
Lv 6
回覆: 22
2021-04-03 9:32 pm
Is revelations in the Bible happening yet?
回覆: 10
2021-02-24 3:05 am
Does anyone else think hypnotism is a weird phenomena, how does it work exactly and does it work on everyone spiritually?
回覆: 20
2021-02-15 8:56 pm
If God is supposedly "good", why does he allow evil?
回覆: 70
2021-02-13 11:03 pm
Should the bible really be taken literally ?
回覆: 13
2021-01-19 4:15 am
Why Should Men and Women Be Held Equal?
回覆: 6
2020-12-04 4:58 am
Have humans ever been forced a vaccine before the coronavirus ?
回覆: 5
2020-08-06 1:14 am
Even if I type "global warming" any searching question about the fraud gets shoved into the financial section. Why?
回覆: 13
2020-07-19 8:02 pm
Climate Change - where is the empirical evidence that "climate change is real, man made and dangerous" as stated by Obama?
回覆: 21
2020-07-12 10:27 am
Is the Old Testament used today?
回覆: 5
2020-05-07 9:12 am
How does the corona-virus survive,? I heard or read it's not biologically alive.?
回覆: 21
2020-05-07 1:53 am
Do you think Global Warming is hoax?
回覆: 9
2020-05-05 10:33 pm
1000 scientist together cannot design a single piece of Human Brain.... then how is it possible that Brain evolved so perfectly in evolution?
回覆: 6
2020-05-03 7:55 pm
Has anyone seen any evidence to suggest COVID 19 didn't come from a lab?
回覆: 3
2020-04-05 10:55 am
Of ALL the living organisms, on earth, isnt it amazing how the Universe decided to make us human? We could have easily been cockroaches!?
回覆: 14
2019-11-30 2:47 am
Why am I being attacked and called a troll when I say something climate alarmists dont like?
回覆: 15
2019-11-25 11:41 pm
Why climate change?
回覆: 21
2019-09-21 7:09 am
Okay, greenies...Lay it down for us in black n' white: What can we possibly do to stop climate change?
回覆: 19
2019-08-08 11:24 am
If we don’t save the earth by 2020 does that mean sure death by 2050?
回覆: 13
2019-06-27 2:05 pm
Is is true now we are very close to climate change?
回覆: 8
2019-06-21 7:03 am
20k people have complained to Netflix about Good Omens, based on the book by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett about the Antichrist. Thoughts?
回覆: 16
2019-06-20 5:14 am
When does human human life begin?
回覆: 16
2019-06-16 9:30 am
Why do all gods all seem so incompetant at godding? It's their job.?
回覆: 16
2019-05-07 3:23 am
Why do people come on here and make stuff up?
回覆: 35
2019-05-01 12:15 am
Why do people claim to be a Christian but thier actions show otherwise?
回覆: 29
2019-04-20 2:24 pm
Is there really any proof for evolution?
回覆: 6
2019-04-19 5:50 am
Why do people refer to mother nature as having a mind of it's own when the real power is God.?
回覆: 6
2019-04-07 10:23 am
What animal or fossil that has been found has partially evolved fingers or toes?
回覆: 49
2019-03-14 6:02 pm
Atheists, "What if" hell turns out to be real? Aren't you afraid of hell?
回覆: 65
2019-03-14 5:00 pm
How can get over the fact that all my athiest close friends are going to hell : (?
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