How can get over the fact that all my athiest close friends are going to hell : (?

2019-03-14 5:00 pm

回答 (65)

2019-03-15 4:20 am
they won't, youre not goin to heaven child best live life while you can
2019-03-14 10:47 pm
Hell does not exist - is it mentioned in the Bible?
What you should concern yourself with is that YOU aren't going to heaven - that's fictional too.
2019-03-14 5:03 pm
by growing out of fairy taless
2019-03-14 7:38 pm
By realizing that you would not send them to hell for simply not believing. If you can have that kind of compassion and non-judgement for your atheist friends at your intelligence level, surely a Higher Intelligence could do the same. The writers of the bible were just men who constantly demonstrated their ignorance and were attempting to "sell" a particular religion. If any Gods/Goddesses exist, they may actually favor atheists for not falling for any of the man made religions. When it comes to Gods, there are just too many assumptions made by humans that can be demonstrated to be poor assumptions. With a great Intelligence should come a great understanding that leads to a great compassion for us ignorant humans. It's the kind of compassion a parent can have for ignorant toddlers and the mischief they get up to. Christianity is just another religion based on human ignorance so quit viewing God from the perspective of an ignorant, intolerant human and begin to think of what real Intelligence should look like.
2019-03-15 1:53 pm
You can get over it by learning that hell nor heaven exists and when you die simply nothing happens you're gone and forgotten. Scary right? It's all made up to give hope to scared people like yourself.
2019-03-14 5:08 pm
Well, you could stop trolling and start thinking, but that might be a bit much for you.
2019-03-15 1:25 am
"The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." 2 Corinthians 4:4
Just be thankful that God did not make you as blind as they are.
2019-03-15 12:23 pm
Remember that most of ypur enemies will go to Hell, too.
2019-03-17 1:05 pm
Pray fervently that the Holy Spirit enlighten them!
2019-03-16 2:58 pm
heaven doesn't exist

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