關於英文the number one thing to remember is後接動詞的問題。?

2017-10-18 10:15 pm
The number one thing to remember when coming upon an aggressive dog is never , ever run away unless you want the dog to run after you.
請問知識大大們,此句的is後面接的run away為什麼不是running away或是to run away呢?謝謝。: )

回答 (3)

2017-10-19 3:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
原句採用省略了to的bare infinitive,是否合文法會有爭議,但不是完全沒來由。

1.) 首先為便於理解,先簡化句子
The number one thing to remember is never (to) run away. 採用不定詞 "to run",是最沒爭議。但有些母語人士碰到這種 "reversible specifying construction" 句型,往往會省去to。

2.) reversible specifying construction
[The number one thing to remember] is [never (to) run away.] = [Noun Phrase] + be + [predicative complement]


i) His intention was {for the meeting) to begin at six. [to-infinitival]
= (For the meeting) to begin at six was his intention.

ii) The funniest thing was (Kim) trying to hide in the coal-box, [gerund-participial]
= (Kim's) trying to hide in the coal-box was the funniest thing.

iii) All I did was print out the table of contents. [bare infinitival]
= To print out the table of contents was all I did. (這時to不可省去)
當作為主詞的noun phrase 或 what-clause 的主要動詞為do時,述部補語可採用bare infinitive

(之前,有一類似問題,我怕發問者容易困惑,刻意不談 reversible specifying construction

3.) 原句可採下列寫法
The number one thing to remember is that you never run away. ( you 不可省)
The number one thing to remember is never to run away.
2017-10-18 11:57 pm
The number one thing ...is (that you) never, ever run away unless you want the dog to run after you.

是 (that you) 被省略掉了.
2017-10-19 10:08 am
簡單先不要把run away看成是動詞(run)來研究/討論,因為主題是one thing是指出一個"名詞"性的東西,就算這東西是"要做/不做"的事,從文意/文法上寫出來是"名詞"子句/片意

因此'run away', 'stop', 'don't move', 'look away', 'turn aside', 'back up'等等看似行動指示的片語都不是"動詞"或"分詞",因為這句的句性是指示而不是講故事/敘事/描寫文.

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