Okay, greenies...Lay it down for us in black n' white: What can we possibly do to stop climate change?

2019-09-21 7:09 am

回答 (21)

2019-09-22 8:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Stop producing cars at a MIND BLOWING PACE would help. Do you know? The car plant in Oxford located in Cowley, southeast Oxford, England, is producing 1000 minis EVER SINGLE DAY. The plant is now owned by the German carmaker BMW.

God only knows what all the other car plants over the world are churning out EVERY DAY. We are on a suicide mission, the earth's had enough of us and the abuse we have given it over such a short time. Its now showing US what it can REALLY DO.
2019-09-21 7:12 am
Get rid of all the democrats blowing hot air..
2019-09-21 8:17 am
Pay more taxes to greedy democrats
2019-09-21 8:49 am
Live like cavemen.
2019-09-21 7:10 am
Dont use plastic strawz
2019-09-21 8:09 am
Wire one of those NEST learning thermostats to the sun?

It's probably what King Canute would've done if he was alive today.....
2019-09-21 9:28 am
Reduce carbon emissions? It's a pretty consistent message (unlike what we hear from so-called "skeptics"). 
2019-09-21 1:11 pm
Use clean energy sources, such as solar, hydro and nuclear power.
2019-09-21 11:11 pm
Sorry, there is nothing that you can do that would make a significant difference.

There are some that will say, "If everyone would just..." But it is impossible to get everyone or every nation to work to decrease global temperatures and sea level rise.

Present human activities will continue; ocean pollution and acidification, population increases, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, penicillin resistance, production of new (and old) deadly chemicals, over-fishing the oceans, infrastructure deterioration, aquifer depletion, choking landfills and of course, burning of fossil fuels.
Almost every nation will continue getting farther into debt faster than its economy can grow, refuse to shield their electric infrastructure from solar flares, continue deforestation and importing foreign species.

► The best that you can do is to take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.
2019-09-21 12:01 pm
It's coming now no matter what we do, of course we can do things to avoid the worst affects, maybe. I don't think we'll do a thing - just watch the earth erode over a generation or two - a testament to the profound ignorance embraced by trump and his minions
republicans are total losers
2019-09-21 5:57 pm
I think go some where and stay there where there,s is always a beatiful air, with a good greeny scenery.
2019-09-21 8:28 am
reduce consumption of pretty much everything: cars, meat, factories, electricity.. Quit working your behind off just to make the rich richer.
2019-09-24 7:25 pm
At its simplest, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, globally despite denier’s best conspiracy theories, of this all being a government plot, governments are actually moving slowly. Industry is moving faster on it own.
Car companies are stating to go electric, several plan to be all electric within 5-6 years. Aircraft have been a bit slower but they also plan to be at least partly electric in about a decade. Given the nature of the elective engine, an electric plane should be quite a bit safer and more reliable than complicated fuel powered engines

I wonder if “anonymous” reference to “live like a caveman” meant cavemen had electric aircraft!
2019-09-22 8:16 am
The damage is done already ,Reduce population size the rest will fall nicely
2019-09-21 10:08 pm
I invest my money in British Aerospace. They make bombs and rockets which blow up oil refineries and things.
2019-09-21 8:28 am
nothing . we have already passed the point of no return . humanity is doomed , we have less than 20 years before the worldwide crop failures starts starving billions . even the secret government bunkers will eventually run out of food and the last of humanity turns to dust . the deniers die too .
2019-12-10 5:45 am
2019-09-25 4:28 am
Stop breeding. The HUGE elephant in the room is that the world is overpopulated and its getting much worse.
2019-09-22 3:32 am
Tell Al Gore he’s farting too much.
2019-09-21 6:40 pm
Please care about recycling so planet earth does not suffer ecological crisis.
2019-09-21 1:49 pm
We can't. We should get prepared for what's already happening, but this situation is already baked into the cake. What we have, besides a failure to communicate is what's called a 'high equilibrium trap'. Our world for at least the next quarter century will continue to use vast amounts of fossil fuels and at the same time add millions more people to the world population. CO2, methane and other green house gasses will continue to be added to our already heavy load of these gases in our paper thin atmosphere. We can't stop using fossil fuel as the world depends on this power source, so no realistic policy can be formulated to reduce much of these emissions. On the other side of the equation is this: We WILL come to a point of what may well be a runaway climate change... that's a fixed outcome.

I suspect our government knows this at some to secret level, but creating a panic isn't what governments do. So, in a way it might be better to allow at least some factions of our population to believe its all a hoax... it's not... sad, but true!

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:41:18
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