
Lv 5
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2017-05-16 1:17 am
What does this mean?
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2017-05-16 1:12 am
Why 没 instead of 不 here?
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2017-05-13 4:14 pm
求英翻中 to build something no one believes in, endure mockery most people run from, then maintain the sort of consistency few people maintain.?
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2017-05-13 3:51 pm
求英文翻譯QQ 一步一腳印的開拓著前方的道路,步步留下永存的痕跡。?
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2017-05-13 8:24 pm
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2017-05-13 10:04 am
I need assistance from any Chinese speaking community members...?
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2017-05-13 1:35 am
What does Mercy's Fortune skin say in Chinese?
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2017-05-11 10:33 pm
are you zhongguo ren? I need to ask you a few questions..?
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2017-05-09 5:50 pm
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2017-05-09 9:48 pm
perceived exertion Borg (PEB) 請問中文是什麼意思?
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2017-05-09 9:09 pm
some people in school call me weird names such as monkey or ass hole, laugh at me every time i walk by. what should I do to make them stop?
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2017-05-09 2:55 am
Help translating Chinese?
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2017-05-07 11:55 am
!!!!!急!!!!! 請問誰可以幫忙解析這段英文文章的大意?
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2017-05-07 4:49 pm
請問有哪位大大可以幫我翻譯 《沒有道歉就沒有原諒》的英文呢?
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2017-05-04 8:13 am
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2017-05-04 7:42 pm
Jim and Nina's birthday is coming. I plan to buy ____ new jacket. (A)their (B)them (C)they (D)theirs?
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2017-05-04 1:17 pm
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2017-05-04 6:16 am
想請厲害的大大幫我看看 這英文短文有沒有錯誤:)謝謝! 這是要用在presentation的?
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2017-05-03 1:01 pm
英文 請幫忙修改 文法 how long can use wi-fi? how many mtr stations are there now? how many people now take the mtr?
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2017-05-03 2:29 am
Can someone please translate this for me (Chinese)?
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2017-05-02 10:19 pm
Chinese! Can someone help me translate this? : )?
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2017-05-02 3:33 pm
How many traditional Chinese characters are there?
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2017-05-02 1:57 pm
I am studying chinese and often in movies i hear something like "jin kuei". Could somebody tell me the correct spelling of the word?
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2017-05-01 11:15 am
In Chinese (Mandarin) does the adjective come before or after the noun?
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2017-04-29 2:02 pm
甚麼是 “Low g conition” ?(直升機飛行問題)?
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2017-04-30 1:46 am
Can anyone translate this for me please, I think its Chinese?
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2017-04-29 7:09 am
Is this how you say I love Brighton, but Brittish weather is really terrible in Mandarin 我爱Brighton,但英国天气很糟糕?
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2017-04-29 5:57 am
[英翻中]She is with Clinton the whole nine yards.?
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2017-04-28 1:15 am
What does 之前死的毛泽东,在那裡是你在? mean?
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2017-04-27 7:24 pm
想請教pay my dues的意思和用法,感謝?
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2017-04-26 7:50 pm
Traditional or Simplified Chinese... which writing should I learn?
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2017-04-26 4:00 pm
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2017-04-25 2:01 am
basic number facts in four operation裡面的basic number facts 應該怎麼翻譯?
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2017-04-24 12:21 pm
I go to pieces! 請問👆這是「我精神崩潰的意思嗎?」?
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2017-04-22 1:21 pm
In Chinese mandarin, is it correct to say?
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2017-04-21 3:05 pm 英文達人求救 這篇文章的6何? 到that increase costs.以前即可?
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2017-04-20 11:37 pm
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2017-04-20 1:26 am
Mandarin: What happens when three 3rd tones occur consecutively?
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2017-04-19 2:25 pm
在現代廚藝資訊快速傳遞、國籍間的距離又如此短的時代,學習變得需要又快又廣,對於台灣這一個現代廚藝正慢慢起步的國家來說,也許有大部分的人還沒有嘗試過很多國家不同的料理,我想做的正是將我國內國外所見所聞融會貫通後,以最直接的方式呈現給我家鄉的人們品嚐,擁有一間自己的餐廳。 求英文翻譯?
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2017-04-19 10:50 am
Engagement 同involvement 的分別?
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2017-04-17 4:06 am
What does this Chinese character mean?
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2017-04-15 8:53 pm
Chinese to English translation for character in the center?
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2017-04-15 8:49 pm
Chinese to English translation for these five charaters at top, right, bottom, left & center?
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2017-04-15 10:54 pm
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2017-04-14 12:55 pm
求英文翻譯 1.先把洋蔥炒軟,然後放入絞肉拌炒 2.拌炒後加入香料,拌炒數分鐘後再入兩碗水 3.水滾後轉至中火,加入番茄醬和肉醬,攪拌均勻後轉至小火繼續拌炒10分鐘即可 希望別是GOOGLE翻譯 感謝?
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2017-04-13 7:14 pm
Chinese Chinese Chinese?
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2017-04-12 8:37 pm
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2017-04-11 4:16 pm
Ayy what the **** this chinese symbol mean? I found dis **** in the river and its just been in my room forever.?
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2017-04-11 1:34 am
急急急 英文翻譯 有人可以幫我翻這句得英文嗎 以下 "希望貴公司能夠尊重個人隱私權,這並非騷擾信件,請你們放心,這封信內容主要是鼓勵xxx以及關心xxx,也煩請貴公司能幫我將此信轉達給當事人 感謝你們" 有沒有正式的寫法? 感恩?
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2017-04-09 4:00 pm
月亮離太陽有多遠? 英文句子?
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