英文問題Because once John committed himself to putting his life back together?

2017-09-19 4:12 pm

Because once John committed himself to putting his life back together 翻譯是:當約翰決心要重新開始他的生活之後 從putting his life back together開始不懂英文順序為何這麼寫? 請幫我解釋文法

回答 (2)

2017-09-19 8:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
語言裡面,很多意思都是習慣累積下來的.就像你問的這個:putting his life back together

putting XX back together = 就是把XX重新整過(再重新出發)的意思.

committed 某人 to 某事 = 為某人下定決心做某事.這裡的<某事>就是 上面的這一段話(putting XX back together)

She committed herself to the promotion of women's rights.她立志為女權奮鬥
She failed to put her life back together several times. 她浪子回頭失敗了好幾次.
2017-09-20 8:44 am
Make a start again after several false starts=pulling his life back together.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 22:30:40
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