In Chinese mandarin, is it correct to say?

2017-04-22 1:21 pm
Zhè shì wô (this is me)

And how do you say this is us and this is you??

回答 (3)

2017-04-22 4:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In Chinese mandarin, is it correct to say?
Zhè shì wô (this is me)
And how do you say this is us and this is you??
1.Sorry. No.
I guess, your sentence should be revised to:
Zhè shì wô di(second tone) / this belongs to me
The reason is that in this context “Zhè” shì not equal to “wô”.
But, if you are pointing to a picture to your friend, and you want to say “the man on the picture is me”
You could just say Zhè shì wô (this is me)
Because in this context “Zhè shì” equal to “wô”.
2.“This belongs to us” and “this is yours”
Zhè shì wô men(second tone) di(second tone) / 這是我們的
Zhè shì ni(third tone) di/ 這是你的
3.When something(A) belongs to something(B), “di” is needed
‘‘A” shì “B” di.
2017-04-22 8:44 pm
Best Answer: Patrick (not your real name). You answer all questions with rubbish, like jfjf, and stuff like that. You do this to get the points you need to ask questions, that people kindly do. Have you any idea how much of a parasite you are to exploit peoples kindness in this way? Why not ask, in Chinese mandarin of course, why you have such a low regard for people, and such an inflated view of your own, very limited, importance?
2017-04-22 6:07 pm

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