Even if I type "global warming" any searching question about the fraud gets shoved into the financial section. Why?

2020-08-06 1:14 am

This one appears to have got through presumably because it doesn't address the monumental flaws in cult credo, lol

回答 (5)

2020-08-06 1:36 am
because global warming is a financial scheme
2020-08-06 1:21 am
I might add I think alarmists cause deaths by diverting public monies from medical research to feed their voracious appetites. Imagine what these trillions of dollars could have done for cancer research. What dreadful people


If no empirical evidence exists for man made climate doom but people pretend failed climate models are to attract public monies it is defacto fraud. 
No peer reviewed paper based on empirical evidence exists for Obama's declaration "climate change is real, man made and dangerous" he was suckered in as a patsy to sign the cheques.
Of course you could always prove me wrong by producing the requisite empirical evidence or repeatable experiment as per the demands of genuine science but didn't you obfuscate and fail last time? Oh that's right you did 
Public monies should go to proven issues like medical research not frittered away on science bereft fraud you and your ilk are killing people 

Oh look!! still no empirical evidence - how unexpected, lol
2020-08-06 9:35 am
And thats exactly what it is, a fraud.
2020-08-06 3:00 am
If you use the term "fraud" in any question then YA probably has some sort of matching algorithm that guesses that it's a financial question, since that's what fraud typically refers to.

Of course, the idea that it is "fraud" or a hoax is ludicrous and shows your own inability to research the subject and understand evidence.

EDIT for  AFRICAN (answering his own question): What "trillions of dollars" are you talking about?  If you would like to talk about REAL trillions of dollars, rather than your imaginary ones, the U.S. spent more than 2 trillion dollars on the Iraq War--which killed thousands of Americans, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, and created ISIS--good job Bush!

Another EDIT: I am sorry that you don't really understand what empirical evidence is, but there is a vast amount of evidence that shows the fossil fuel usage by humans is warming the planet. Read some texts, take some classes, you're just flailing around making ludicrous claims because you haven't studied the science. Have you taken any college level science courses?
2020-08-06 10:35 am
republicans are dupes

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