✔ 最佳答案
我甚至無法想像 深情望著妳的眼睛與妳對話 是多麼幸福的一件事情
It is way beyond my wildest imagination how happy I will be to look at your eyes with affections and to talk with you.
但是 我現在還不夠好 還沒有好到能夠見妳的程度 所以不管生活多麼忙碌 每天總是會固定撥出一些時間 好好的學習韓文
I always find time to study korean regardless how busy I am because I am still far from being perfect, if not good enough to see you right now.
除了希望未來能夠與妳交談之外 也從各方面一直讓自己變的更好 因為妳讓我想成為一個更好的人
In addition to being hopeful to have a meaningful conversation with you, I am improving myself because you make me better.