If God is supposedly "good", why does he allow evil?

2021-02-15 8:56 pm

Humans do evil because God decided it. God made the world. He decided fate, he decided everything. He knows the future, our minds and everything. He knows how the universe will be destroyed and when. He allows us to do evil and he decided it from the start. It's not the decision of man. It is not free will. Free will is contradictory with God's unlimited omnipotent powers.

回答 (20)

2021-02-15 9:39 pm
Romans 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
2021-02-15 9:05 pm
Because we are made in God's image and therefore we have free will and God will NOT cross your will.  If He wants you to live and you - for example, continually dabble in Satanic things, such as Horoscopes, Ouija boards, mediums, Spiritualism, wizards, spells, etc., which God forbids, then you put YOURSELF IN DANGER.

God has warned us what will harm us in His Word, but if we disobey Him, He permits us to have our way.

That's why it is our own fault when things go wrong, because God gives us these warnings, TO KEEP US SAFE.

He gives us parents for the same reason, so they will bring us up not to do things that will endanger our lives, but often, children disobey and put THEMSELVES in danger.

So the answer to your question is, God is a good God who loves us and doesn't want us to be harmed, but if we WILL GO OUR OWN WAY, He won't cross our will because He's given everyone a free will.

Free will is not contradictory. If God tells a woman she must be in submission to her husband in marriage, and he forbids her to go out at night alone, and she goes, then it's no wonder she gets raped, strangled and murdered, is it?

That's how free will works.  We have a free will to serve God.  When we are born, we do NOT have a free will to love or serve God.  We are all born spiritually dead in Adam's trespasses and sins, and we are born into Satan's kingdom of darkness and in His CAPTIVITY to sin. That's why we need deliverance out of Satan's kingdom of darkness - which God will give us through Christ (Col 1:13 since we can only be made alive IN CHRIST (Ephesians 2: 1 & 5)

That's why Jesus came to set us free, - free from the Devil's bondage of sin, so that we would be free from sin and disobedience, free to obey our parents in the Lord and free to honor our father and mother, and then ALL WILL GO WELL WITH US AND WE WILL HAVE LONG LIFE ON THE EARTH (Ephesians 6: 1 - 3)
2021-02-15 11:22 pm
The Catholic Paradox.... Evil from a perfect God...
“Free Will” is a concept that the Catholic Church invented to explain the paradox that evil exists in a world that was created by a perfect God.
“Free will” is built into Christian theology to take the blame away from their God and make the Human responsible for sin in the world.

But the Church choose to ignore the Old Testament Bible passages that explicitly attributed God with the existence of evil:
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things".
—Isaiah 45:7
"Then God sent an evil spirit".
---Judges 9:23
"Therefore hath the LORD brought upon them all this evil".
---1 Kings 9:9
"Therefore it shall come to pass, that as all good things are come upon you, which the LORD your God promised you; so shall the LORD bring upon you all evil things".
---Joshua 23:15
2021-02-15 9:00 pm
because it's hard to get people to follow your religion if your god isn't good and all powerful so you tell people that he (usually he although occasionally she and once in a while it) is both those things and then hope they don't think about it too hard and ask your question and if they do you come up with a bunch of BS to cover your ɑrse like free will or gods turning head or something to that affect.
2021-02-15 9:31 pm
Isaiah 45:7

God creates evil. It is he who is the evil one.
2021-02-16 10:15 pm
King James Version Bible 1885

Jeremiah Chapter 17

9. The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Mark Chapter 7

21. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,

22. Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:

23. All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.

Jeremiah Chapter 17

10. I the LORD search the heart, [I] try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, [and] according to the fruit of his doings.
2021-02-16 2:05 am
What He allows is free will. Would you prefer that He create us as pre-programmed robots who could do only His will, and not be able to make decisions for ourselves? Any good parent "allows" their child to disobey them, and doesn't love them any less when they do, but teaches them what is right and wrong, and why, just as God does.
2021-02-16 3:12 am
The Bible tells us that HE makes evil - so He's not always good (whatever that means).
2021-02-16 5:10 pm
2021-02-16 4:18 am
Because we can't grow up to be like him without learning to treasure up the good and reject the bad.

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