
Lv 5
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2018-01-07 1:17 pm
ⅆ/ⅆt X= [矩陣)] X 請問要怎麼解?
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2017-11-06 6:28 pm
請問大大這兩題如何算 第一題我答案算-18/5可是不對 詳解.... 然後第二題也是 拜託了!?
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2017-11-03 2:18 am
help evaluating the double integral?
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2017-10-30 10:17 am
Suppose P(X = 1, Y = 1) = 0.6, P(X = 2, Y = 1) = 0.2, and P(X = 1, Y = 2) = 0.2. Find Cov(X, Y ) and the correlation ρ of X and Y .?
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2017-10-25 8:26 pm
統計題目 求詳解以及觀念?
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2017-10-22 6:57 pm
圓題目 (ci部份)?
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2017-10-19 8:10 am
請問我的EXCEL公式引數太多要如何改才可以正常? =IF(ISBLANK(N647),"-",AVERAGE(N647,R647,V647),ROUNDDOWN(ROUNDDOWN(AH647,1))) 我想讓3個平均值無條件捨去至小數第一位~謝謝.?
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2017-10-19 1:45 pm
這個積分是怎麼算到右邊的式子? 這是什麼方法?
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2017-10-14 11:46 pm
differential equation. Please help!!!?
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2017-10-15 1:15 pm
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2017-10-02 6:04 am
Help me with this math problem?
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2017-09-19 12:30 am
The letters of a password may be chosen from only one group of the two groups of letters (a, b, c, d, e) and (f, g, h, i, j)?
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2017-09-17 3:14 pm
linear growth question: I'm not too comfortable with my set up for this equation, so anyone pls show how they would set up this..??
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2017-09-16 5:21 am
What is the integration of e^(-2 ln|x|) x^2 with respect to x? Thanks!?
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2017-09-15 9:12 am
三題數學題 求解 要有算式!! 感謝!?
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2017-09-14 3:49 pm
excel 依年齡區間計算體檢到期日?
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2017-09-08 8:23 am
Statistics questions please help me :(?
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2017-09-08 9:04 am
Calc 3 help?
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2017-09-06 10:48 am
Algebra question (awarding best answer)?
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2017-09-05 9:46 am
Probability: There are 10 chocolates or identical appearance. 3 are caramel and 7 are mint. Hugo randomly selects and eats 3 chocolates.?
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2017-09-04 8:37 pm
Complex Numbers Loci?
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2017-09-04 2:24 pm
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2017-09-03 9:06 pm
Vba 簡化程式 Symbols(1).Top=1top+50 Symbols(2).Top=1top+100 ...... ...... Symbols(n).Top=1top+(50*n)?
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2017-09-03 11:28 am
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2017-09-03 10:30 am
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2017-08-31 1:06 pm
Use the transformation x=1/3(u-v), y=1/3(2u+v) to evaluate the double integral of e^(x+y)dA over the region D={(x,y|1<x+y<4,-4<y-2x<1)}?
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2017-08-27 8:33 am
Prove that △ABC is not a right triangle where BC=a^10, CA=b^100, AB=c^1000 and a, b, c are natural numbers. (my original quiz)?
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2017-08-26 2:16 am
5.設兩點A(2,7) B(6,-1) 若C點在線AB之延長線上,且線AC:線BC=7:3,求C點座標 拜託各位大大教我 我剩這5題就寫完130題的數學題庫了QQ?
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2017-08-25 8:37 am
某氮、氧之混合氣體共 4×10-3 莫耳,總重為 0.124 克,求混合氣體中氮的重量百分率約為多少?
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2017-08-24 4:18 pm
CO和CO2混合氣體30毫升,加入同狀況同體積氧氣。電火花點火俟反應完全後,得同溫同壓下氣體55毫升,求原混合氣體中CO和CO2莫耳數比。 請問這題應該怎麼解?
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2017-08-24 4:12 pm
同溫同壓下,10升甲烷(CH4)分子含X個原子,則多少升氧氣亦含有X個原子? 請問這題該怎麼做?
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2017-08-22 3:41 pm
[求指教] 工程數學研究所題目?
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2017-08-22 5:48 pm
請問 我需要在excel上設定包裹數與運費的計算,想請問各位達人excel是否能設定如此狀況的公式,可以的話請幫我列出此狀況的語法,謝謝~ 1包運費65元,2~3包運費80元,4~9包運費120元。10包以上免運費?
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2017-08-21 10:14 pm
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2017-08-17 3:50 pm
爺爺對齊說:我比你爸爸大x歲,爸爸對齊說:我比你大y歲,齊說爺爺的年齡是我的5倍。 (1)齊幾歲?(用x.y表示) (2)若x=34.y=30,爸爸是幾歲?
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2017-08-16 5:05 pm
國中數學 分數問題?
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2017-08-12 12:27 pm
Population mean?
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2017-08-12 7:10 pm
照片的上半部是題目,下半部是我自己算的 請問我這樣算對嗎?
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2017-08-03 6:28 pm
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2017-08-02 2:45 pm
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2017-08-02 10:40 am
直線運動選題 請幫忙謝謝?
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2017-08-02 10:36 am
直線運動選擇題 求好心人士幫忙?
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2017-07-27 5:26 am
Please Help?
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2017-07-26 7:54 pm
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2017-07-14 12:26 pm
The chance of success on a trial of a binomial experiment is known to be 0.9. The random variable x, number of successes, has a mean of 96.?
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2017-07-14 12:23 pm
Consider the function, y=2*root2+4cos(2x-pi/2)?
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2017-07-13 5:42 pm
一題數學題 (x^2+x+4)(X^2+x-6)+21=(x^2+x-3)(x^2+x+1) 求過程謝謝?
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2017-07-07 2:32 am
How to.do?
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2017-07-06 1:51 am
If x= a costheta + b sintheta and y= a sintheta - b costheta, then show that y^2 (d^2y/dx^2)-x(dy/dx)+y=0?
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2017-06-29 5:06 pm
Poisson distribution help please!?
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