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2017-07-27 5:26 am
Surface finish defects in a small appliance occurs at random with a mean rate of 0.1 defects per unit. Find the probability that a randomly selected unit will contain at least one surface finish defect.

回答 (1)

2017-07-27 4:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Suppose X defects occur, then X ~ Poisson distribution.

= λ^x * e^(-λ) / x!
= 0.1^x * e^(-0.1) / x!

P( X ≧ 1 )
= 1 - P( X < 1 )
= 1 - P(0)
= 1 - e^(-0.1)
≒ 0.095 ..... Ans

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