Is there really any proof for evolution?

2019-04-20 2:24 pm

回答 (29)

2019-04-20 10:35 pm
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No. White ppl just make up stuff as they go along and then pass it off as history. And other uneducated idiots soak it up and believe it

They don't have enough common sense to be believable. And no im not black or white so you can save the usual weak replies from the usual weak people
2019-04-20 4:13 pm
Yes, a great deal of it.

Biological evolution is observable, testable and repeatable. There is evidence in physics, geology, archaeology, history, chemistry and every one of the many dozens of branches of biological science.
As answerer "Leo" mentioned it is confirmed by DNA analysis, but also DNA reveals the "rate" of evolutionary mutations for each species.
2019-04-20 2:27 pm
Absolutely. DNA analysis alone proves that it occurred.
2019-04-20 6:00 pm
Yes, of course. We know that allele frequencies in populations change over time. We even have a laundry list of why.
2019-04-21 2:09 am
Of course there is - but, do you even understand what biological evolution is? Do you have a decent understanding of genetics? Because you asked this question, both answers must be NO.
2019-04-20 2:39 pm
Scientific theories are corroborated rather than proven, but evolution is well-corroborated, yes. For instance, DNA strands from closely related species stick together more firmly than more distantly related ones because of the similarity in the codons and immune reactions to blood proteins are stronger if an animal has been exposed to a related species because of the corresponding proteome. Another example is that the descendants of people born by C-section due to small pelvises are more likely to need C-sections themselves.
2019-04-21 8:26 am
Science does not deal in "proof"; proof is for mathematics and logic, not the real world. Instead, science deals in evidence and the evidence for organic evolution is overwhelming. Further, organic evolution explains pretty much everything in the field of biology, making it the strongest theory in all of science.
2019-04-20 5:36 pm
2019-04-20 6:26 pm
Evolution has perhaps more evidence supporting it than any of the other sciences.
All one need do is research that evidence. then form your own conclusion.
Thats what a theory consist of, enough evidence to come to some intelligent conclusion.
Hard evidence yield a theory taken to fact.
2019-04-20 8:02 pm
Yes, there is a huge amount of evidence to support it.
2019-04-20 11:45 pm
They often claim: “Evolution is just as substantiated as the theory of gravity,” and they like to play on that word “theory.” But, everyone has observed an object falling at 9.8 meters per second squared. On the other hand, no one has observed life come from non-life (chemical evolution), or functional complex design come from non-intelligence, or the supposed common descent of all life. They are failing to differentiate between operational science (such as gravity) and historical science (interpreting evidence from the past). And, by the way, gravity as a scientific concept (an attractive force between two masses) was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton who just so happened to be a creationist. We have no problem with observable repeatable science. Our problem is with the Darwinian story-telling about the past.


Microevolution versus Macroevolution
2019-04-20 2:33 pm
No proof, so you will need a lot of faith to buy into that crazy theory. Actually, "blind faith."

Of course, that's why they call it a "theory."

If it could be supported, they would call it a FACT. But they can't do that. No proof is available.

2019-04-20 3:02 pm
You're proof that trolls evolve.
2019-04-20 2:38 pm
No. There is lots of proof against it.
2019-04-22 1:30 am
the question is- "how did life come about?"
you got 3 possible answers
1) it evolved
2) goddidit
3)I done know

1) has got a LOT of evidence
2) has got zero evidence (do you have any actual evidence a "god" exists - do you have ANY idea how it created life? - all the bible basically says is that "an entity existing nowhere created life from nothing using magic" if you hear ANYBODY claiming more than this then they are just inventing stuff)

so take your pick of the answers

it dont make sense to reject 1) cos of lack of proof, but then accept 2) that dont even have any evidence

so if you dont believe the evidence for 1) the most logical answer has to be "I dont know" (how life came to be).
2019-04-21 10:48 pm
Yes, there really is proof for evolution. Is is provided by all the evidence in the fossil record and in comparative genomics.

Creationists claim that the fossil record is the result of the (mythical) biblical flood, but there is NO way that flood could have formed the thousands of geological strata--which were formed by several different processes,not all of them a result of water--in which fossils are found.

But most significantly, you will not find, for example, ANY fossils of ANY of the 5,000 present-day species of mammals, INCLUDING HUMAN, in the same strata in which dinosaur fossils are found ANYWHERE in the world. The only mammal fossils that are found in the same strata with dinosaur fossils are of relatively small early types having no clear relationship with any of the present-day species.

The mammals did not come into their own and eventually evolve into the present-day species until long after the demise of the non-avian dinosaurs.

That includes humans. The fossil record is clear in showing that humans evolved from a common ancestor with the apes over a period of of around 6 million years, with modern-type humans arising around 300,000 years ago. See the image and the video below for some of that fossil evidence.

The evolution of humans is also shown by numerous examples from the genetic evidence.

Here is just one example of the genetic evidence. Creationists had made an issue of all of the great apes having 24 pairs of chromosomes, but humans having 23 pairs. However, human chromosome 2 is the result of the combining end to end of two homologous ape chromosomes after the split from the common ape ancestor. There is a non-functioning remnant of a centromere in the human chromosome in the same place the functioning centromere is in the chimp chromosome, and there is a non-functioning remnant of telomere in where the functioning telemeres are in the chimp chromosomes. See the comparison of the chromosomes in the image below.
2019-04-20 7:54 pm
Which extremist sect or cult indoctrinated you to believe that God was not clever enough to use the big bang, evolution and science as his tools?

Pope Francis says the theories of evolution and the Big Bang are real and God is not “a magician with a magic wand” putting an end to the “pseudo theories” of creationism and intelligent design! So the Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept the big bang and evolution!

Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!
Christian Fundamentalist is a complete contradiction in terms!

CHRISTIAN – A follower or believer in Jesus.

FUNDAMENTALIST One who believes the Bible is literally true and must be followed exactly.

Therefore they are followers of the bible and not Jesus making them non Christians!

But worse is to follow it also makes them ideologists.

IDEOLOGY An idea that is false or held for the wrong reasons but is believed with such conviction as to be irrefutable.

So Christians have a loving and forgiving god and fundamentalist - well - Just are not Christians!
2019-04-20 4:38 pm
There are both virtual and literal mountains of evidence for evolution--it is probably the most well supported theory in science, correlated across numerous scientific fields. And you know what? You could learn all about it by picking up a textbook and doing some reading, instead of remaining willfully ignorant of it.
2019-04-22 10:07 am
Yes, there is tons of evidence and it is all easily accessible on the internet. Just make sure your source is credible.
2019-04-20 2:35 pm
Only if you visit West Virginia.
2019-04-20 2:33 pm
I will put it this way.

If you want a Nobel Prize, come up with a better explanation for the origin of life that evolution.

People deny evolution because they haven't figured out that the Genesis passage was written to people who were herding sheep 3000 years ago. These sheep herders did not know about quantum relativity, string theory, Higg's boson or time frames of billions of years. The purpose of the Genesis account is about who (God) made the Universe, not about when or how He made it.

The Time line of Creation

Although, you can also get a Nobel Prize for disproving anthropocentric global warming. And get a billion dollar check for doing so.
2019-04-22 8:56 am
The life is completely static.
Evolution has no any scientific proof.
Transgene is the rule of biology.
Racism is the brand of Darwin's time
In polluted environment, the vaccine is racial segregation.
The only proof is racial slave.
2019-04-20 10:03 pm
Yes, loads. Many things evolve. Life is evidently one of those things. Life has not stayed the same forever. It is not static, unchanging, and it is not, in a gross sense, either chaotic or cyclical, so evolution is the best word for it.

It is what it is. Why is it that, particularly, is the fun question, what we can argue about. But that life has evolved, is not open to argument if you accept what we see as reflecting reality.
2019-04-24 12:36 am
Start with something simple, say flightless birds. Track back their evolution. Oh look, they came from birds of fight. How did that happen?
2019-04-21 6:20 pm
Its logical validity.
2019-04-21 7:10 am
Yes. One obvious example: they make new inoculations against the flu every year, because the flu-viruses mutate.
2019-04-21 6:09 am
2019-04-21 1:04 am
Yes, it is know to be a real thing. Don't confuse that with the fact that there is a theory about it. There are there theories about, for instance, gravity, this does not call into question its existence. Try to grasp the difference.
2019-04-20 9:17 pm
Yes .. lots.
I suggest that you:
1) Visit a Natural History Museum.
2) Watch Nature programmes on TV
3) Read some books about it

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