
Lv 5
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2017-04-09 10:21 pm
Someone please translate this for me! It is on the back of a piece of fine China, need to know!!?
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2017-04-10 11:39 am
Can someone translate this Poem from Mandarin to English? (Picture in Details)?
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2017-04-10 12:48 am
Chinese? Translation? No Google translate please.?
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2017-04-08 9:21 am
Can someone translate this Chinese for me? Thanks?
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2017-04-08 2:23 pm
請問我下面兩句句子有文法錯誤嗎? 有的話應該怎麼改?
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2017-04-07 6:43 pm
請幫我翻譯成中文 尤其一定要正確翻譯the wisdom to know where to hide the bodies of...?
miu tsz
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2017-04-06 9:19 pm
on yesterday or at yesterday is correct?
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2017-04-07 3:21 pm
我知道全餐或套餐的英文叫 Set Menu,請問「半餐」的英文怎麼講?請不要用網路翻譯,謝謝?
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2017-04-06 5:48 pm
英文翻譯, “將大地掀起了一陣不平凡”要如何翻成英文會比較適合,專業一點的感覺?
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2017-04-06 6:55 am
What is FuBing?
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2017-04-06 12:48 am
Can someone who understands Chinese tell me what this means? XiuJiaLi Hair?
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2017-04-05 6:36 pm
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2017-04-05 12:39 am
Best way for an English speaker to learn Chinese without classes?
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2017-04-04 4:04 pm
你不怕找不到人學習 英文怎麼翻譯?
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2017-04-04 9:53 am
How is "de" used in Chinese adjectives?
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2017-04-04 1:08 pm
Can someone translate these three words form Mandarin to English?
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2017-04-03 11:54 pm
「微笑是學習的好夥伴」英文我想到一句話 但是不知道介係詞要用那一個~ ◎Smile is a good partner " in " learn. ◎……………………………………………" to "…………… . 還是各位大大有更好的翻譯?謝謝~?
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2017-04-03 9:30 pm
請問一下英文翻譯的問題 就是 「你講話有英國腔」 這句話 用英文該怎麼表達?
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2017-04-03 6:37 pm
請英文達人可以幫我翻譯這小段英文嗎? 謝謝 (中翻英)?
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2017-04-03 6:12 pm
有人可幫我翻譯這三句話為英文嗎~? 不要用google翻譯.. 年輕,什麼都還來得及 不要糾纏於小事 你現在遇到的事都是小事?
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2017-04-03 1:48 pm
What is luckier, the Chinese lion, lucky Peony or symbol of thriving business?
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2017-04-02 11:09 pm
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2017-04-02 7:30 pm
薛之謙的歌曲「你還要我怎樣」裡有一段歌詞非常喜歡 想找高手幫忙翻譯成英文 有一天晚上,夢一場 你白髮蒼蒼說帶我流浪 我還是沒猶豫,就隨你去天堂 感謝!!!?
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2017-04-02 11:57 am
I cannot read Mandarin. Can someone translate this for me?
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2017-04-02 9:06 am
What is the term for food offered to ancestors in Manderin Chinese?
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2017-04-02 4:50 am
Is it possible to learn how to write fluent Chinese within 3 months?
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2017-04-01 3:20 am
How would you explain all the complexities and nuances of Chinese characters in the most brief and simple way possible?
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2017-03-30 5:18 pm
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2017-03-31 8:59 am
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2017-03-31 9:29 pm
"這一路走來" 的英文翻譯(放句首)?
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2017-03-31 12:26 pm
Hi! I was wondering if anyone could translate this to English since google translate isn t doing me any justice.?
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2017-03-30 11:16 pm
Can anyone tell me the chinese translation, to the best of your ability, "Ping Foon"?
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2017-03-30 8:45 pm
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2017-03-30 4:57 pm
工作能力 翻譯英文?
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2017-03-28 10:46 pm
這間餐廳的餐點很貴,但不好吃。 求翻成英文?
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2017-03-27 11:24 pm
大學面試自我介紹 小弟我英文爛到一個爆炸 求幫翻譯 謝謝 😗?
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2017-03-27 7:31 pm
想請問寄錯商品的翻譯, "原本購買的事XX,可是收到的卻是OO,請問是否可以退換貨", 可否詢問以上的翻譯,謝謝?
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2017-03-26 8:26 pm
求翻譯!!!!!!!!! 中翻英 終於要畢業了,心裡開心又不捨。再完成了一段旅程,總是有失有得,有悲有喜!而生命本將不斷的向前走,感謝這三年的每一個人,不論是好是壞我都非常感謝,祝福每一個人都能完成自己的夢想,謝謝。?
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2017-03-27 4:11 am
我用的是免费的翻译程序, 它真的正确工作, 您能理解我的中文文字吗? 翻译的!?
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2017-03-26 8:54 pm
請問For both of us, and time is but a paper moon的意思是?
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2017-03-26 6:10 pm
如果我沒有,我就一定要,我一定要,就一定能 我想翻成英文?
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2017-03-25 12:52 am
Glass and glazing measured separately?
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2017-03-24 11:55 pm
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2017-03-24 11:08 pm
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2017-03-24 8:20 pm
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2017-03-24 8:57 pm
What does this name mean in English from Chinese?
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2017-03-24 7:43 am
Chinese Grammar help.?
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2017-03-22 10:21 pm
Can any kind person familiar with these characters and this alphabet please tell me what these symbols translate to in English?
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2017-03-22 3:32 pm
麻煩幫我翻譯成英文謝謝 "對於下一份工作的期許,我期望自己能以這段期間來的所學,在新的環境能夠更加茁壯,期許貴公司能給予機會,讓我一展所長。 "?
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2017-03-21 5:42 pm
請問各位 “希望政府能制定一些改善的政策” 怎麼翻譯成英文? 謝謝?
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