
2018-02-26 10:09 pm
Greg went to Taitung by plane last Friday. He is very exciting. Saturday,he went to beach,because today has a big sun.He is reading and sit on the chair. That made him happy and relax . Sunday,he finally comeback to Taipei,but is a rainy .He didn't has a umbrella. He only can wait the rain stop.

回答 (6)

2018-02-27 12:43 am
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Greg went to Taitung by plane last Friday. He is very exciting.
。且該二句如譯為中文為Greg上週五..., 他現在很...(時態不一致造成的語義不明) .?改為
Greg went to Taitung by plane last Friday that made him excited.
(Greg 上週五去台東,這件事使他很興奮 -- 用關係代名詞將兩句合併)

Saturday, he went to beach, because today has a big sun.
星期六是那個星期六? 是不是前句的隔天,若是可改成 On the following day。
Beach 要用冠詞– 如代表特定的一個海灘,用the beach,若 代表一個聽者不知的海灘,用a beach。這裡看起來用a beach – 因為未指明。 另週六和去海邊和今天大太陽有何關係? 是不是筆誤 – 若是調整如下
On the following day, he went to a beach as it was a fine date(好天氣).

He is reading and sit on the chair. That made him happy and relax。
一句話原則上要儘量能獨立看得出意思,如這第一句能夠猜出的字面的意思為他現在坐在椅子上讀書, sit 也用的不對,這件事情使他高興並放鬆。這有關連的兩句要合併起來。
While on the beach, most of the time, he was just sitting on a chair reading her book (sit 和read 都是ㄧ段時間的事,用過去進行式),which(用which 原因該句看起來不寫不影響主句大意,故用which並以逗點分開,也可用THAT但之前不用逗號,代表兩件事密切關連) made him happy and relax.
== While on the beach, most of the time, he was just sitting on a chair reading her book,which made him happy and relax.

While on the beach, most of the time, he was just sitting on a chair reading her book that made him happy and relax.

Sunday, he finally come back to Taipei, but is a rainy .
Sunday 改為the next day, finally 看不出用意為何?只玩個一天,有何需要用常有副面含義或需前言之finally,拿掉。 he came back to Taipei and it is a rainy day – 回程與下雨無所謂but 關係,用個連接詞 and置首或置句中都可。
== And the next day, he came back to Taipei, it is a rainy day。
== The next day, he came back to Taipei and it is a rainy day。

He didn't has a umbrella. He only can wait the rain stop.
Because he didn't have an umbrella, the only thing he could do was to wait until the rain stop.
2018-02-27 8:24 am
Past tense should be used of the time before the present, gone by in time; for the past few days or week, during the past week in Taichung etc.:-

Greg went to Taichung by plane last Friday
that caused him great excitement.

Then he went to the beach on Saturday.
He touched and felt there were plenty of sunshine.
(=He had light and warmth from the BIG sun;
=he had the sun in his eyes;
=he had a place in the BIG sun;
=he had a sun-baked made hard by the heat of the BIG sun;
=sit in the sun--under the sun, anywhere in the beach.)

He was reading while sitting on the chair
that made him happy and relaxed.

Finally on Sunday,he returned to Taipei, but it was rainy.

As he had not carried an umbrella,
he had to wait till the rain stopped.
2018-02-26 10:11 pm
Saturday,he went to beach,because today has a big sun.这一句要改
2018-02-27 6:54 pm
Greg was very excited as he flied to Taitung last Friday to spend the weekend. It was sunny on Saturday, so he went to the beach to enjoy the sunshine. He was happy while sitting on a chair reading and relaxing. He returned to Taipei on Sunday only to find that it was raining. Without an umbrella, he could only wait for the rain to stop.
2018-02-27 12:30 am
On Saturday*
the/a beach*
On Sunday*
but it's a rainy day/ it's rainy*
the rain to stop*
2018-02-27 12:02 am
Greg went to Taichung by plane last Friday and he was very exciting. Then he went to beach on Saturday, because, there were plenty of sunshine. So he was reading while sitting on the chair and that made him very relax and finally, he returned to Taipei,but it was rainy as he didn't carry an umbrella.then he had to wait till the rain stopped. Yip

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