Chinese to English translation for these five charaters at top, right, bottom, left & center?

2017-04-15 8:49 pm

回答 (2)

2017-04-16 8:34 am
Top: basic meaning is “exit”. The word is often connected with the bottom word to form “出入”, in some sentences, it has a meaning of out of home and in someplace not suitable to go.
Right: basic meaning is “flat”. The word is often followed by the left word to form “平安”, has a meaning of “peace”
Middle: basic meaning is “fortune”. For example, if you got a lottery, you could just say “發了(我發了)”, which means you are lucky in something. And is often used by follows the top word to form “出發”, which has a meaning “Let’s go”.
Left: basic meaning is “safe”. We could just say “安啊”, which means “it’s OK(no problem)"
Bottom: basic meaning is “enter”.
Besides above, the right word follows the left word to form “安平”, is a not a common harbor in Taiwan, but a historical site. Because the old city was built by The Dutch people in 1624.
So, as you could see, these five words, has a meaning of wishing safe(出入平安/安平) with good luck(發).
More is, what you have, might be more than just a mascot. If there was any name or date signed on the back of this seeming copper-made item, then, it’s possible that this item could be regarded as an antique and has some special value.
Oh, I am English learner, my English writing is not good.
2017-04-16 12:41 am
Top and bottom: Exit; Enter.
Left and right: two different words for "Peace"
I can't make out the one in the middle.

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