Why do all gods all seem so incompetant at godding? It's their job.?

2019-06-16 9:30 am

Who do all gods seem so incompetant at godding? It's their job!

回答 (16)

2019-06-16 10:07 am
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As pertains to your question, the fact is they are fabrications of the human inagination, and therefore have all the faults of humans.
2019-06-16 9:32 am
Cos the men who invented them were ignorant, stupid and incompetent.
2019-06-16 9:31 am
Maybe they're really good at it, your just incompetent at understanding them.
2019-06-16 9:35 am
"Things that I don't like happen so God not real"
2019-06-16 9:49 am
I want to see what Rolexeo has to say about it before I commit myself.
2019-06-16 2:28 pm
What non-existent things are supposed to do / make?
2019-06-16 11:41 am
The buck always passes to the next generation with another take on god....it's the way of the world.
2019-06-16 10:12 am
Usually it's the fault of the viewer.

2019-06-16 9:39 am
Not ALL, only the fake ones
2019-06-16 9:37 am
You can ask God when you see him.
2019-06-16 9:35 am
What are they doing that you don't like?
2019-06-16 9:34 am
Yeah just like almost every area of the Earth gets “just enough rain” for plants to grow. Do you think that is chance? No it is not.
2019-06-16 9:32 am
It's because you need to think you are better than God. Lots of people have thought that
2019-06-16 10:45 am
There is only one true Creator God, The creator of the world and all things in it including you. All others are supposed to be incompetant because they are fakes.
2019-06-16 9:56 am
I know - right - it's almost like they aren't even there.
2019-06-16 9:36 am
All gods are man made and since they are made up they can't actually do a DAMN thing in reality now can they?

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