失去並不可怕 可怕的是不知道原因 中翻英?

2017-10-17 2:25 am
失去並不可怕 可怕的是不知道原因(的失去)
文法正確 越簡短越好

回答 (3)

2017-10-17 2:40 am
Fear not for what you lose
Fear for not knowing why you lose it.
2017-10-17 3:28 pm
Not frightening to lose (v)
Only not to know why .
2017-10-17 3:53 pm
失去並不可怕 可怕的是不知道原因 (this sentence is in indicative mood 陳述語氣)

It is not dreadful to lose something, but not knowing the reason is.

= "To lose something" is not dreadful, but "not knowing the reason" is (dreadful).

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