Climate Change - where is the empirical evidence that "climate change is real, man made and dangerous" as stated by Obama?

2020-07-19 8:02 pm
Resultant sea level rise is apparently only a danger when in political office. Once out the threat vanishes and you can buy coastal property. Here is Obama's.  

回答 (13)

2020-07-19 9:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
it's a theory, no real proof.
2020-07-19 9:07 pm
That house is 300' from the ocean, which could easily be subject to flooding now.  The people on JooTube say that the entire state of Florida will be underwater, but somehow this house isn't a problem. 
2020-07-19 9:55 pm
Obama used it to make money
2020-07-19 8:35 pm
He just debunked AGW right there. 
2020-07-20 6:43 am
People have asked this same silly question multiple times. That house appears to be several meters above sea level. We'll be conservative and say 2 meters.  Right now the rate of sea level rise is accelerating and is about 3.4 mm/year.  Since it's accelerating let's be conservative again and use 10 mm/year.  How long would the Obamas live there? Barack is 58 now, so let's say another 30 years.  That means that perhaps sea level will rise 30 cm during the time they live there.  While that is significant, it doesn't appear that it will threaten the house.  Considering how many people like you there are, they could probably sell at a profit at the end of that time.

Clearly your question doesn't hold water.
2020-07-20 7:12 am
It's published in thousands of articles in hundreds (or more) of scientific journals.
Try picking one up some time.

Incidentally, the house in your picture is not on the ocean.  It's on a body of water called "Edgartown Great Pond."  That horizontal line just below the top of the photo is the natural barrier that separates them.  Sea level would have to rise enough to overtop the barrier before the water level in the pond would even begin to rise.

Both of the Obamas - and probably their grandchildren as well - would be dead before the pond rose enough as a result to even flood the lawn, much less the house.
2020-07-19 11:13 pm
All over the place, in papers produced by scientists.  Ignore what any politician says; it will be second hand at best.  Follow the science!
2020-07-19 9:54 pm
 Nature is an integral and interconnected system which functions in a balanced way. A simple example is the food chain. Vegetation relies on a favorable environment to grow, herbivores eat plants, carnivores eat herbivores. If you disrupt the chain by polluting, some plants die, and the herbivores starve, which makes the carnivores starve.
Humanity, as part of this system, has been out of balance with nature for decades. We pollute and exploit and think that we are above Nature and don't need to adhere to its laws. Climate change with its weather extremes and now the Coronavirus are showing us that we are very much part of Nature and need to change our ways. The pandemic is showing us that we need to be more considerate of each other by wearing a mask to protect others in case we have it and others do the same for us. This simple gesture of care for each other will, in effect, stop the virus from spreading...  We need to change or Nature will continue to 'nudge' us until we do.
2020-07-19 8:03 pm
It's a hoax like covid, right?
2020-07-20 7:48 am
republicans really ARE misguided fools
2020-07-22 12:02 am
climate change global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the High school dropout Greta
2020-07-24 8:37 am
There's a lot of proof that littering contributes to air pollution, and pollution in general, but there's no proof that it 100% caused climate change. It could be natural. It's hard to tell. A lot of things contribute to pollution but does pollution contribute to climate change? We have tons of things that contribute to pollution. Such as cars, for example. Cars may be a good source for transportation but yet they do an awful amount of damage because of the car exhaust. Then, that contributes to air pollution which then contributes to respiratory diseases such as asthma, etc. 
2020-07-21 7:08 pm
Look at a picture of the Swiss Alps from 1920, then 2020.  The snow is gone!

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