
2017-03-07 9:15 am
shown on TV.Many parents worries about that it may gives their children bad examples .In fact ,much people complain about this ,but they still watched TV every day .可以幫我找出10個錯誤

回答 (4)

2017-03-07 10:20 am
Many parents worry that some TV programs may give their children bad examples. They complain, but they still let their children watch TV every day.

1. shown on TV不構成獨立的句子,因為它只是「分詞片語」。
4. it的語意不明,未見到先行詞。
5. may助動詞後面的動詞要用原形的give
8.in fact(用於補充及強調前言時)在此用得不恰當,因為第二句與第一句內容是有相關性的:worry > complain:因+果
9.最後一個子句的主詞用they,會造成誤解,因為它前面最近的主詞是people,但按整段邏輯,會出問題的應是their children,不是people。
10.watched用了「過去簡單式」與前面的「現在簡單式」不一致,會造成時序錯亂。應用「現在簡單式」的watch,因為本段所述是「一個一直都如此的狀況」(timeless present)。
2017-03-07 10:01 am
(1. The programs) shown on TV. (2 delete the period) Many (3 many) parents worries (4 worry) about (5 delete about) that it (6 they) may gives (7 give) their children bad examples .In fact , much (8 many) people complain about this ,but they still watched (9 watch) TV every day (10 everyday).
2017-03-07 2:45 pm
**shown on TV *, *Many parents *worries *about that it may *gives their children bad examples. In fact ,*much people complain about *this, but they still *watched TV every day.

1. 「 The」:漏寫了

2. 「shown 」X 「shows」✅

3. 「.」X 「,」✅

4. 「Many」非句首不用大寫

5. 「worries」:「parents 」是眾數名詞, 動詞不必➕「s等等」。「worry 」✅

6. 「 about」可省去

7. 「may 」是助動词, 後面必須跟 「原動词 give」✅。

8. they still *watched TV every day: 「every day 每一天」是恆常動作, 動詞要用 現在式「watch」。

9.「much people」X「many people」✅

10.「this 」X 「that」✅

The shows on TV, many parents worry that it may give their children bad examples. In fact, many people complain about that, but they still watch TV every day.
2017-03-07 11:09 am
Usually there are many parents watching TV, they worry about that might give bad impression on their children. In fact ,they complain about this,but still watching TV everyday. Yip

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