-24 8:19 pm
Go shoppingg :D
2015-07-24 7:56 pm
eat junk food
go for a walk
go exploring
2015-07-24 7:53 pm
Walking Rock climbing skating ice
2015-07-24 7:52 pm
2015-07-24 6:38 pm
Watch some porn and jack off. The ejaculation part and after brings me to my happy place.
2015-07-24 5:17 pm
Nothing makes you feel good until n unless you find our way out..
2015-07-24 5:09 pm
work out
2015-07-24 4:48 pm
go to the gym and say busy
2015-07-24 4:45 pm
2015-07-24 4:33 pm
I love to read, sing, write my fictional story in working on, write songs, dream/imagine what it would be like to be a entertainer(singer), play football with my 10 year old brother, NETFLIX!
2015-07-24 4:31 pm
Thumbs up if you thought of the same thing when you read this question!
2015-07-24 4:06 pm
Working out ,Listen to music,Writing ,Traveling.. :)
2015-07-24 2:52 pm
Cook for family and being productive..
2015-07-24 2:09 pm
Play with my fluff ball puppy he always makes me feel happy
2015-07-24 2:02 pm
Take a relaxing bath complete with candles
Listen to music
2015-07-24 1:36 pm
Involves my right hand a box of tissues and I'll let you guess the next one....
2015-07-24 12:17 pm
this is mhat make me feel good:
1- Sleeping
2- Eating
3- Pray
4-Meet someone who is my love
2015-07-24 12:04 pm
I go outside with friends or go for social services.
2015-07-24 11:16 am
1.listening to the words of God 2.move my self to action by saying and thinking good deeds about my life this makes me feel good 24/7
2015-07-24 10:35 am
Net browsing, playing football and cricket.
2015-07-24 9:07 am
Kick up my feet , whip out the vegetation, take a nice deep hit, and pass out as i stroke the good ol' american 100% all beef thermometer
2015-07-24 8:12 am
1. Seeing an smile on my partner's face when waking up
2. Hot bath in the morning
3. Orange juice with my breakfast
4. Traveling with my own car to faraway places
5. Sleeping with the voice of see wave
6. Riding a bike out of city
7. Beef steak with a glass of wind
8. My partner welcoming me at the airport
9. Clean car & Clean clothing & Clean toilet
10. Sleeping with extreme exhaustion
11. Gifting my Mom
12. Feeding an animal
13. Serving a meal to a pauper
14. Playing a classic piece and watching a lovely couple dancing with my music
2015-07-24 7:45 am
2015-07-24 7:42 am
think about attractive women
2015-07-24 6:10 am
Play video games
Watch tv
Have sex
Watch porn
Watch anime
Watch Hentai
Watch movies
Watch cartoons
Watch the drunken peasents podcast
Watch stuff on YouTube
Film porn
Write comics
Smoke weed
2015-07-24 6:08 am
2015-07-24 5:27 am
Make passionate love to my guy!
2015-07-24 5:03 am
go running or sleep
2015-07-24 4:25 am
Baking/Cooking (Something you have not tried in a while)
Indulging moderately in a guilty pleasure (mine are rice krispies and pop tarts)
Running with an awesome playlist
Talking to good friends on the phone
Remembering that the sad feeling is temporary
Definitely embrace new ideas
Take walks and long drives
Being intimate with someone...sometimes
2015-07-24 4:19 am
I eat, play video games, sleep. Wow im lame
2015-07-24 4:17 am
Have sex. Lol it's the dirty truth
2015-07-24 4:06 am
2015-07-24 3:47 am
Eat food
Take a warm shower
Help my best friend
Write in my journal
Help someone
Watch a funny movie
2015-07-24 3:45 am
Go to the beach!
2015-07-24 3:29 am
eat healthy
2015-07-24 3:20 am
eating family friends exercise
2015-07-24 2:52 am
Listening to music, watching youtube videos, masturbating to internet pornography, etc.
2015-07-24 2:34 am
anything arty
video games
more minecraft
2015-07-24 1:46 am
Listen it motivating songs
Calm down
Watch movies
2015-07-24 12:59 am
Watching Every Witch Way (I luv the Novoa family)
Sprinting as fast as I can
Drawling (So I can laugh at myself once I see the bad picture)
Playing video games
Listening to music
2015-07-24 12:59 am
Listening music and playing games
2015-07-24 12:53 am
Exercise this hideous beauty hiding FAT off
2015-07-24 12:49 am
* Spend quality time with my son
* Listen to music
* Read a good book
* Do something nice for someone
* Cleaning & organizing
* Online shopping
* Eat anything with frosting on it
2015-07-24 12:37 am
Hands down its heroin all day for me!!!!
2015-07-24 12:33 am
knit, paint, crochet, spend time with my loved ones.
2015-07-24 12:21 am
and gaming
2015-07-24 12:07 am
2015-07-23 11:49 pm
2015-07-23 11:46 pm
I play or listen to music, I exercise, I study, I work, and I watch youtube.
2015-07-23 11:41 pm
參考: Experience
2015-07-23 11:28 pm
Do whatever gracel said IMO
2015-07-23 11:07 pm
Bust out a fat one
2015-07-23 10:44 pm
I sing.
2015-07-23 10:18 pm
2015-07-23 10:09 pm
Help others
2015-07-23 10:02 pm
I listen to my Ipod And relax
2015-07-23 9:53 pm
I like to listen to music have sex dress cute do my makeup and upload cute pictures on Instagram and sometimes I like to drink here and there
2015-07-23 9:44 pm
creating vintage ornaments
creating music covers and uploading them online
play with cats
listen to music
watch movies
2015-07-23 9:30 pm
2015-07-23 9:22 pm
2015-07-23 8:58 pm
2015-07-23 8:50 pm
I avoid facebook,internet,i phone,and go the **** outside and be human
2015-07-23 8:36 pm
2015-07-23 8:18 pm
listen to music
2015-07-23 8:13 pm
2015-07-23 8:00 pm
1. Taking a bubble bath :3
2. Going for walks around neighborhood listwing to music
3. Doing my makeup
4. Baking & Cooking
5.Joe rogan & Joey diaz podcasts
6. Makeup youtube channels
7. Getting it in
8.Doing Hair
9. Going for car rides with a friend
10. Shopping for healthy foods
11. Making tea
12. Relaxing in my pj's all day
2015-07-23 7:32 pm
Clean up, masturbate, play video games, watch anime, listen to music, cook/bake
2015-07-23 7:28 pm
1: working out
2: listening to music
3: snowboarding
2015-07-23 7:07 pm
why is sex not on the list?
2015-07-23 7:05 pm
play dungeons and dragons, who doesn't feel good after playing a brave warrior?
2015-07-23 6:53 pm
Plan Trip Itineraries
Go to the Movies
Take a Day Trip
Stroll through a Museum or Bookstore
Go to the Beach
Write out Cards and Letters
Being a Chemo Angel to those going through chemo treatments
Granting wishes on "Wish Upon A Hero".
Cooking, Baking, and Entertaining friends and family
Spending time with Hubby
attending fairs and festivals, musicals and plays.
2015-07-23 6:44 pm
Feeling nature
WEED! :)
2015-07-23 6:15 pm
martial arts
video games
going outside
using my imagination
2015-07-23 4:54 pm
Whenever I feel agitated (which is very rare) I meditate to become calm and more mindful of being.

I used to "do" things for pleasure but that is not the case anymore because I don't have those imagined needs anymore.
2015-07-23 4:18 pm
walking on the treadmill
2015-07-23 4:09 pm
2015-07-23 3:43 pm
listen to music
hang out with my best friend
seeing my bf
getting my nails done
cleaning my room
organize my makeup
go shopping
taking a warm bath
lay in bed
go out and buy my fav junk food
2015-07-23 3:29 pm
Work out
Eat clean
Warm shower
Hang out with friends
Flirt with cute girls
參考: Me
2015-07-23 3:13 pm
Watch netflix
2015-07-23 2:56 pm
Watch a movie
Writing my thoughts down
2015-07-23 2:53 pm
idk why, but I feel pretty good when I help people in need.......only a suggestion tho :)
2015-07-23 2:38 pm
2015-07-23 2:32 pm
The best feel good thing I do is to have coffee with my wife in the morning and have a great conversation while doing that.
2015-07-23 2:30 pm
2015-07-23 2:26 pm
2015-07-23 2:08 pm
Taking care of myself and looking good, to suit myself.
2015-07-23 1:59 pm
Sign at the top of my lungs
Play guitar
Laugh with my sister
Watch my favorite show
Think about the guy I like
2015-07-23 1:37 pm
2015-07-23 1:28 pm
I feel good when I give help esp if it's given to the poor.
2015-07-23 1:05 pm
sit quietly, closing my eyes and listening to old Kannada & Hindi Songs.
being Honest and Hard Working
Help people in need
Listening to my son's stories in the evening
2015-07-23 12:25 pm
Take a walk to think and relax.. Beer.. Music.. Exploring Nature
2015-07-23 12:19 pm
sport (especially netball <3)
2015-07-23 12:16 pm
Go for a walk
Take a bubble bath
watch a funny movie
listen to upbeat music
hang out with true friends
2015-07-23 11:33 am
2015-07-23 11:28 am
Listen to music.
2015-07-23 11:14 am
listen to good music
eat yummy food
watch a good movie
read a book
2015-07-23 11:12 am
Sketch excersise watch tv
2015-07-23 10:47 am
-Listen to music
-Eat food (Specifically oranges)
-Spend time with my best friend
-Play video games
2015-07-23 10:25 am
When I remember old days
2015-07-23 10:02 am
Helping others, supporting, cheering them up,
anything that makes other day
"nothing makes you feel good than seeing others smile and thankful to you"
and sec- love always come"it always feels good" its great feeling
well that's my opinion lol. tho off course hobbies,activities feels good too .
2015-07-23 9:44 am
1. making up songs
2. singing songs
3. listening to music
4. watching home & away

( if anyone could pleaseeee answer my question I would be so happy )
2015-07-23 9:30 am
For me, physically and emotionally combined is dancing. Because I dance with passion not just for fun, makes me happy. When I workout and sweat and look at my accomplishments in the mirror, it makes me happy. Listening to music also makes me feel good, and hugging.
2015-07-23 9:25 am
Listen to music
Go running
Take a walk outside
Watch a video on YouTube
參考: Personal
2015-07-23 9:19 am
2015-07-23 9:15 am
2015-07-23 9:08 am
2015-07-23 8:29 am
Be productive and do productive things that inspire me to be more productive. I draw and build gundam models to draw.
2015-07-23 8:23 am
2015-07-23 8:12 am
I read some fan fiction.
2015-07-23 7:43 am
Listening to music
2015-07-23 7:42 am
Drinking. And masturbation.
2015-07-23 7:38 am
To love and being loved.
2015-07-23 7:10 am
Listen to music
A nice glass of wine
Accomplishing a dreaded task
2015-07-23 6:53 am
Hard work
2015-07-23 6:52 am
listening to music
studying English
spending time with my wife
taking a bath in the hot spring
playing sports
watching You Tube
2015-07-23 6:41 am
2015-07-23 6:39 am
for me its to watch movies or go into my attic pull out some old **** and remember the good time :)
2015-07-23 6:38 am
Watch anime
Draw anime
Watch YouTube
Watch movie
Write a short story
Make fanfic
Listening to music
Hangout with friends
Play with the rain
2015-07-23 6:34 am
Eat something I like- I can't becuase I have Lyme disease and have to be on a paleo diet to get cured.
Have sex- that would make a woman a whore.
watch some thing funny- I have depression, nothing makes me laugh.
Go out- I have no job.
Nothing. Nothing makes me happy. I don't do anything. I have sworn off fun while I'm in this life.
2015-07-23 6:26 am
listen to music ❤
2015-07-23 6:07 am
Talk to myself about the problems and make myself feel ok about it.
2015-07-23 6:06 am
2015-07-23 6:02 am
listen to music
play outside
ride horse
answer questions
2015-07-23 5:59 am
Perusing a book, daily paper, and magazines.
Internet surfing.
Listening music.
Watching romantic movies.
Playing cricket.
Bike ride.
2015-07-23 5:49 am
Reading and play with pets
2015-07-23 5:04 am
2015-07-23 4:38 am
Make love!!!
2015-07-23 4:17 am
More recently, shopping has helped take my mind off things. I usually drown out the noise coming from inside and out with music. Writing will always be a passion of mine, no matter how far I stray from it. Someone said bathing and I definitely agree. I love to shave, do my nails, wash my hair, and spend time picking out a nice outfit for the day, just to give me that extra boost to make it through. I cannot forget food!!!
2015-07-23 4:11 am
Be with my love, or think about them
2015-07-23 4:08 am
I go out for a walk to feel good.
2015-07-23 3:59 am
Take a warm or cold shower, or warm bath.
Walk around the neighborhood.
Walk my dog.
Look at vacation pictures.
2015-07-23 3:45 am
2015-07-23 3:23 am
Doing what I loves (such as drawing, writing, playing games, etc) and helping others.
2015-07-23 3:11 am
Actually,almost everything I do makes me feel good.
But SNOW SKIING is what really gets my ticker going.
2015-07-23 3:02 am
2015-07-23 2:57 am
In general, Eating healthy and working out, during the summer i love to be outdoors spending some time with mother nature, in the winter when it sucks out I go snowboarding! So im always doing something i enjoy all year round
參考: Myself
2015-07-23 2:36 am
Do physical work
2015-07-23 2:07 am
Exercise, drink green tea, have sex and sleep
2015-07-23 2:05 am
Play video games or hang out with friends
2015-07-23 1:38 am
thats it
maybe buy fresh clothes to look good
2015-07-23 1:20 am
Listening to some good old classic oldies , it always cheers me up and gets me in my Dancy vibe ????
2015-07-23 1:00 am

Listening to music
2015-07-23 12:48 am
Listen to music.
2015-07-23 12:35 am
I get my Bible and read about our Lord. He has some wonderful
sayings. Read John, he has some wonderful advice.
2015-07-23 12:22 am
shower then netflix/food then nap
2015-07-22 11:48 pm
have sex lol...
2015-07-22 11:45 pm
2015-07-22 11:43 pm
2015-07-22 11:16 pm
Spark up a nice flat blunt
2015-07-22 10:37 pm
1.Nap or sleep.
2.Play with my pet.
3.Watch youtube.
4.Listen to music.
5.Play games.
6.Scare children.
7.Play with friends.
8.Scare children.
9.Warm bath.
2015-07-22 10:33 pm
I take a nap - it resets me back to default. I enjoy cleaning my house - when it's clean and organized I feel great.
2015-07-22 10:27 pm
2015-07-22 10:12 pm
I eat food, hangout with friends, and watch movies or shows about someones shitty life that is somewhat worse than mine
2015-07-22 9:51 pm
Listen to music. Its motivating. you relate to it. all moods are great for music.
2015-07-22 9:49 pm
Be Productive
2015-07-22 9:46 pm
I watch cartoons, pray and (even though I'm trying to stop) sometimes I watch porn.
2015-07-22 8:54 pm
Walk in short skirt pantieless
2015-07-22 8:21 pm
- Think about how God has helped me in the past
- drink tea (Earl Grey, Constant Comment or regular Lipton black tea with organic honey and milk)
- watch Sense and Sensibility (with Emma Thompson) or Pride and Predjudice (with Keira Knightley)
2015-07-22 8:07 pm
2015-07-22 7:58 pm
watch world war II documentaries
2015-07-22 7:24 pm
Lift weights
2015-07-22 7:10 pm
Read the BIBLE AND Praised GOD
Workout especially running
Thinking of the girl I like
2015-07-22 6:55 pm
sing and sleep (somtimes i sing to fall asleep) and also to eat and be alone! i like to be alone where nobody can bother me! which is great! which means i can do all these things without being botherd!!!
2015-07-22 6:14 pm
2015-07-22 6:13 pm
Go on long walks.
2015-07-22 5:55 pm
2015-07-22 5:23 pm
2015-07-22 5:11 pm
Having less stress,watching movies
2015-07-22 4:46 pm
2015-07-22 4:09 pm
2015-07-22 3:56 pm
Texting friends
Listening to music
Having a hot shower
2015-07-22 3:45 pm
Skype my friends.
2015-07-22 3:42 pm
Giving back to volunteer in my community as well as helping friends and family.
2015-07-22 3:13 pm
1.) Helping others - when you show love for others I think it relaxes you.
2.) Watch a movie - helps you, again, relax and forget about stress which causes you to feel bad.
3.) Eat something good for yourself - it makes you feel better.
4.) Try to find good things in your life that you can keep your mind on. Becoming more optimistic helps you to feel better!
參考: life experience
2015-07-22 3:09 pm
Watching anime, reading books, dancing,singing,listening to music
2015-07-22 1:41 pm
Criticize people I don't agree with.
Respond to people post with mean and hateful comments.
Try to convince other people that only my opinion matter or is correct
beat of two or eight times a day,helps
Stare at women in walmart and other fine retail stores
2015-07-22 1:27 pm
I like to take a long walk and listen to music.
2015-07-22 12:54 pm
I like to

*hang out with some friends
*eat a favorite dish
*talk to someone I like
*practice a hobby
*exercise (crunches, squats, sit ups mostly)
*go outside and feel the fresh air
*do something I know I'm really good at
*take a refreshing shower
2015-07-22 11:44 am
I enjoy games and shows but to truly FEEL good I like to sit in a quiet room with the hum of a fan and burn incense, very very relaxing
2015-07-22 11:00 am
Doing good for oneself an doing good for others is being good for the sake of goodness. or being good for goodness sake!
2015-07-22 10:35 am
2015-07-22 9:32 am
re search
2015-07-22 9:21 am
1. Playing soccerball or things makes me sweat.
2. Teaching my thought or things makes others feel influenced by my ideas.
3. Drinking Coffee or any caffeine like Redbull.
4. Hold the door and let my behind entering the somewhere place.
5. Reading religious book, Pdf or blog.
6. Reading psychological matter from books or blogs.
2015-07-22 9:07 am
i usually draw although im not so good at it but it feels good you should try
2015-07-22 9:03 am
eating nutella tbh, other than that going on long distance runs and exercising!
2015-07-22 8:22 am
2015-07-22 8:10 am
Cuddling my animals
2015-07-22 7:56 am
1. Soda
2. Netflix
3. Video games
2015-07-22 7:47 am
2015-07-22 7:25 am
music and sports
2015-07-22 6:57 am
i go out and hop on a train to see the countryside. i feel good.
2015-07-22 6:45 am
Play video games
Play with my pets
Watch YouTube
Watch anime
Play volleyball
And much, much, more!
2015-07-22 6:44 am
distractions in general
2015-07-22 6:10 am
2015-07-22 6:06 am
Writing reading and listening to radio. Writing and reading takes me away. And music great for dancing n singing even if looks silly still feels good. Also kids . how proud i am when one or four of my kidlets come home with awards and good stories makes me feel great . ????
2015-07-22 5:37 am
Have sex!
2015-07-22 5:29 am
2015-07-22 5:10 am
Read or listen to music...
2015-07-22 4:45 am
Music, tramadol, pleasure from sexual activities, make music, write, watch movies, watch TV shows (particularly new episodes of my favorites whenever possible), distracting myself/ignorinng the hatred I have for so many things and people
2015-07-22 4:42 am
Committing suicide, drinking cat milk , and watching Arthur on pbs kids everyday! :3
2015-07-22 4:38 am
2015-07-22 4:33 am
2015-07-22 4:29 am
2015-07-22 4:25 am
think of nature and the universe
2015-07-22 4:14 am
You should get a peace of paper and a pen and write down what's good in your life and what you love about your self and then read it over that should should make you feel really good if that doesn't work let me know I have a lot of other good ideas

Bye ????
2015-07-22 4:08 am
2015-07-22 4:01 am
Watching football (GO PACK GO),Watching other sports,spending time with the wifey and our dog.
2015-07-22 3:45 am
think about my future
Yahoo answers
think about my ex.... lol
eat healthy
drink tea
learn more
2015-07-22 3:20 am
run! smile!
2015-07-22 3:06 am
1. Play my guitar
2. Go to soccer practice
3. Be with my family
2015-07-22 2:56 am
listen to music
2015-07-22 2:42 am
Idk get a grub on and fake a nap
2015-07-22 2:36 am
2015-07-22 2:33 am
1. Sing along to my favorite songs
2. Play video games like Story of Seasons
3. Go star gazing in the back yard
2015-07-22 2:29 am
1.) eating some food
2.) playing xbox
3.) sleep
4.) kissing your bf/gf
5.) comforts you
2015-07-22 1:53 am
Achieving a sense of euphoria. Often times its best to use certain harmless substances to help you achieve it.
參考: Personal opinion
2015-07-22 1:27 am
I volunteer to teach children from low income families who need more help.
2015-07-22 1:04 am
Walk my dogs
2015-07-22 1:01 am
Doing exercise
Jumping rope
Tacking shower
Listening to happy musics
Drinking lemon juice
Removing my mind
Creative visualization
2015-07-22 12:55 am
Hanging out with family and friends
Petting my cats
2015-07-22 12:54 am
2015-07-22 12:50 am
i have to tell some one.
i set a goal to read a collected works of writings,
which numbered to over 450-writings.
over the past two-years i have worked almost daily on studying these works.
and, today, i finished!
i feel good about myself. i'm happy.
2015-07-22 12:46 am
If I'm upset I go for a walk or go sonewhere by myself, like the movies, the library, etc. to cool down.
If I'm in a good mood and looking for entertainment, I rent a movie, make myself a palet and watch, or I draw, read, sing, snoop, etc
And if I'm feeling huffy, I have this impulse to watch TV but I usually try to ignore it and go somewhere to think instead
2015-07-22 12:01 am
Smoking marijuana
2015-07-21 11:59 pm
I suppose we are blessed looking back now I can see that, for our memories are so vast and powerful that any former loved one lost isn't really gone and there love will remain within our hearts until we ourselves breathe our last dying breathe. For in our memories love can conquer life's obstacles and banish the cruel restraints of time to the hinterlands, yes, time is no longer in control of love in my memories, for they are mine, I control time, Almost unknowingly you slip into my subconscious and i reminisce watching with brights eyes as for thousands of seconds we kiss. We feast on loves fruits, drink from their fountain, my blood runs through your heart and yours through mine, we are one entity. From this I can only conclude that we are not simply in love, we are love, in its purest form and that is why our love is eternal .
2015-07-21 11:57 pm
Play music. In fact, I think I'll do it now!
2015-07-21 11:41 pm
I get my nails done.
2015-07-21 11:37 pm
2015-07-21 11:20 pm
Take a walk
2015-07-21 11:00 pm
2015-07-21 10:49 pm
I have good hard sex after a bottle of chilled wine.
2015-07-21 10:36 pm
2015-07-21 10:14 pm
i listen to music
watch movies
ride my bike
hang out with friends
and just lay down and think.
2015-07-21 10:05 pm
Read a book and sit out on an overcast day
2015-07-21 9:27 pm
Drugs. Not stupid drugs tho. Psychedelic drugs. Do your research.
2015-07-21 8:56 pm
2015-07-21 8:52 pm
Watching tv
basically anything away from people :3
2015-07-21 8:44 pm
To realize how the human mind works specially the unconscious mind to become consciousness. Does someone thinks about it ?
2015-07-21 8:17 pm
read a book
2015-07-21 7:57 pm
Masturbation is always the best.
2015-07-21 7:43 pm
2015-07-21 7:29 pm
Masturbate, as I'm sure most people on here would agree ;)
2015-07-21 6:41 pm
2015-07-21 6:39 pm
Put on a good pair of headphones and stare at the ceiling for a little while with my favorite music.
2015-07-21 6:38 pm
- Draw something for fun, not commissioned/whatever
- Chill out to game OST's and incense
- Walking in the countryside, love that feeling of being a fantasy adventurer
- Buy comfort things, such as 'treat' foods, random little trinkets, etc
- Play simulation games, like Ace Attorney
- Bake something, like a cake or scones
- Take a nice warm bath, goodbye muscle fatigue~
- Yoga or some sort of relaxing exercise can be good too, I have to have the 'energy' and motivation for it though
2015-07-21 6:10 pm
2015-07-21 6:02 pm
Gosh is there a reason why nobody listed sex? Most people have sex to feel good.
2015-07-21 5:49 pm
Just about anything to occupy my mind from the matter at hand
2015-07-21 5:33 pm
IF I WANT an immediate surge of near euphoria - I do something impossible for ( who gets the help) and easy as pie for me to provide. I find a lot of it in the company of children, animals, and old people.
2015-07-21 5:00 pm
Make other people feel bad.......Oh and SEX

(Sometimes both at the same time).... o_0
2015-07-21 4:49 pm
I just tell myself that I am a good person and no one can take that away
2015-07-21 4:46 pm
I eat.
2015-07-21 3:33 pm
2015-07-21 3:03 pm
Sing in the shower!!!
2015-07-21 2:59 pm
Sex is a good way to relieve stress
2015-07-21 2:46 pm
2015-07-21 2:43 pm
Listen to music
Cuddle my boyfriend
Let my emotions take over
2015-07-21 2:40 pm
Get back to nature.
2015-07-21 2:11 pm
Each and every morning. I rise with the sun. I saddle my Big Buck Gelding
and we head to the Mtn rim. There we watch the sun paint the canyon
walls with color. We watch the Eagle fly and listen to his cry. That is the
best way for me to start the day. And At 74. I hope to have many more.
2015-07-21 2:01 pm
I don't know if I'm allowed to say this on this site, but personally sex always puts a smile on my face!
參考: Personal experience
2015-07-21 1:49 pm
1.read my bible
2.talk to positive people
3.go to church
4.work out
2015-07-21 1:43 pm
I listen to music. The genera depends on my mood.
2015-07-21 1:33 pm
2015-07-21 1:13 pm
What you are interested to do it than feel good.
2015-07-21 12:47 pm
drink or smoke....but with friends
2015-07-21 12:43 pm
reading fanfiction
watching anime
read manga
playing RPG games
listen to music
drink hot chocolate
living in quiet place with less population as possible
sitting doing nothing
eat fast food
2015-07-21 12:18 pm
Listen to music
2015-07-21 11:28 am
2015-07-21 11:23 am
Outing with my Best Friend .. :)
參考: designerera.com
2015-07-21 11:16 am
I can honestly say to make me feel good I do the five knuckle shuffle
2015-07-21 10:44 am
Plan the future
2015-07-21 10:00 am
Play Piano
Draw Pictures
2015-07-21 9:25 am
Hug/play with my cat
Cook/eat a nice meal
Go shopping
Drink alcohol
2015-07-21 9:18 am
buy a case and drink it
2015-07-21 8:02 am
Yahoo Answers
Playing video games
Going out on social occasions
2015-07-21 7:49 am
It begins by logging on to Youporn.com.
2015-07-21 7:17 am
Eating chips, drinking soda while watching anime
2015-07-21 7:09 am
for me, i sleep first
then eat
watch something funny youtube or social media sites
hang out with your girlfriend or friends
go to the gym and work out lifting weights or muay thai
shopping also make myself good

or anything you wanna do, just don't bother any people around you
2015-07-21 7:05 am
Listening to relaxing music (for example: Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, maybe some Chillstep, or soft indie music)
2015-07-21 7:02 am
Listening to music
2015-07-21 6:51 am
Petting my cat
Reading a book
...you can almkst tell on here who's single or not lol
2015-07-21 6:02 am
Do a little house hold core like cleaning, placing items at it actual position, but not more than 25 mins, if you feel
good carry on for another 15mins. I will think it is good. try right away........
2015-07-21 5:27 am
Gamble, then I feel bad because I always lose.
2015-07-21 3:02 am
Listen to music. Hang out with friends and family
2015-07-21 3:02 am
Listening to music is one of my fav things to do, along with eating healthy, taking a warm shower, and reading.
2015-07-21 3:01 am
ask my lady to come over
2015-07-21 2:58 am
Net browsing
computer using
2015-07-21 2:33 am
Drink Ginger Beer and listen to Angus and Julia Stone.
2015-07-21 2:13 am
walking in the woods, look at the sunset,sleep, read the bible,going on yahoo answers, sometimes youtube, and facebook,being around peers and family members that are nice, watch shows, bike down the road in the evening, get up at dusk (air is fresher),play games, build on my building..
2015-07-21 1:25 am
Eat healthy
2015-07-21 1:08 am
Right now it's playing video games
2015-07-21 12:27 am
Play video games or watch a good movie
2015-07-21 12:21 am
1. Litsen to upbeat music
2. Watch your favorite happy movie
3. Got pets? Play with them!
4. Do something you like
2015-07-21 12:15 am
Look at other peoples failures
2015-07-21 12:09 am
Doin' it.
2015-07-20 11:53 pm
draw, listen to music, shower, sometimes run, um...you know...., go for a walk, eat, watch tv, youtube, text him...
2015-07-20 11:50 pm
Writing a story
2015-07-20 11:44 pm
Live healthy and take care of my self and family
2015-07-20 11:30 pm
at Something Healthy
Doing Physical Work
Listening to music
2015-07-20 11:21 pm
learning a song by heart especially if it's in a language I don't know. I like learning a lot a things it's orgasmic
2015-07-20 10:57 pm
2015-07-20 10:49 pm
Seeing daughter & grandson
Being with my Guy
Working my brain
Sleeping :)
2015-07-20 10:23 pm
Go tanning by the pool
Work out
TV (to relax)
Sleep in and stay up late
2015-07-20 10:07 pm
I play Asphalt 8 to feel good :)
2015-07-20 9:56 pm
Exploring new things
2015-07-20 9:38 pm
Figure skating. It just clears my head a lot and helps me focus
Wear makeup and nice clothes
2015-07-20 9:31 pm
Sex video games and working out
2015-07-20 9:25 pm
Listen to music
Write music and poems
Go on trips
Take pictures of nature
Have inner peace
Stay healthy and refreshed
Watch movies
Play with pets
and spend time with loved ones.
2015-07-20 9:18 pm
Listen to feel-good music
Watch feel-good films
Dance to feel-good music on my own in my room
2015-07-20 8:48 pm
Relax at home! My favorite thing to do!
2015-07-20 8:03 pm
I masturbate till i ***. It makes my balls feel really nice
2015-07-20 7:53 pm
Eat healthy exercise think of happy things or memorys.
2015-07-20 7:21 pm
masturbate while pooping
2015-07-20 7:15 pm
I like to do my work so that i feel well.
Also like playing and passing with my family,
eating Ice cream
2015-07-20 7:11 pm
Hanging with significant other/friends
Video games
2015-07-20 6:45 pm
2015-07-20 6:39 pm
I work out , eat right . I still feel very sad .
2015-07-20 6:36 pm
Masturbation...I guest~
2015-07-20 6:07 pm
Listen to music
2015-07-20 6:07 pm
Have a steamy shower/bath and relax
Read a book
Listen to music
Sleeping in
Trips with family and friends
2015-07-20 6:03 pm
I Eat Stuff.. and drink coke..
2015-07-20 5:53 pm
when you help someone who is in need of help then you fee good.
2015-07-20 5:52 pm
Hoop dance
2015-07-20 5:50 pm
Listen to music that relates to a situation or mood that I am in, it just calms me
2015-07-20 5:43 pm
Play with myself
2015-07-20 5:42 pm
2015-07-20 5:19 pm
1) drawing
2) playing video games
3) read
4) swimming
5) going on a walk
6) looking at the stars/camping
2015-07-20 5:18 pm
Runnning and swimming
2015-07-20 4:56 pm
watching anime
listening to music
playing with my parakeet
2015-07-20 4:51 pm
Playing my guitar. I dont play alot anymore, but theres nothing like writing and playing a slower beat some to vibe to. It helps with stress like you wouldnt believe.
2015-07-20 4:38 pm
go on a good hike,
build something
2015-07-20 4:28 pm
Eat food thats unhealthy, but sounds healthy (ex:carrot cake)
Clean Room
Dress up for no reason
Go outside
Make a fruit smoothie, but put 2 cups of sugar in it
Play with self
Do nothing
Binge watch Bates Motel
Hangout with BF
Text friends and make unfinished plans
Be nice to people
Act preoccupied
Pretend to be productive
2015-07-20 3:53 pm
Shop , listen to gospel music , pray , go to church
2015-07-20 3:44 pm
Do a spring clean!
but most of all...SHOP
Listen to music
Help someone out
2015-07-20 3:19 pm
bike ride with music:P
2015-07-20 3:14 pm
I don't know why I just love making people smile and laugh, it makes me happy
2015-07-20 3:03 pm
Listen to BBKing :)
2015-07-20 3:00 pm
1. Sex
2015-07-20 1:43 pm
2015-07-20 12:57 pm
Eating. Stretching. Reading. Internet.
2015-07-20 11:41 am
Watching movie
Surfing the web
Helping other succeed
2015-07-20 11:24 am
- Listening to your favourite music
- waking up without an alarm or anyone telling you to
- waking up and realizing you have no school or work
- waking up and you have a few more hours still to sleep
- touching warm and hot water to warm you up
- play your favourite games
- quiet noise for relaxing
- meditate
- lying onto the bed after you've have a long day and you are tired
- eating the most delicious food
- getting an A grade
- cleaning yourself
- talking to someone you are close with
- being happy
- Drawing
- finishing cleaning your room
- fin
2015-07-20 11:03 am
Posting the 500th answer
2015-07-20 10:54 am
I play TCG's (trading card games) such as magic (now called magic the gathering) and Yu-Gi-Oh!
2015-07-20 10:47 am
1) Listening to music
2) Also I watch a movie
3) Or an anime
4) Read a book
5) or a manga
6) Eat
7) Workout
8) Write
9) Play on my phone
10) Surf on internet
11) Talk/Chat with someone important to you
12) Play games
13) Go out with your friends
14) Make yourself a present
I hope I helped
2015-07-20 10:36 am
play video games
watching youtube
2015-07-20 10:35 am
Going out with close friends, that's what makes me feel better. Music helps too! :)
2015-07-20 10:29 am
It sounds really odd but having a clean room in particular actually makes me feel so much better. It's very calming to listen to music and have no interruptions and just clean really slowly :)
參考: Earlier today!
2015-07-20 9:45 am
2015-07-20 8:24 am
Listen to music
2015-07-20 8:24 am
Eat, talk to friends and listen to music
2015-07-20 8:21 am
2015-07-20 8:03 am
eat fooood :D
2015-07-20 8:00 am
Listening to music, travel in town, watch adult porn online.
2015-07-20 7:58 am
Listen to music, read, watch youtube, hang out with friends
2015-07-20 7:09 am
Exercising, it make me feel healthy and active
2015-07-20 7:06 am
Talk to my lil siblings that look up to me
2015-07-20 6:52 am
1. Go for a walk
2.Eat healthy
6. Ride ATVs
2015-07-20 6:11 am
mastuebating? lol am i really the first 1 to put this? XD
2015-07-20 5:56 am
Bust a nut
2015-07-20 5:37 am
1.Listen to my playlists
2.Curl up in bed and daydream. Not sleep, but just fantasize or think about a problem I've been having.
3. Look up random facts on the Internet.
2015-07-20 5:14 am
Read, write, sleep, listen to music, travel, draw.
2015-07-20 5:06 am
Draw, make animations, play fighting games when I'm angry and can't punch the shìt outta something
2015-07-20 4:50 am
Watch my favorite movies
Watch my favorite shows
Play piano
Go to the library and read some books
Finsh up things I need to do
2015-07-20 4:47 am
Eat blueberries, plaster of Paris to create a full body cast. Cut yourself out of the cast and repeat the process. The second time eating strawberries.
2015-07-20 4:45 am
Play tennis
Aquarium hobby
two Shih Tzu dogs(that run with me)
garden- mow the yard(therapy)
internet surfing
drinking a beer after a good hard run.
run 5K &10K events
watch college football
go to Christian concerts
2015-07-20 4:39 am
I like to watch TV, so long as a person when I would be a boring person watching TV late into the night. I like listening to music, whenever I feel bad or depressed when I would listen to music, because I think a lot of songs will explain your idea is very clear. I like shopping, especially with small partners, all kinds of laughter, but also like to go to the movies, because the joys and sorrows can gang watching the movie, I like to travel, the world is so big why do not you go out and see it?Also I like to eat all sorts of things, because only love and food can not live up to it
2015-07-20 4:36 am
Listening to music
Playing on the Internet
Taking a shower
Watching TV
2015-07-20 4:31 am
2015-07-20 4:01 am
2015-07-20 3:28 am
First of all, all the answers are wrong as she asked for 1 thing: "What is something you do to feel good?".
My answer: Nothing.
2015-07-20 3:08 am
2015-07-20 2:59 am
To be concise, listening to music, watching movies/TV, gaming, and playing with my pets.
2015-07-20 2:48 am
Listening to music
Chatting with my mom
Telling jokes
2015-07-20 2:26 am
Answer peoples questions who are seemingly in need for an answer.
2015-07-20 1:55 am
Drink a cup of tea.
2015-07-20 12:54 am
2015-07-20 12:41 am
Eat, sleep, listen to music, read, play tennis, watch tennis (like Wimbledon), play croquet, play violin, play piano, watch good tv shows/films or Netflix, go to museums especially art galleries, hang out with friends and family, exercise - mostly jogging and a few sit ups, go for a walk or walk a dog. :)))
2015-07-20 12:41 am
Watch my favourite TV series and movies on DVD. Read good books. Meditate and exercise. Listen to classical music. Look at hotbabes when I go shopping.
2015-07-20 12:35 am
look at some quotes
do a random act of kindness
Put some loose change in a jar watch the amount grow and spend a little something on you like an ice cream or to the movies
2015-07-20 12:30 am
Helping people, making other people feel good :)
2015-07-20 12:30 am
Exercize.Stay focused on God
2015-07-20 12:25 am
2015-07-19 11:38 pm
Do for others
2015-07-19 11:05 pm
I listen to the sound of rain: rainymood.com. It cools me down. Or I eat some Ben&Jerrie's.
2015-07-19 11:02 pm
Yoga, every day!
2015-07-19 10:39 pm
2015-07-19 10:33 pm
2015-07-19 10:00 pm
I give money to people who have a proven need. I am not trying to play lord Bountiful, just helping people over rough patches that are inevitable.
2015-07-19 9:52 pm
I usually just find a very good movie that relates to me or just listen to music.
2015-07-19 9:51 pm
Eating. listening to kpop.
2015-07-19 9:16 pm
Watch movies, take trips to sunny countries, play games, go out with friends
2015-07-19 8:41 pm
listen to music
watch you tube
internet surfing
go on yahoo
basically whenever i am sad internet is the only thing that makes me feel good i cant even imagine what i will do without internet
2015-07-19 7:02 pm
Think positive
2015-07-19 6:57 pm
Masturbating has to be on here
2015-07-19 6:57 pm
Play guitar
2015-07-19 6:42 pm
2015-07-19 6:40 pm
Listen to music most of the time.
Also talk to friends
Maybe read
2015-07-19 6:39 pm
Listening to Music.
2015-07-19 6:35 pm
choke the chicken,eat,sleep,watch scary movies actually i do that to relax!
2015-07-19 6:29 pm
I watch a funny show on tv like Seinfeld or Big Bang Theory .
I eat yellow pre-popped corn.
I eat canned nuts.
I drink diluted coco water w/ ice cubes all day.
I surf the net .
I shop online.
I watch my weight.
I read recipes .
I practice baking chicken and other healthy recipes.
I shop for healthy food.
I shop for clothes on sale.
I take care of 4 wild cats and my 1 indoor/outdoor cat..
I make donations to local Food Bank in lieu of buying all sorts of junk food, and SPCA.
I read fashion magazines.
I take bubble baths.
I attend a gym usually every night.
I eat right.
I pray.
I try to sleep 7 hrs a night.
I am enjoying Summer break too.
I avoid the summer heat and direct sun .
I love my job.
2015-07-19 6:11 pm
I love to go fishing after a long day at work.
參考: Meeeee
2015-07-19 5:45 pm
2015-07-19 5:21 pm
Relaxing with a book
Feel the rush of adrenaline and relaxing spatter of blood that comes from killing someone
Doing some digital art
2015-07-19 5:12 pm
Watching Anime or TV shows
2015-07-19 5:11 pm
Play games
Listen to music
Hang out with friends
2015-07-19 5:03 pm
2015-07-19 4:57 pm
Tennis and soccer
2015-07-19 4:56 pm
listening to very loud music
2015-07-19 4:55 pm
2015-07-19 4:52 pm
cooking,baking,listening to music,walking and playing with dog
2015-07-19 4:29 pm
2015-07-19 4:21 pm
Playing basketball and mas*******
2015-07-19 4:08 pm
2015-07-19 3:59 pm
I would turn to my computer and for a few hours plsy on yahoo, v.
參考: Go online
2015-07-19 3:57 pm
Cut up lettuce
2015-07-19 3:39 pm
2015-07-19 3:34 pm
Put my feet up, put on nice music, and have a glass of good wine.
2015-07-19 3:33 pm
1-watch TV & anything on it,like i & grandma enjoy CID..i see Discovery nat geo etc. or simply on a music channel & dance!enjoy the time..i like sometimes Cartoons..
2-Y!A...i m a lover of Y!A...yea now not that fun but still answering here gives me peace!
3-chat with family & friends!always works...
4-books..& 5-some time with god...his name is best way to get him & for everything!u just take his name once & millions of sins will die..more than u donate a mountain of gold..his powers r in his name..so just take his name & swim in that & enjoy!:)
2015-07-19 2:05 pm
Eat food or take a shower
2015-07-19 1:51 pm
Watch YouTube
Listening to music
Play Video Games
Recording videos on tv
2015-07-19 1:17 pm
eat chocolate
did i mention eat
2015-07-19 1:03 pm
Walking , running, playing music, archery and the shooting sports, philosophizing.
2015-07-19 11:58 am
2015-07-19 11:50 am
Go naked
2015-07-19 11:48 am
If u have a high self esteem so so u will think positive abt ur self. And a optimistic view abt life is also a reason of happiness.
2015-07-19 11:32 am
Listening to music and writing poetry
2015-07-19 11:13 am
Sleeping ????????
2015-07-19 11:12 am
Eating good and healthy food
Listening to music
Tidying up
Having a sing
2015-07-19 11:00 am
Exercising, eating healthy, thanking God for all of the gifts that I have been given.
2015-07-19 9:21 am
Browse Web
2015-07-19 8:15 am
It is really a good question, which I appreciate wholeheartedly. Please take some or the other drastic steps in right direction immediately without fail to come out of such pitfall in your future life. Add more and more knowledge, qualifications, experience, skill and acumen. Update periodically your knowledge and expertise.

Know for certain that something is better than nothing. Don't ignore even a small thing.
參考: own
2015-07-19 8:00 am
1- Go to work (this does actually help as it keeps your mind busy all the time)
2- listening to music
2015-07-19 7:58 am
Play sports
2015-07-19 7:49 am
I like to sing, read, sometimes draw occasionally
2015-07-19 7:26 am
Listen to music and think about things I like. Ranting also helps
2015-07-19 7:17 am
Ride my bike
2015-07-19 7:11 am
Play with my son
Spend time with my wife
Spend time with my family (brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, in-laws, etc)
Target shooting
Play sports
2015-07-19 7:09 am
I think we both know the answer to this question ^_o
2015-07-19 6:51 am
Get something I've been dreading accomplished.
Take a long hot bubble bath.
Snuggle with my cats.
Cook a good meal.
Put on my favorite music and dance like a maniac.
2015-07-19 6:35 am
2015-07-19 6:31 am
Play guitar
Play with my son
Watch a good movie
HELP SOMEONE ELSE(probably the best i can tell you. Helping others is sure to make your day and theirs)
2015-07-19 5:30 am
I go buy myself a new outfit and shoes. New stuff always makes me feel good.
2015-07-19 5:28 am
Read a good book
2015-07-19 5:12 am
Music :D
2015-07-19 5:08 am
Work out
Eat healthy
Hang out with friend
2015-07-19 4:09 am
Read the Bible, pray, listen to music, learn something new or fun
2015-07-19 3:58 am
2015-07-19 3:27 am
2015-07-19 3:05 am
2015-07-19 2:57 am
2015-07-19 2:11 am
Cooking, it's like therapy to me, or even a small trip outside the house, perhaps grocery shopping even gets my mind off things
2015-07-19 2:00 am
Listen to music.
2015-07-19 1:21 am
Wacth sports
2015-07-19 1:16 am
Smoking pot
Drinking beer
2015-07-19 1:13 am
Nothing beats working out.
2015-07-19 1:01 am
2015-07-19 12:24 am
1) Write
2) Sketch
3) Walk
4) Take a long long bath
5) Sleep
6) Play Music
2015-07-19 12:15 am
Listening to music.
2015-07-19 12:15 am
Drinking. I mean getting drunk.

Hey, wait a minute...

That makes me feel bad. I cry and feel sick after.
2015-07-19 12:07 am
2015-07-19 12:00 am
2015-07-18 11:59 pm
I watch anime
Listen to music
I talk to the people who care about me
Write blogs
2015-07-18 11:24 pm
Try to pretend like everything is okay
2015-07-18 11:19 pm
2015-07-18 11:13 pm
playing some tunes on my flat top.
2015-07-18 11:03 pm
Shopping or go on a vacation!
2015-07-18 10:47 pm
Helping someone and making a difference. I think this that others call empathy makes me a happier person.
Obviously there's a limit, if someone cowardly hurts a person dear to me then I can easily I become just as evil and sadistic as a serial killer can be.
2015-07-18 10:32 pm
Listen to music
Play videogames
Read books
Chat with friends
Watch wrestling or other sport
Go out for fresh air
Have a bath
2015-07-18 10:30 pm
listen to music
talk to friend
petting my cat
being cozy
2015-07-18 10:19 pm
Play Counter-Strike
2015-07-18 10:07 pm
Sleep or lay with my laptop. iT FEELS good
2015-07-18 10:01 pm
savor every great and worst moment of my life
2015-07-18 9:38 pm
Read a book or listen to music.
2015-07-18 9:23 pm
alcohol drugs tv movies food lol
2015-07-18 9:22 pm
2015-07-18 9:12 pm
Go outside.
Conversate with friends.
2015-07-18 9:07 pm
I love singing, performing, and listening to music!
2015-07-18 8:21 pm
Listen to music
2015-07-18 8:19 pm
Read, watch Netflix, take walks
2015-07-18 8:18 pm
Listen to music
2015-07-18 8:06 pm
Listen to music.
2015-07-18 7:28 pm
Talk to my closest friend.
2015-07-18 7:06 pm
I mainly just listen to music or talk to my friends
2015-07-18 6:56 pm
Listen to music
Take a shower
Get lunch
Playing video games
Being helpful
Bargain Shopping
Bible distribution
Getting a matcha green tea smoothie w/boba
Going to new restaurants
Day dreaming
2015-07-18 6:22 pm
2015-07-18 6:05 pm
Listen to music
2015-07-18 5:01 pm
Text him...
2015-07-18 4:42 pm
2015-07-18 3:53 pm
count my blessings
2015-07-18 3:34 pm
Horse riding
Drinking tea
Reading a book
Seeing friends
Shopping for myself and my pony
2015-07-18 3:00 pm
Extreme two handed masturbation
2015-07-18 2:58 pm
2015-07-18 2:54 pm
Put on makeup n take a nice selfie
2015-07-18 1:47 pm
funny videos
2015-07-18 1:45 pm
reading, listening to music, wider eesearching, talking, doing massages gently, doing truth and dares
For a bit of fun persuading girls to give me a whiff of their feet ofr a target time of their choice.
2015-07-18 1:30 pm
Go walking especially in the local parks (where I live is blessed with nice parks).
2015-07-18 1:26 pm
Doing Physical Work
Listening to Music
2015-07-18 1:08 pm
Listen to music
Meet friends
Look through my KISS collection
2015-07-18 1:06 pm
1. Love
2. Exercise
3. Cook/Eat
4. Clean
5. Drink a glass of Cab Sauv
6. Listen to music
7. Meditate
8. Take showers
9. Take photos
2015-07-18 12:52 pm
2015-07-18 12:15 pm
bubble bath
listen to music
put makeup on
2015-07-18 11:23 am
Reading magazine section
healthy foods
2015-07-18 11:20 am
Anything that makes me happy
2015-07-18 11:16 am
Exercise--preferably a long bike ride
Converse/laugh with friends and coworkers
Go to the lake and throw the Frisbee for my Lab
2015-07-18 11:10 am
Watching movie
2015-07-18 10:49 am
Read novel.
Play the guitar.
2015-07-18 10:46 am
10 I suppose, since none of the answers fit me. I like to play video games from my youth and enjoy the challenges I struggled with back then. Sometimes I play those same games with my family, who also have those fond memories. Together; we share in the nostalgia.
2015-07-18 10:10 am
newport 100's
2015-07-18 10:10 am
volunteer work



take walks

smell flowers
2015-07-18 9:55 am
Drink hot tea
Listening to music
Take a walk in silent
2015-07-18 9:51 am
Playing video games, watching youtube, even reading sometimes. Although there was always something about tv. Weather they tv is in your bedroom, living room, or even bathroom there's always a way to be relaxed while watching tv. In fact I sleep with them tv on because of how relaxing it is!
2015-07-18 9:44 am
Eating. Eating. Eating and eating hahah
2015-07-18 9:24 am
1. Listen to grunge. The heaviness and sludge of the genre just soothes me.
2. Make art. Earlier I made a picture with an alien giving me the middle finger.
3. Sleep.
4. Occasionally go out for walks.
2015-07-18 9:22 am
2015-07-18 9:09 am
2015-07-18 9:08 am
everything to everyone ;-)
2015-07-18 8:25 am
Money - Power - Success - Prestige - Athletic = Happiness
2015-07-18 8:04 am
I enjoy listening to music, and spending time with the people I truly care about.
2015-07-18 7:28 am
Singing ... though it disturb others but i enjoy ;p
2015-07-18 7:04 am
read a book outside
2015-07-18 6:40 am
Take a Xanax
2015-07-18 6:25 am
Listening to Music, Exercising, Writing Poems
2015-07-18 6:23 am
pet my cats
2015-07-18 6:07 am
1. Listen to music
2. Get coffee with friends
3. Take a drive
2015-07-18 5:46 am
Have hot, passionate sex!
2015-07-18 5:36 am
listen to good music
2015-07-18 5:34 am
just work as usual.
2015-07-18 5:28 am
2015-07-18 5:20 am
I like to play the guitar
2015-07-18 5:18 am
Sleep. Because life sucks .
2015-07-18 5:17 am
In no particular order:
1: Dance/flail around my room lip synching in the mirror
2: Talk to my siblings
3: Hangout with my boyfriend
4: Read
5: Watch movies and TV
6: Crossift
2015-07-18 5:04 am
-Waking up early and having some alone time watching tv with coffee and breakfast
-take a walk in the woods
2015-07-18 4:47 am
Talk to myself.
Use the internet.
Listen to music.
Play video games.
2015-07-18 4:47 am
Smile weed
Listen to music
Write poetry
Work out : lift or run
Talk to a friend
2015-07-18 4:45 am
Drink coffee, listen to happy music, hang out with friends, work out, dance, sing, learn new things, cook, shower, bath, playing with animals :))
2015-07-18 4:42 am
Read books in my favorite genre
2015-07-18 4:25 am
See best friends
Laugh at funny things
2015-07-18 3:46 am
Wake up.
Crack a cold one.
Put a good dip in.
Start the day.
2015-07-18 3:45 am
Bubble bath
Drink tea or coffee
Sit on a porch swing
Listen to the waves
Talk to my best friend
Practice my 4 languages
Take care of my nieces and nephews
Get a pedicure
Just breathe
Take a step back and seeing how blessed I am
2015-07-18 3:13 am
Go for a walk.
Buy myself some vegetables, fruit and milk.
Watch yet another episode of "Home and Away" or "Father Brown" or "Doc Martin".
Read an interesting article on the internet.
Have a good sleep.
Have a hot shower.
Get my hair trimmed.
2015-07-18 3:12 am
i exercise I listen to music I go on social media I go shopping I eat I hang out with my friends and family I sing I swim and I play basketball
2015-07-18 3:04 am
2015-07-18 2:56 am
Drinking any energy drinks, even though I know its bad for me.
2015-07-18 2:42 am
Hang out with Sage, my kitty.
Listen to music.
2015-07-18 2:36 am
Drink booze, smoke dope, laugh at azzholes.
2015-07-18 2:32 am
ride my motorcycle clears the head, and have beer afterwords
2015-07-18 2:27 am
Working out while listening to swing makes me feel really good cause then I dance like crazy.
2015-07-18 2:23 am
Play guitar
2015-07-18 2:20 am
work out
2015-07-18 2:08 am
helping other people
feeding pigeons
having fun time with my freinds
2015-07-18 2:05 am
eat food (usually potato chips), listen to music

I glanced thru 10 answers and none listed sex, that's shocking.
2015-07-18 1:43 am
I feel good after hitting baby's soft spot on there noggin
2015-07-18 1:27 am
Thinking]Draw]Journal]Story making]Edit photos]Edit videos]Play the ukulele]Make popcorn]Watch movies]Cook]Walk at the park]Collect bugs]Go shopping]Collect items for a living]Make up a game.
2015-07-18 1:25 am
Listen to music
Talk to a very close person
Write poems/stories
Go for a walk
Drawing on my arms/legs
2015-07-18 1:17 am
internet browsing.
2015-07-18 1:14 am
Eat some deserts
Read a book
Read about werewolves
Create games
2015-07-18 1:07 am
Eat good food, have sex, be in love
2015-07-18 1:05 am
draw, listen to music and watch youtube.
2015-07-18 12:59 am
listen to music
THINK of music
play an instrument
headbang :)
2015-07-18 12:43 am
2015-07-18 12:39 am
2015-07-18 12:03 am
Get really organized..
2015-07-18 12:00 am
hanging with family and friends
2015-07-17 11:59 pm
Go down to my wine cellar
2015-07-17 11:53 pm
watch tv
2015-07-17 11:50 pm
surfing the net...you bet!
2015-07-17 11:41 pm
Things that make me feel good:
Riding horses
Riding fourwheelers
Watching Netflix with my boyfriend
Brining my dog on walks
Working on trucks with my boyfriend
2015-07-17 11:22 pm
2015-07-17 11:21 pm
go start my old tractor take a nap talk to my woman
2015-07-17 11:19 pm
2015-07-17 11:18 pm
Listening to music
Getting my favorite ice cream
Playing apps on my phone
Getting in some exercise
Taking a nap (sometime)
Watching tv shows or a movie
Sitting outside with my favorite drink
Driving around to places I like or just going for a drive
2015-07-17 11:14 pm
When someone gives me money and when I get pleased sexually.
2015-07-17 10:46 pm
I listen to music and think.
I like to think about the things I have achieved and what I want for the future.
2015-07-17 10:39 pm
write music
talk to my freinds or family
listen to music
2015-07-17 10:36 pm
Listen to music
I need to pray more.
2015-07-17 10:25 pm
answering questions on yahoo answers, seriously.
2015-07-17 10:16 pm
2015-07-17 9:54 pm
pet puppies
2015-07-17 9:51 pm
2015-07-17 9:42 pm
listening to music
writing a song
playing piano
sex or masturbation
being with my family
2015-07-17 9:22 pm
Tae Kwon Do :D !
2015-07-17 9:17 pm
listening to music and/or playing video games
2015-07-17 9:16 pm
I like putting on Dream Theater's Scenes from a Memory, beginning to end, or Yanni's Live at the Acropolis. That, or News Radio reruns.
2015-07-17 9:00 pm
I listen to music ! :))
2015-07-17 8:36 pm
I put my genitalia against someone else while they are naked then I feel electricity
2015-07-17 8:32 pm
exercising, reading, swimming, movies, craft, friends
2015-07-17 8:21 pm
Play banjo!!!
2015-07-17 8:18 pm
video games
2015-07-17 8:15 pm
sleep alot
2015-07-17 7:56 pm
video games, listen to my ipod, watch tv, eat junk food
2015-07-17 7:48 pm
eat.and play golf.
2015-07-17 7:36 pm
2015-07-17 7:29 pm
Talking with my self
peddling my dog
Watering the plants and flower
Cleaning my around
Design some thing and plan to make it
Cooking some thing delicious
Watching movie or search on the Internet
drinking the tea or coffee
Drinking a beer
checking my e-mails and face book
Getting a cold shower
Reading and study new articles about space ,discoveries,politic,science,health and climate change
Smoking pipe or cigarette
Walking dog
yahoo answer and question
And if get so bored ,sleep
2015-07-17 7:16 pm
Chew bubblegum.
2015-07-17 7:15 pm
A deep "Sigh" relieves tension
2015-07-17 7:14 pm
I love to hang out with friends as they are always there for you, even when things become tough!!

Sometimes you need to discuss with friends rather than family, it is rare that your friends don't understand!!

Pandas xxx
2015-07-17 7:04 pm
Go for a drive in my Miata.
2015-07-17 6:56 pm
going out to nature and eating everything in sight :)
2015-07-17 6:48 pm
Workout, Lift, Listen to Music
2015-07-17 6:39 pm
Music and Anime! <3
2015-07-17 6:26 pm
The good ol' internet
2015-07-17 6:24 pm
Bob Marley, Ganja, Family, Meditation, My cat, and FOOD
2015-07-17 6:22 pm
2015-07-17 6:10 pm
Drink water
2015-07-17 6:00 pm
2015-07-17 5:44 pm
Listening to music
2015-07-17 5:36 pm
Dance. I've been dancing for 15 years and counting. Tap, Ballet, Jazz, and Hip-hop. It's always been my passion, and it never ceases to make me feel wonderful.
2015-07-17 5:31 pm
Cook, go walking, watch weird movies on youtube, and dress up
2015-07-17 5:24 pm
2015-07-17 5:23 pm
Running and biking
2015-07-17 5:21 pm
Help others.
2015-07-17 5:10 pm
2015-07-17 4:33 pm
2015-07-17 4:29 pm
Listen to music.
2015-07-17 4:28 pm
Draw, listen to music, and watching my favorite shows
2015-07-17 4:19 pm
BBQ out in my back yard, with a few of my best friends !
2015-07-17 4:14 pm
listen to music
surround yourself with people u truly love
take care of yourself
eat something tasty
2015-07-17 4:06 pm
listen to music, and consume caffeine
2015-07-17 3:52 pm
I enjoy a nice long poo. With newspaper of course.
2015-07-17 3:43 pm
Sleep and play games ...
2015-07-17 2:42 pm
every time i'm on my laptop i'mhappy
2015-07-17 2:29 pm
drink Pepsi max
watch tv
Browes the internet
traveling on train
2015-07-17 1:16 pm
going out with people you love :)
2015-07-17 12:55 pm
Take long walk in cold weather.
Hand in more work orders( and complaints) for the county (metro) to do and fix.
2015-07-17 11:58 am
2015-07-17 11:54 am
Jump in the car, put on music and take off
2015-07-17 11:04 am
Listening to music.Helping the needy according to my capacity.
2015-07-17 10:49 am
get rid of those nasty free radicals!
2015-07-17 9:26 am
2015-07-17 8:59 am
feelings r fellings ..it can be anything.. when u feel that m not getting bored..
m happpy from inside
i don't have any problems
i want to live this moment again and again..
then its called "FEELING GOOD"
2015-07-17 8:58 am
listening to music and eating for me
2015-07-17 8:56 am
Do something which bring smile on others face it's make me happy. I feel good.
2015-07-17 8:32 am
Playing a game
Reading a book
Hanging out with my friends and family
Eating LOL
參考: Life
2015-07-17 8:19 am
feed the geese aka flog the dolphin aka choke the chicken aka stroke the mushroom tip.
2015-07-17 7:53 am
Many things, for example:

Exercise, take a long walk, ride my bicycle or do yoga.
Have a bath and wash my hair, put on clean clothes.
Spend time with family and friends.
Eat something tasty I have cooked myself, eating with friends.
Spending time with my pets.
Playing my guitar or violin.
Listening to my favourite music.
Enjoy a warm sunny day.
Being in my garden, cutting grass, picking my fruit and vegetables, planting new plants, weeding.
Housework, I am very happy when the house is clean and tidy.
Practising my languages with others.
The internet.
Playing games on the internet.
2015-07-17 7:39 am
Music, Books, And Blogging.
2015-07-17 6:57 am
Read Manga
Write Manga
2015-07-17 6:50 am
Sleep late.
2015-07-17 6:49 am
Taking a nice long walk and getting a breath of fresh air usually does the trick!
2015-07-17 6:22 am
HAve swag. thats what you do
2015-07-17 6:11 am
Things that make me feel good:
~ music
~ exercising
~ watching the sunset or sunrise
~ Movie night
~ spending time with my family
~ naps or sleeping
2015-07-17 6:03 am
exercise, watching videos about my favourite band and listening to their music, playing with my pet, reading, cooking, relaxing, watching chic flicks and etc
2015-07-17 5:53 am
listening music through head phone and walking alone in greenery
2015-07-17 5:51 am
listen to Gospel music
2015-07-17 5:22 am
Sitting outside absorbing nature whilst enjoying a great book
2015-07-17 5:05 am
i like video games and reasding the karma sutura
參考: professional medtrician
2015-07-17 4:48 am
create, like in art, painting, etc.
2015-07-17 4:48 am
Read and talk to people at my local Starbucks!!!
2015-07-17 4:23 am
Go for a drive
Listen to music (Smash Mouth)
2015-07-17 3:55 am
Conversation with remote friends for whom I have no basic regard. Their hopes, fears and problems are real and stressful. In fact, their lives are quite ordinary; but, full of joy for them.
2015-07-17 3:34 am
listen to music.
read books
play video games
have sex
talk with people
browse the internet
drink coffee
drink beer
2015-07-17 3:24 am
Dance to my favorite music :)

or sleep, because sleep is good
2015-07-17 3:23 am
play with my baby cousin, go outside, and masturbate
2015-07-17 3:00 am
2015-07-17 2:28 am
Listening to musc
Talking to friends on phone and Facebook
2015-07-17 1:55 am
Help others. Do a good deed.
2015-07-17 1:35 am
go on the internet, to read about celebrity gossip stories lol
2015-07-17 1:31 am
Listening to music
2015-07-17 1:17 am
Talk to friends.
2015-07-17 1:07 am
draw and paint with music in the background
2015-07-17 12:58 am
TaKe a NiCe BuBbLe BaTh!!
2015-07-17 12:31 am
Jack it!
2015-07-17 12:13 am
Wear a tracksuit.
2015-07-16 11:56 pm
2015-07-16 11:54 pm
Art and Writing and Photography
2015-07-16 11:47 pm
Well I like never let nothing get me down but if I just fell a little sad I mostly listen to music music is life for me haha
2015-07-16 11:36 pm
Walk or pray.
2015-07-16 11:34 pm
2015-07-16 11:34 pm
I like pampering my self and if that doesn't work, feel good music and a nap!
2015-07-16 11:28 pm
nothing really.
2015-07-16 11:23 pm
2015-07-16 10:49 pm
I watch Johnny Depp movies or look at pictures of Johnny Depp. Also, I look at cute quotes.
2015-07-16 10:30 pm
2015-07-16 10:24 pm
Yeah dont hate
2015-07-16 10:22 pm
Sleep ALL day. Literally.
參考: Common sense.
2015-07-16 10:21 pm
I try to see how many pencil erasers I can fit in my mouth then I do the same thing with tube socks.
2015-07-16 9:53 pm
Running, take myself to lunch, have sex, paint my nails, take a hot shower, meditate, do yoga, hang out with friends.
2015-07-16 9:44 pm
I rub dog bellies. I have 2 rescued dogs who didn't know what a belly rub was until they came home with me. Now they DEMAND belly rubs.
2015-07-16 9:41 pm
Listen to music, sleep or watch Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
2015-07-16 9:38 pm
2015-07-16 9:19 pm
Masturbate, Exercise, take a shower....
2015-07-16 9:12 pm
It depends on what you had made interests in which things
2015-07-16 9:09 pm
Eat or sleep. I'm a comfort eater. I eat for comfort all the time. It's my solution to every problem.
2015-07-16 9:08 pm
watch a movie, listen to music
2015-07-16 8:58 pm
Have a rage
2015-07-16 8:52 pm
sleeping .. especially if the house is super silent.
2015-07-16 8:42 pm
Listen to music, go shopping, walking on the beach.
2015-07-16 8:19 pm
2015-07-16 7:29 pm
2015-07-16 7:06 pm
Listen to music, talk to a friend , chat with family(from other continent) and friends at fb, come to the kitchen and check what i can cook (making my own recipes), watch movies,TV, and take off to walk in the park and run.
2015-07-16 6:55 pm
watch funny sitcoms
2015-07-16 6:51 pm
2015-07-16 6:20 pm
2015-07-16 5:53 pm
listnening to music
2015-07-16 1:21 pm
First, some quotes that relate
to the quality:
"So, I'll just wait... all-back-of-the bus
for now."
"Me ? I'm just passing through."
"I like a challenge."
The Chronicles of Riddick, 2004,
but here's the real life link:
2015-08-04 7:54 pm
2015-08-04 7:12 pm
Read, swim, listen to music and ****.
2015-08-04 6:23 pm
2015-08-04 3:10 pm
2015-08-04 5:54 am
1. Have a nice breakfast
2. wake up timely
3. Reading the newspaper
4. Office
5. Some time relaxness
6. Listening to music
7. Mobile Games
8. Face book
9. Google Search
10. Social work
11. Helping
12. Reading book.
13. Holiday Tour
2015-08-03 9:51 pm
Knee grow
2015-08-03 5:27 pm
Pick my nose and eat my boogers.
2015-08-03 8:01 am
Smoke pot
2015-08-02 8:57 pm
2015-08-02 1:10 am
Jack off
2015-08-02 12:35 am
1. On my phone all day xD
2. Read an interesting book
3.going to the beach
4. Having fun with friends
5.summer forever
6. Doing my hair
7. Picking my nails xDD
8. Listening to music
9. Being an Asian :p
10. Singing
11. Dancing k-pop
12. Skating
2015-08-01 6:22 pm
Masturbation. Ultra HD Porn.

Makes me feel real like I have a new girlfriend every night.
2015-08-01 2:16 pm
1. fap fap fap
2015-07-31 6:10 am
Jack off
2015-07-29 10:29 pm
Smoke some pot...
2015-07-29 11:21 am
Do charity work and sit back (relax)
2015-07-29 10:20 am
Beat the dog. hosing down the cats is pretty entertaining too
2015-07-28 7:42 pm
Finishing My Workout

Going For A 5 Mile Run

Eating Healthy All Day
2015-07-28 7:39 pm
Killing people
2015-07-28 6:56 pm
Smoking weed!
2015-07-28 6:18 pm
see da man rass
2015-07-28 4:53 pm
Smoke weed.
Get out of the house.
I don't do much, so I guess that's it.
2015-07-28 9:13 am
Humping my hubby!! That always makes me feel good ;)
2015-07-27 7:58 am
2015-07-26 8:23 pm
Smoke weed
2015-07-26 1:35 pm
Sleep in my underwear
Drink orange juice after a work out
Pee with the door open
Listening to music
Walk in the house nude
Being home alone
Kiss my dog
Hug my dog etc.
These make me feel good :3
2015-07-26 9:01 am
Smoke weed
2015-07-25 6:49 pm
Eat sushi
Watch Markiplier and Jacksepticeye
Watch videos of puppies and kittens
Make jewelry
Lay in the grass (despite being allergic)
2015-07-25 3:25 pm
Donate some of your time for a good cause.
Give some cash to the poor
Donate food, clothing or cash to the Sally Ann
or the House of Lazarus
Help someone
2015-07-25 8:39 am
I wake up each morning and simply decide to feel better than ever before, and since I am the only person who can decide how I will feel , the result is that I feel good all day every day. This has worked so well for so long that I can't remember how to have a bad day.
參考: Tom
2015-07-25 12:12 am
******* my gf and getting an apology sandwitch for when she doesnt swallow
2015-07-25 12:05 am
jack off
2015-07-24 9:44 pm
Oh my, You wanna feel good sonny boi?
You gotta **** all the bitches, make all the money, but you aint about DAT thug life are ya? But you could try if you think you can handle it, BUT YOU CANT NIGGGGAAAAAA!! I suggest your gay *** should but a pickle up your a$$ and wiggle it around till u find dat anal g spot or A spot (dat means anal spot NIQQQAA) or **** your mom
參考: Ben der, dun dat
2015-07-24 8:31 am
play drums
make art
sing opera
write music
play guitar
study algae, moss, and carnivorous plants
people watch
play with kids
do stupid things for the hell of it to feel like I'm in middle school again
live the vegan life to save the animals
2015-07-23 6:38 pm
Too often, people don't focus enough on themselves. Ironically, the more aware you are of yourself, the more confident and better you feel. Try the following items from my book Redefine Yourself: The Simple Guide to Happiness to redefine yourself mentally and emotionally and achieve the happiness you deserve! You can find the full list on
2015-07-23 9:12 am
1. Playing video games
2. Playing board games with a bunch of friends of family
3. Watch movies or tv series or comedy shows
4. Drawing
5. Watching funny youtube videos
6. Exercise
7. Eating in moderation things that I like
2015-07-23 6:14 am
Jack off
2015-07-22 11:48 pm
2015-07-22 5:41 am
Get high
2015-07-20 5:02 pm
Masterbate.. Troll the net, making money
2015-07-20 7:07 am
Sex drugs meditate exercise sex drugs pray mastrabate read write watch tv play with girlfriend non sexual and sexually go to movie listen to music play video games street art shop eat drink
2015-07-20 12:49 am
I flip over to Steven Colbert, Rachel Maddow and Jon Oliver to see what the red headed step children down at the Republican Party and FoxNew are doing today...
2015-07-19 11:28 pm
Touching my monkey
2015-07-19 7:07 am
Jack off
2015-07-19 2:28 am
Spank the monkey
2015-07-19 1:43 am
2015-07-19 12:43 am
The things I do to feel good;
- Read the Quran
- Sunnah prayer
- Zikr
- Read religious articles
- Enjoy the nature and take a picture of 'em
- Look up to the sky
- Seeing the stars, the moon
- Eat
2015-07-18 12:42 pm
Beating the stick.
2015-07-18 8:20 am
2015-07-18 2:26 am
Accomplishing something creative. It could be a drawing, a painting, a poem, a blog post. Connecting with my family and friends. Eating some chocolate for breakfast. Thinking of chocolate helps me wake up. Listening to music , looking at artwork.
2015-07-17 8:50 pm
being around good people
having a guffaw
winning the lottery
being treated like royalty
eating healthy
eating good and enjoyable food
listening to good classical music (not the usual junk kids these days are besotted with)
watching some good comedy movies
doing people favors
watching kids accomplish their goals as well as accomplishing mine
The feeling of actually doing something beneficial for a change instead of goofing around the whole day
running in the afternoon
reading an enjoyable novel by some good literate authors (classics)
getting my room cleaned all by myself without any breaks, but getting something done
and listening to white noise or some soft sounds of the whistling wind.
2015-07-17 6:22 pm
2015-07-17 3:12 pm
Writing stories
Talking to friends
Think happy thoughts
Listening to music
Play video games
Take a walk
Imagine in my mind a girl is giggling and having fun
2015-07-17 5:12 am
I used to go bicycle riding though sometimes i go for walks or watch some comedy on television or sometimes play computer and I used to listen to music though / or if it's a hot summers day i sometimes after I finished having a shower i would put it just to cold water though like I stated before if it was 30 degrees Celsius or above as I live in Australia
參考: Me
2015-07-17 3:42 am
2015-07-17 3:20 am
ver pelis
2015-07-16 7:38 pm
2015-07-28 4:37 am
Watch TV
Playing Video Games
Writeing Stories
2015-07-27 12:56 pm
Eat Something Healthy
Doing Physical Work
Listening to music
Play Video Games
Watch TV
Surf the Internet
Thinking Freely
Feeling nature
Board Games
Listen to Gospel
Work on Ideal Projects
Listening to up beat happy music.
Travelling to new places.
Watching Netflix.
Cooking some food.
Seeing an old friend.
Buying stuff for yourself.
Creating something new.
Go to the beach.
Go camping with your friend.
Get up early.
Have a bath.
Have a warm or cold shower.
Play with pets.
Watch YouTube.
Dress up.
Make a scrap book.
Write a book, poem or short story
Reading the newspaper or magazines
Win some money
Have a beer
Have a nice breakfast
Having less stress

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