How does the corona-virus survive,? I heard or read it's not biologically alive.?

2020-05-07 9:12 am

what are viruses made from to be able to perform functions..  ?

回答 (5)

2020-05-07 9:48 am
That is correct. Viruses are not technically alive. They are complex molecules that can cause the body of a particular host species to generate duplicates of the viral molecule.
2020-05-07 9:14 am
viruses survive by invading cells and taking over the functions of the cell to make more viruses
2020-05-10 4:04 am
No viruses are biologically alive by scientific definition of alive. They're like active or inactive strands of RNA (not DNA) but if they get into a host with cells (viruses have no cells), then they can reproduce. Viruses depend on living animals to subsist but can't live on their own.
2020-05-08 4:05 am
It is active only when inside a living host - outside, it degrades after a few days - but it spreads from host to host in crowded situations like bat caves.
2020-05-07 9:47 am
probably cause its spreading everywhere

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:41:00
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