請求英文翻譯, 高手幫忙! 加強曰常電腦文件準確度,面對逆景時須調節情緒 Many thanks?

2017-10-10 6:28 pm

回答 (5)

2017-10-12 5:36 am
Collocation of "accuracy"
verb - improve, increase, achieve, ensure, ....
prep. - with accuracy, accuracy of

xxx (名詞) 的準確性 = the accuracy of xxx (e.g. the accuracy of computer documents)
在 yyy (名詞) 上的準確性 = the yyy accuracy (e.g. the processing accuracy, correction accuracy, technical accuracy...)
準確度 = degree of accuracy

~ Improve/increase the daily processing accuracy of computer documents 提高在曰常操作上電腦文件的準確性

Collocation of "adversity" 逆境:
verb - face, be faced with, overcome, suffer, endure ...
prep. - in adversity 在逆境中

面對逆境 = in the face of adversity (e.g. remain steadfast in the face of adversity 面對逆境堅持不懈)
在困難 處境/情況 下 = in difficult situations
控制你的脾氣(情緒) = control/keep your temper
調節 (adjust) 一般用於 增加減少, 提高降低; 不適合使用於 emotion or temper

~ Handle the/your emotions in the face of adversity. 面對逆境處理好(你的)情緒
2017-10-10 8:02 pm
Enhance the accuracy to handle the general computerized documents and adjust emotion to face the difficulty.
2017-10-11 4:01 am
need to improve the digital document processing accuracy and to strengthen self emotional control in difficult situations.
2017-10-11 12:44 pm
Please improve the accuracy of daily computing documents and try to control your temper when encountering adversity
2017-10-11 2:26 pm
Two sentences seem not having any linkage in between.

Improve the accuracy of documents processed by computer.
Control / manage one's emotion in adversity.

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