
2017-09-17 10:51 pm

回答 (3)

2017-09-18 3:09 am
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花花世界 ~ 指繁華的,吃喝玩樂的地方。或燈紅酒綠、尋歡作樂的場所。也泛指人世間。
過眼雲煙 ~ 從眼前飄過的雲煙。比喻很快就消失的事物。也比喻身外之物,不必重視。

All the pleasure from the material world, like a fleeting glimpse of the passing clouds, goes by quickly.
2017-09-17 11:01 pm
The various temptations that the world faces us is but ephemeral=living, lasting for a very short time.
2017-09-18 9:45 am
all indulgence is illusionary.

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