Is is true now we are very close to climate change?

2019-06-27 2:05 pm

回答 (13)

2019-06-27 9:11 pm
Well the Sun is going into a cooling cycle called a solar grand minimum. I have read where this cycle is supposed to start in 2020 and last for at least 10 years, with with cold winters and shorter summer seasons.
2019-06-27 2:13 pm
Climate change is happening. Climate change has always happened. Climate change will continue to happen. If it weren't for climate change humans would not exist.

Now, if you want to talk about human activity affecting climate change, then that is a different story and a different question.
2019-06-29 7:55 am
It's already happening.

And, no, what is happening is not normal, like the past.
2019-06-28 2:33 am
Only if you live on planet earth in the present or at anytime in the past.
2019-06-27 10:27 pm
Climates are already changing. You can see maps that show that in the link in the comment below.
2019-06-27 2:26 pm
Its already started
2019-07-02 6:31 am
Yes. I got really close to climate change but when I moved suddenly to take a pic, it ran off into the forest.
2019-07-10 1:32 am
No, we are IN it.
2019-06-28 5:53 am
Yes , It is Summer
2019-06-27 9:01 pm
Been there, done that......where you been??
2019-06-27 8:41 pm
For the people who care the world is going to be a better place and the climate will not get ruined but that is all I am allowed to say. Change will happen and those who are negative will drop out of your life and be more positive and see something amazing. You do not know who I am but have an assignment to help this happen and by end of this year will meet the one who told me about this and take the ones I love to meet him too.
2019-06-27 5:07 pm
climate change is already happening, but will be irreversible within the next 10-11 years
2019-06-27 2:08 pm
Yes. I can see people emotion are affected by it. They are more irritating and annoying.

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