大家好,我想寫信給住在義大利的朋友,但英文不好,(請幫我翻以下的句子) 1.你有生過某人的氣或討厭過人嗎?因為我覺得你的脾氣非常好、又非常隨和 2、如果有時候問題太過涉及隱私,你一定要告訴我 3、你在大學參加什麼社團 4、為什麼你會選擇IT這個科系呢?你當初有想選別的科系嗎 謝謝?

2018-04-11 5:57 am

回答 (2)

2018-04-11 3:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Have you ever sulked with someone and hate being with them? Because I feel your temperament is very gentle and you are an easy-going person.
If you have private matters that you don’t want others to know, I am the man you should trust.
What clubs did you join when you were in university?
Why did you choose IT as your major? Did you consider other alternatives before you made your choice?
2018-04-13 12:31 am
(1) Have you ever been angry and hated some one before? Because, I feel that you have good temper and at ease; (2) Would you mind to tell me if I'm too scrutinize your privacy;(3) What kind of associations have participated by you in University? (4) Why did you choose Internet as your major study? Have you been thinking other major subjects for studying?. Yip

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