Why do people come on here and make stuff up?

2019-05-07 3:23 am
All you people need to grow up and repent of this foolishness and if you don't change your ways you will end up in hell. Some of you who claim to be a Christian need to do the same thing.

回答 (16)

2019-05-07 3:25 am
Thank you for that enlightening analysis of Y/A. I'm nominating you for the Y/A Medal of Courage.
2019-05-07 3:42 am
" don't change your ways you will end up in hell " is what you said.
Matt. 7:1 " Judge not "
If we all, Atheists and Christians would live by those two words, this site and this world would be a better place.
God is love and we should love one another.
2019-05-07 4:29 am
Its called lying for Jesus.
2019-05-07 4:28 am
If people never made stuff up, there would be no Religions, and no Religion Forum on which you are wasting your time.
2019-05-07 3:40 am
Don't take it serious
2019-05-07 3:31 am
I could never figure that out, either.
2019-05-07 3:59 am
In their defense, bible authors started it. Perhaps making stuff up is just an R&S troll's way to become more righteous.
2019-05-07 3:40 am
Irony: Someone with the user name "Jesus is King" complaining about other people making stuff up.
2019-05-07 3:51 am
jesus being a king is made up
2019-05-07 3:49 am
I hadn't noticed this, everyone is so nice here.
2019-05-07 3:45 am
foolishness and boredom...ignore them
2019-05-07 7:19 am
LOL....geee, thanks, pops. Why don't you threaten us with being sent to Mordor, too? Same ridiculous, imaginary junk.
2019-05-07 4:27 am
I guess you think it's okay to come on here and repeat something your pastor made up, right?
2019-05-07 3:39 am
Because religionists live in fantasy land.
All they can do is make stuff up and lie
2019-05-08 12:37 am
That's what religion is all about!
2019-05-07 5:20 am
A Catholic can be certain of avoiding eternal damnation by completing successfully the Five First Saturdays Devotion in honor of the Heart of the Virgin Mary.

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