
Lv 5
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2018-05-12 8:32 pm
hope that you don't suffer,but take the pain,I'll side by you. 詢問這句話的意思?能翻譯一下嗎?
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2018-05-12 10:27 am
This might have been the most wonderful moment in his life 此文法有錯嗎??為什麼是have been?
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2018-05-09 2:32 am
I forgot to take the keys. (to take不定詞) I forgot taking the keys. (這個taking是adj還是n?) "感覺"上面的差別在哪?
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2018-05-06 10:43 pm
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2018-05-06 4:22 pm
我想寫信給韓國明星,但我不會韓文,英文也沒有太好,可以請各位大大幫忙翻譯成英文或韓文嗎,請不要用翻譯機哦!謝謝! 翻譯內容: 你好~我是一位iKONIC,我來自台灣,今年12歲,我非常喜歡你和iKON,雖然演唱會的時候我沒辦法到現場幫你們加油,但是我會一直支持你們的!我愛你!?
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2018-05-01 11:03 pm
Funny you should say that!?
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2018-04-30 5:58 pm
Can you translate from Chinese to English?
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2018-04-28 11:09 pm
I need help (chinese translation)?
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2018-04-24 12:33 pm
Is this sentence grammatically correct?
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2018-04-20 7:59 am
In 1-2 sentences, describe why some people support rent control.?
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2018-04-19 6:30 pm
背景位於一輛開往釜山的高速列車上,圍繞著一群乘客開始在喪屍襲擊中生存的故事,而故事裏同時也包括一系列探討人性方面等問題。 求助!!!!翻譯英文?
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2018-04-18 9:00 pm
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2018-04-20 4:07 am
文法上 a hospital 與 an hospital 哪個正確?
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2018-04-13 8:02 am
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2018-04-12 6:15 pm
Can present simple and continues be used in the same sentence? "I sat there while they were discussing my problem."?
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2018-04-11 6:54 pm
請問怎樣去譯{香港之夜}?Hong Kong Night表逹不到當中的{意會/含意), 謝?
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2018-04-11 5:57 am
大家好,我想寫信給住在義大利的朋友,但英文不好,(請幫我翻以下的句子) 1.你有生過某人的氣或討厭過人嗎?因為我覺得你的脾氣非常好、又非常隨和 2、如果有時候問題太過涉及隱私,你一定要告訴我 3、你在大學參加什麼社團 4、為什麼你會選擇IT這個科系呢?你當初有想選別的科系嗎 謝謝?
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2018-04-03 6:27 pm
我想問問看! 有一些中文就是意思很深 字很漂亮的 好吧其實我不太知道怎麼說 就是想問問 像凉凉《三生三世十里桃花》這種歌的歌詞可以翻成外文 但還是不會差太遠嗎>< 我真的不太知道怎麼表達qqq?
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2018-04-05 11:27 am
What's my name in Chinese and Japanese?
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2018-03-31 5:33 am
Does anyone know what this says? My dad got it from WW2?
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2018-03-30 6:54 pm
If you are going to come to the party,please let me know in advance?
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2018-03-27 4:59 pm
急! 請高手幫手睇下封推薦信有無問題,感恩.?
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2018-03-24 8:11 pm
請問到底甚麼時候要用get a good grade 甚麼時候用get good grdes?
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2018-03-21 2:07 am
Can someone translate this song to English?
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2018-03-21 4:55 pm
It is likely that the Khan considered it an honor that these Europeans ---who were rare in China?
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2018-03-20 1:05 pm
____________ is a good idea to learn one or two expressions before you travel to another country.?
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2018-03-20 1:23 pm
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2018-03-19 3:56 pm
present perfect tenst怎么用?
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2018-03-15 11:11 pm
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2018-03-13 9:18 am
請英文高手幫忙 翻譯一下 客人在詢問我們稽核的進度,以下是我想告知客人的: 我們正在對幾樣缺失做改進計畫,很謝謝你對於此事的關注?
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2018-03-11 11:05 am
"To beguile the time, / Look like the time" (Lady Macbeth 1.5.61-62) what does the "time" means?
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2018-03-05 2:53 am
尋求翻譯 幫解答 關於留學相關內容?
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2018-03-03 9:12 pm
Is this the correct Chinese spelling? 走向更大的事物?
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2018-02-28 9:15 am
synonym for "keep studying"?
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2018-02-28 9:45 am
what is the meaning of having a brain?
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2018-02-26 10:09 pm
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2018-02-25 2:21 pm
關於英文keep going與keep on going的意思及用法差別?
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2018-02-25 1:53 am
The tour group will be staying​ _____ Europe for the next two months.?
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2018-02-24 10:42 pm
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2018-02-23 5:51 pm
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2018-02-22 10:35 pm
國中英文~ 因為字太多發不出去..?
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2018-02-22 8:11 am
Can you translate this to English? 謝謝巧巧馬麻的小蛋糕,就感心欸😍 碰巧大家今天都來洗香香,抱歉讓有些寶貝等比較久,也感謝各位馬麻的體諒,若有忙中不仔細的地方請再跟我們說哦!?
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2018-02-20 1:00 pm
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2018-02-08 9:39 pm
幫忙翻譯The Cow這首詩?
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2018-02-05 2:08 am
Can anyone type up these Chinese symbols on the picture for me? (It's from Hong Kong, so it may be Cantonese) Thanks?
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2018-02-04 3:38 pm
Does anyone know what this means?
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2018-02-04 5:11 am
What does it mean?
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2018-01-31 10:49 am
how to translate glaiza mae in chinese name?thank you?
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2018-01-30 5:17 pm
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2018-01-29 2:07 pm
請問這句話後面為什麼用完成式? He made a museum, and the metal pieces on the walls seem to have been designed to resemble fish scales.?
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