Why Should Men and Women Be Held Equal?

2021-01-19 4:15 am
Men are stronger, faster, smarter, and more logical than women. The Bible even says that men are superior to women and females only exist to give birth and serve their husbands! Why should they be equal when even God agrees that they're useless and inferior? 

回答 (13)

2021-01-19 4:42 am
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Human beings are human beings and as such have the same rights.
Or should.

Lord Trollington is a troll, a useless and inferior one it seems,  It is right there in his stupid name. 
2021-01-19 5:55 am
No true Christians should detest this advice. 

This arrangement does not make a wife inferior to her husband. It actually helps her to fulfill the role God had in mind for a wife when he said: “It is not good for the man (Adam) to continue to be alone. 

I am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him. Just as Christ, the head of the congregation, displays love, a Christian husband is to exercise loving headship. When he does so, his wife feels secure and finds satisfaction in being respectful, supportive, and submissive. 

Imitating Jesus’ example requires that his followers love one another just as he loved them. Eph. 5:25 

A Christian wife shows respect for her husband’s authority by helping him fulfill his role as family head.

 She does not belittle him, manipulate him, or usurp his position.

 Rather, she is supportive and cooperative. When his decisions are not to her liking, she may respectfully express her thoughts, but she remains submissive.
2021-01-19 4:58 am
The Bible says no such thing, the Bible says men and women are equals.
2021-01-19 6:39 am
The Bible says God created men and women in His own image, and therefore equal. You do realize that men would not exist without women, right?
2021-01-19 5:09 am
It's bad form to defend your position with a being that you don't believe actually exists. The Bible doesn't say that, nor does Christianity teach that. Using my religion to back your atheistic misogyny is just despicable. But my religion says we are equal in God's eyes. Even the parts of the Bible that you atheists like to pick out of context are actually endorsing equality of women.  
2021-01-19 5:01 am
Please show me the place where it says that men are superior to women and females only exist to give birth in the Bible.  Oh wait...Duh...There is no place where it says that.

It does say that wives are suppose to obey their husbands.  But in the verse right before that it says to married couples "Obey one another."  It then spends three verses on how a wife "obeys" her husband by meaning his number one emotional need of respect.  It then spends 9 verses showing how a husband "obeys" his wife by meeting her number one emotion need by loving her and how he is to sacrifice his life for her.  

What the Bible actually says is " In Christ there is no male or female."  We are equal before him.
2021-01-19 4:18 am
If the only kind of trolling you know how to do is shock trolling intended to make people angry, you can't really call yourself lord.
2021-01-19 4:18 am
2021-01-19 5:04 am
you're not married are ya?
2021-01-19 4:56 am
Please site some references to your claims.
2021-01-19 4:25 am
I can debunk that about logic, because I am the logical one and my husband is not. However, he has a lot of common sense and I lack in that department.  As for smart? There are some men who are indeed smarter than some women and there are some women who are smarter than some men.

As for strength. Well, there are many women who are body builders, so I guess that also debunks the theory that men are stronger than all women, however, it is true that men are stronger than the average woman and my husband is certainly stronger.

Talking of giving birth. Even though I have never been through this, I think that if you question a man who has gone through a program where he feels the pain, he would say that women are amazing for what they have to go through.

It is imperfection: Romans 5:12 that causes these problems, but in fact to our Creator, men and women are equal in His Eyes, but it is true that He has put man in charge of spiritual things ie the head of the householder and that is logical, because someone has to be the head and woman comes from man.

I am sure that you are in no danger of having a woman in your life or if you have, you won't for long, judging by how you disrespect the fairer sex.

By the way, although the bible refers to the female as the weaker sex. Think of it this way: the difference between a beer glass and a wine glass. Now, no one would say that a wine glass is inferior, but certainly would say more delicate. A beer glass would not be treated with as much care and that is what that scripture refers to.
2021-01-19 4:20 am
Yes, men are superior to women in certain areas and women are superior to men in other areas. You were created to protect and serve US. Grow tf up dumbtard. 😙🖕
2021-01-19 4:55 am
Typical of one who is lacking in theirs to attempt to validate it in beliefs and ignorance. The bible is not the "first" presentation of creation by mankind for the "first" was of Adam and Lilith who were created as equal but I can see by your question you buy into the Theistic insecurity of man.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:10:06
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