on yesterday or at yesterday is correct?

2017-04-06 9:19 pm

回答 (3)

2017-04-07 11:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先調整你的問題為Yesterday 之前是否需使用介系詞(In, On, At)作連接用途? 或不用的情況?
1.很有可能不用,因yesterday除了可當名詞用也可當副詞用,當副詞時當然不用, 當名詞時,也可能不用,你想加也加不進去。
抄Yahoo 字典的yesterday例句。
1.He left for France yesterday(adv).
2.Yesterday was my birthday(noun).
3.Recalling(回億起) cheerful yesterdays(複數名詞、意思為往昔) cheered the lady.
2.介系詞(In, On, At等)之選擇使用,為英語裡最難的領域,其選擇使用不是只看介系詞之後(你提出的問題是in 或on取決於之後的yesterday),實際上是比你認知難上太多,介系詞之使用不只看之前之後用詞,有時是要由整句判斷)。
(1).How do I find an article that appeared on yesterday's yahoo page? – yesterday(名詞) 之前有on,但並不是yesterday 要 “on”,而是appear(陳現) 要 “on(在)” – 大致但不是絕對的原則是”點”用at,面用”on”,空間用”in”,這裡yahoo page指電腦螢幕 – 把它想為面,故用on.
(2).How can I find details of a webpage that I looked at yesterday, but has since changed? -- yesterday 之前的at不是yesterday 要 “at”。Yesterday在此也是名詞(不是副詞,副詞的概念是拿掉他句子也完整),但這個yesterday被當作特定點,另外可能更重要的原因,我看起來像配合look at(特定點找東西)之故。
(3).How many actual votes did each party get in yesterday’s election (每個黨派在昨天的選舉中得了多少票)? 同樣, ”yesterday” 之前的介系詞 “in”,不是取決於yesterday,而是 “get in(得到-進來的票)”
2017-04-07 11:50 am
Both seems to be wrong.

Yesterday may not need any preposition.
2017-04-07 7:51 pm

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