
2017-09-06 9:06 pm

我在澳洲認識的一位朋友過世了 澳洲的阿公在問我,我本來想告訴他 但他才剛中風康復 所以不想再讓他難過 結果他還是知道了...

回答 (2)

2017-09-07 3:51 am
✔ 最佳答案

I was thinking to tell you about this bad news but I just couldn't. I was afraid you were unable to stand the thought of losing him/her. (unable to bear the pain of losing him) Given your health condition, I was so worried that I'd decided not to tell you right away.

*** the above English version is not a word-to-word translation ****
2017-09-06 9:33 pm
1. 翻譯:
Initially, I was going to tell you about it. Nonetheless, I worried that you might not be able to endure the pain, so I did not break it to you.


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