
Lv 7
Ok, here are how I see my answers/comments to your posts:1.不要希望我一開始就給你一個完美答案 那多是妳的責任2. 我愛設計讓你犯錯讓妳思考然後讓妳自己找到答案3. 愛我不愛? 悉聽尊便 (hehehe, 中語進步多多吧!)4. Please do not vote for my answer and vote for the best one. It is your integrity on the line and you need to carefully guard it.5. Please DO NOT vote for my answer if you don't understand it or if you are class 5 beginner with your user profile locked. As matter of fact, you should not vote at all if you are such.Hi, I am prisoner, numbered 26535. I use the computers in my facility library most of the time, so I may only be able to write in English. Thanks請不要拉票 我不會因為妳是朋友就投妳一票若是我像妳拉票 請妳一定不要投給我Dude, please stop inviting me for your group. My promise to Mommy - what happened in the Internet stays in the Internet. However, I would be happy to answer your question via email.謝謝妳要求我加入妳的知識團我不行加入的email me if you want me to answer your question(s). -P.
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2017-03-20 10:43 pm
slump 和 plunge 那個比較嚴重?
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2017-03-20 10:51 pm
機器已轉交給XX(人名). 英文用法為何?
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2017-03-20 9:20 pm
有哪位好心的大大可以幫我把以下翻譯成英文 感激不盡 隨著一例一休制度的執行 ,有部分的人會因人力不足而超時工作導致過勞,像是之前的蝶戀花遊覽車翻覆,失事原因是司機超時工作而疲勞駕駛。?
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2017-03-20 5:10 pm
請幫我翻譯一下這句成英文 可以請政府更加注重意勞工超時工作的問題嗎 謝謝?
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2017-03-19 9:07 pm
Over the course of nine years/Over the past three years 分別?
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2017-03-18 10:03 am
請問 line vt.[野獸]交尾 的英語用法及例句,謝明燈!?
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2017-03-19 12:35 am
琬婷 黃
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2017-03-14 10:17 am
急!!!!想請大大們幫忙中翻英"吃了我們的美味 體現了 以前的美食記憶"謝謝~~~~?
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2017-03-15 9:56 pm
What is the time difference between California and Taiwan?
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2017-03-09 11:51 pm
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2017-03-10 2:51 am
請求英文好的大神們,若我想說一句話 ”如果我改變這社會一點,就代表在參與了這個社會“ 該怎麼翻譯會比較好一點?
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2017-03-09 10:07 pm
As parents learn early and kids learn even earlier, when it comes to play,boys and girls just don't have the same interests.句首as什麼性質怎麼翻譯?
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2017-03-09 9:31 pm
He is arguably the best actor of his generation. 想詢問這句 arguably adv放在be動詞後面的文法原因 謝謝?
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2017-03-07 7:57 pm
()Larry thanked Marge for __ of him when he was sick.(1)taking care(2)taken care(3)take care(4)took care?
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2017-03-07 7:29 pm
( )Penny found that the designer bag she __ online was a fake.(1)will buy(2)has bought(3)buys(4)had bought?
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2017-03-07 7:53 pm
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2017-03-07 9:15 am
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2017-03-06 4:41 pm
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2017-03-06 8:05 pm
選拔人才的時候,有人認為品德比能力重要 你同意嗎?
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2017-03-05 10:26 am
There's a problem on my friend that he could never get a high score.這句話有文法上的錯嗎 覺得problem on有點怪怪的 謝謝?
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2017-03-05 1:35 pm
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2017-03-05 8:28 am
guess a food I can be seen somewhere in spaghetti, pizza and so on. I come from dairy products, i taste a little bit salty,sometimes i will?
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2017-03-05 6:12 am
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2017-03-03 9:40 pm
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2017-03-03 9:12 pm
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2017-03-03 3:23 pm
唯一的認真 英文寫法?
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2017-02-27 11:46 am
"我寧可做自己讓別人討厭 我也不扭曲自己讓別人喜歡" 這句話翻成英文要怎麼翻呢 感謝各位大大 :)?
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2017-03-01 4:32 pm
可以幫我翻譯一下嗎,謝謝! 1、當我看著你,就像看到了全世界 2、如果你是船,我願意當那大海讓你停靠,即使不會永遠停留我也願意 3、你若安好,便是晴天 麻煩了><?
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2017-03-01 7:26 pm
跪求英文翻譯 如果時間可以重來,你願意嗎?
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2017-02-28 11:07 pm
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2017-02-27 8:42 pm
there's nothing at all wrong with deciding that someone isn't for you 中文意思是什麼啊 除了google 翻譯還有其他中文解釋嗎?
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2017-02-28 2:53 pm
幫忙翻譯,謝謝 目前樣品本體上無安規標誌,產品已經送安規測,待測試完成後,會給您補上有安規標誌的樣品。?
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2017-02-26 6:19 pm
請用英文翻譯以下句子: 唯有努力,才能嚐到甜美的果實。?
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2017-02-25 9:49 pm
中譯英 問題 只差幾條問題我就能完成我的功課 英文能不能寫作 Just a few more questions I can finish my homework?
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2017-02-25 11:00 pm
2000年至2007年就讀xx學校中文部, 英文點講呀? 唔該?
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2017-02-23 4:40 pm
各位老師: Ted – A robot eats pollution有一句如下: So let’s do that. We’ll go to Google and this is what we get.?
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2017-02-23 7:35 pm
people go to watch this.there are people dancing,acting or singing.What is it?
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2017-02-22 11:51 pm
求中翻英 中文是"你認為誰曾經給你愛"?
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2017-02-23 12:04 am
"他們先攻擊我們,居然說我們攻擊他們,希望你們不要介入,謝謝你們" 的英文翻譯~麻煩了!?
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2017-02-21 9:12 pm
may as well A as B / might as well A as B?
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2017-02-22 7:27 pm
《The witches》中主角-the boy 叫甚么名字?
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2017-02-21 7:02 am
Buying local is a huge trend even in (city/cities) that have many branches . 是複數與否?為何?
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2017-02-19 2:09 pm
How would you react if someone broke your favourite toys? 中文也可 重點?
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2017-02-19 10:06 pm
It's a protective mechanism by which we can survive our journey to whence we're going -by which 可以去掉 by 嗎? -整段怎翻? -可寫survive in our...嗎?
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2017-02-19 7:40 pm
move up the agenda 意思?
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2017-02-18 5:07 pm
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2017-02-17 10:46 am
請幫我將以下這些文字翻譯英文!謝謝 你好嗎? 台灣現在天氣算冷,16~20,不過韓國應該更冷!而我回到台灣第一件事,就是跑去吃台灣食物,懷念台灣食物味道~這張明信片風景,是在台灣嘉義阿里山的日出畫面,很美.有機會你來台灣時,帶你去看.祝你度過愉快每一天!?
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2017-02-17 7:59 pm
啦啦隊 Engilsh?
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2017-02-17 3:28 am
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2017-02-15 11:59 pm
what are you drinking,Anna?怎麼知道是現在進行式?
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